॥ ভগবদ্গীতা শব্দার্থসূচী ॥
The following list of words from Bhagavadgita is arranged sequentially as
দেবনাগরী (Transliteration) = meaning.
ওঁ (OM) = indication of the Supreme
ওঁ (OM) = the combination of letters om (omkara)
ওঁ (OM) = beginning with om
ওঁকার (OMkAra) = the syllable om
অংশ (a.nsha) = a part
অংশঃ (a.nshaH) = fragmental particle
অংশুমান্ (a.nshumAn) = radiant
অংশেন (a.nshena) = part
অকর্তারং (akartAraM) = as the nondoer
অকর্তারং (akartAraM) = the nondoer
অকর্ম (akarma) = inaction
অকর্মকৃত্ (akarmakR^it) = without doing something
অকর্মণঃ (akarmaNaH) = without work.
অকর্মণঃ (akarmaNaH) = of inaction
অকর্মণঃ (akarmaNaH) = than no work
অকর্মণি (akarmaNi) = in inaction
অকর্মণি (akarmaNi) = in not doing prescribed duties.
অকল্মষং (akalmaShaM) = freed from all past sinful reactions.
অকারঃ (akAraH) = the first letter
অকার্য (akArya) = and forbidden activities
অকার্যং (akAryaM) = what ought not to be done
অকার্যে (akArye) = and what ought not to be done
অকীর্তি (akIrti) = infamy
অকীর্তিং (akIrtiM) = infamy
অকীর্তিঃ (akIrtiH) = ill fame
অকুর্বত (akurvata) = did they do
অকুশলং (akushalaM) = inauspicious
অকৃতবুদ্ধিত্বাত্ (akR^itabuddhitvAt) = due to unintelligence
অকৃতাত্মানঃ (akR^itAtmAnaH) = those without self-realization
অকৃতেন (akR^itena) = without discharge of duty
অকৃত্স্নবিদাঃ (akR^itsnavidAH) = persons with a poor
fund of knowledge
অক্রিয়াঃ (akriyAH) = without duty.
অক্রোধঃ (akrodhaH) = freedom from anger
অক্লেদ্যঃ (akledyaH) = insoluble
অখিলং (akhilaM) = in totality
অখিলং (akhilaM) = entirely.
অখিলং (akhilaM) = entirely
অগত (agata) = not past
অগ্নি (agni) = by the fire
অগ্নিঃ (agniH) = fire
অগ্নিষু (agniShu) = in the fires
অগ্নৌ (agnau) = in the fire of consummation
অগ্নৌ (agnau) = in the fire of
অগ্নৌ (agnau) = in the fire
অগ্নৌ (agnau) = in fire
অগ্রং (agraM) = at the tip
অগ্রে (agre) = in the beginning
অঘং (aghaM) = grievous sins
অঘায়ুঃ (aghAyuH) = whose life is full of sins
অঙ্গানি (aN^gAni) = limbs
অচরং (acharaM) = and not moving
অচরং (acharaM) = not moving
অচরস্য (acharasya) = and nonmoving
অচলং (achalaM) = immovable
অচলং (achalaM) = unmoving
অচলং (achalaM) = steady
অচলঃ (achalaH) = immovable
অচলপ্রতিষ্ঠং (achalapratiShThaM) = steadily situated
অচলা (achalA) = unflinching
অচলেন (achalena) = without its being deviated
অচাপলং (achApalaM) = determination
অচিন্ত্য (achintya) = inconceivable
অচিন্ত্যং (achintyaM) = inconceivable
অচিন্ত্যঃ (achintyaH) = inconceivable
অচিরেণ (achireNa) = very soon
অচেতসঃ (achetasaH) = without KRiShNa consciousness.
অচেতসঃ (achetasaH) = having a misled mentality
অচেতসঃ (achetasaH) = having undeveloped minds.
অচ্ছেদ্যঃ (achChedyaH) = unbreakable
অচ্যুত (achyuta) = O infallible one
অচ্যুত (achyuta) = O infallible KRiShNa
অজং (ajaM) = unborn
অজঃ (ajaH) = unborn
অজস্রং (ajasraM) = forever
অজানতা (ajAnatA) = without knowing
অজানন্তঃ (ajAnantaH) = without knowing
অজানন্তঃ (ajAnantaH) = without spiritual knowledge
অজানন্তঃ (ajAnantaH) = not knowing
অণীয়াংসং (aNIyA.nsaM) = smaller
অণোঃ (aNoH) = than the atom
অত ঊর্ধ্বং (ata UrdhvaM) = thereafter
অতঃ পরং (ataH paraM) = hereafter.
অতঃ (ataH) = therefore
অতঃ (ataH) = from this
অতত্ত্বার্থবত্ (atattvArthavat) = without knowledge of reality
অতন্দ্রিতঃ (atandritaH) = with great care
অতপস্কায় (atapaskAya) = to one who is not austere
অতি মানিতা (ati mAnitA) = expectation of honor
অতি (ati) = greatly
অতি (ati) = too much
অতি (ati) = too
অতিতরন্তি (atitaranti) = transcend
অতিরিচ্যতে (atirichyate) = becomes more.
অতিবর্ততে (ativartate) = transcends.
অতীতঃ (atItaH) = transcendental
অতীতঃ (atItaH) = surpassed
অতীতঃ (atItaH) = having transcended
অতীত্য (atItya) = transcending
অতীন্দ্রিয়ং (atIndriyaM) = transcendental
অতীব (atIva) = very, very
অত্যন্তং (atyantaM) = the highest
অত্যর্থং (atyarthaM) = highly
অত্যাগিনাং (atyAginAM) = for those who are not renounced
অত্যুষ্ণ (atyuShNa) = very hot
অত্যেতি (atyeti) = surpasses
অত্র (atra) = in this matter
অত্র (atra) = in this
অত্র (atra) = here
অথ (atha) = also
অথ (atha) = if, therefore
অথ (atha) = if, however
অথ (atha) = even though
অথ (atha) = then
অথ (atha) = thereupon
অথ (atha) = therefore
অথ (atha) = but
অথবা (athavA) = or
অথৌ (athau) = or in other words
অদম্ভিত্বং (adambhitvaM) = pridelessness
অদর্শঃ (adarshaH) = mirror
অদক্ষিণং (adakShiNaM) = with no remunerations to the priests
অদাহ্যঃ (adAhyaH) = unable to be burned
অদৃষ্ট (adR^iShTa) = that you have not seen
অদৃষ্টপূর্বং (adR^iShTapUrvaM) = never seen before
অদেশ (adesha) = at an unpurified place
অদ্ভুত (adbhuta) = wonderful
অদ্ভুতং (adbhutaM) = wonderful
অদ্য (adya) = today
অদ্রোহঃ (adrohaH) = freedom from envy
অদ্বেষ্টা (adveShTA) = nonenvious
অধঃ (adhaH) = downward
অধঃ (adhaH) = downwards
অধঃ (adhaH) = down
অধমাং (adhamAM) = condemned
অধর্ম (adharma) = irreligion
অধর্মং (adharmaM) = irreligion
অধর্মঃ (adharmaH) = irreligion
অধর্মস্য (adharmasya) = of irreligion
অধিকং (adhikaM) = more
অধিকঃ (adhikaH) = greater
অধিকতরঃ (adhikataraH) = very much
অধিকারঃ (adhikAraH) = right
অধিগচ্ছতি (adhigachChati) = attains.
অধিগচ্ছতি (adhigachChati) = is promoted.
অধিগচ্ছতি (adhigachChati) = one attains.
অধিগচ্ছতি (adhigachChati) = does attain.
অধিদৈবং (adhidaivaM) = governing all the demigods
অধিদৈবং (adhidaivaM) = the demigods
অধিদৈবতং (adhidaivataM) = called adhidaiva
অধিভূতং (adhibhUtaM) = the physical manifestation
অধিভূতং (adhibhUtaM) = the material manifestation
অধিয়জ্ঞঃ (adhiyaj~naH) = the Supersoul
অধিয়জ্ঞঃ (adhiyaj~naH) = the Lord of sacrifice
অধিষ্ঠানং (adhiShThAnaM) = the place
অধিষ্ঠানং (adhiShThAnaM) = sitting place
অধিষ্ঠায় (adhiShThAya) = being situated in
অধিষ্ঠায় (adhiShThAya) = being so situated
অধ্যয়নৈঃ (adhyayanaiH) = or Vedic study
অধ্যক্ষেণ (adhyakSheNa) = by superintendence
অধ্যাত্ম (adhyAtma) = in spiritual knowledge
অধ্যাত্ম (adhyAtma) = with full knowledge of the self
অধ্যাত্ম (adhyAtma) = pertaining to the self
অধ্যাত্ম (adhyAtma) = spiritual
অধ্যাত্মং (adhyAtmaM) = transcendental
অধ্যাত্মং (adhyAtmaM) = the self
অধ্যাত্মবিদ্যা (adhyAtmavidyA) = spiritual knowledge
অধ্যেষ্যতে (adhyeShyate) = will study
অধ্রুবং (adhruvaM) = temporary.
অনঘ (anagha) = O sinless one.
অনঘ (anagha) = O sinless one
অনন্ত (ananta) = unlimited
অনন্ত (ananta) = O unlimited
অনন্তং (anantaM) = unlimited
অনন্তঃ (anantaH) = Ananta
অনন্তরং (anantaraM) = thereafter.
অনন্তরূপ (anantarUpa) = O unlimited form.
অনন্তরূপং (anantarUpaM) = unlimited form
অনন্তবিজয়ং (anantavijayaM) = the conch named Ananta-vijaya
অনন্তবীর্যা (anantavIryA) = unlimited potency
অনন্তাঃ (anantAH) = unlimited
অনন্যচেতাঃ (ananyachetAH) = without deviation of the mind
অনন্যভাক্ (ananyabhAk) = without deviation
অনন্যমনসঃ (ananyamanasaH) = without deviation of the mind
অনন্যয়া (ananyayA) = unalloyed, undeviating
অনন্যয়া (ananyayA) = without being mixed with fruitive
activities or speculative knowledge
অনন্যয়োগেন (ananyayogena) = by unalloyed devotional service
অনন্যাঃ (ananyAH) = having no other object
অনন্যেন (ananyena) = without division
অনপেক্ষঃ (anapekShaH) = neutral
অনপেক্ষ্য (anapekShya) = without considering the consequences
অনভিশ্বঙ্গঃ (anabhishvaN^gaH) = being without association
অনভিসন্ধায় (anabhisandhAya) = without desiring
অনভিস্নেহঃ (anabhisnehaH) = without affection
অনয়োঃ (anayoH) = of them
অনলঃ (analaH) = fire
অনলেন (analena) = by the fire
অনবলোকয়ান্ (anavalokayAn) = not looking
অনবাপ্তং (anavAptaM) = wanted
অনশ্নতঃ (anashnataH) = abstaining from eating
অনসুয়বে (anasuyave) = to the nonenvious
অনসূয়ঃ (anasUyaH) = not envious
অনসূয়ন্তঃ (anasUyantaH) = without envy
অনহংবাদি (anaha.nvAdi) = without false ego
অনহঙ্কারঃ (anahaN^kAraH) = being without false egoism
অনাত্মনঃ (anAtmanaH) = of one who has failed to control the mind
অনাদি (anAdi) = without beginning
অনাদি (anAdi) = beginningless
অনাদিং (anAdiM) = without beginning
অনাদিত্বাত্ (anAditvAt) = due to eternity
অনাময়ং (anAmayaM) = without any sinful reaction
অনাময়ং (anAmayaM) = without miseries.
অনারম্ভাত্ (anArambhAt) = by nonperformance
অনার্য (anArya) = persons who do not know the value of life
অনাবৃত্তিং (anAvR^ittiM) = to no return
অনাবৃত্তিং (anAvR^ittiM) = no return
অনাশিনঃ (anAshinaH) = never to be destroyed
অনাশ্রিতঃ (anAshritaH) = without taking shelter
অনিকেতঃ (aniketaH) = having no residence
অনিচ্ছন্ (anichChan) = without desiring
অনিত্যং (anityaM) = temporary
অনিত্যঃ (anityaH) = nonpermanent
অনির্দেশ্যং (anirdeshyaM) = indefinite
অনির্বিণ্ণচেতস (anirviNNachetasa) = without deviation
অনিষ্ট (aniShTa) = and undesirable
অনিষ্টং (aniShTaM) = leading to hell
অনীশ্বরং (anIshvaraM) = with no controller
অনুকম্পার্থং (anukampArthaM) = to show special mercy
অনুচিন্তয়ন্ (anuchintayan) = constantly thinking of.
অনুতিষ্ঠন্তি (anutiShThanti) = execute regularly
অনুতিষ্ঠন্তি (anutiShThanti) = regularly perform
অনুত্তমং (anuttamaM) = the finest.
অনুত্তমাং (anuttamAM) = the highest
অনুদর্শনং (anudarshanaM) = observing
অনুদ্বিগ্নমনাঃ (anudvignamanAH) = without being agitated in mind
অনুদ্বেগকরং (anudvegakaraM) = not agitating
অনুপকারিণে (anupakAriNe) = irrespective of return
অনুপশ্যতি (anupashyati) = one tries to see through authority
অনুপশ্যতি (anupashyati) = sees properly
অনুপশ্যন্তি (anupashyanti) = can see
অনুপশ্যামি (anupashyAmi) = do I foresee
অনুপ্রপন্নাঃ (anuprapannAH) = following
অনুবন্ধং (anubandhaM) = of future bondage
অনুবন্ধীনি (anubandhIni) = bound
অনুবন্ধে (anubandhe) = at the end
অনুমন্তা (anumantA) = permitter
অনুরজ্যতে (anurajyate) = is becoming attached
অনুলেপনং (anulepanaM) = smeared with
অনুবর্ততে (anuvartate) = follows in the footsteps.
অনুবর্তন্তে (anuvartante) = would follow
অনুবর্তন্তে (anuvartante) = follow
অনুবর্তয়তি (anuvartayati) = adopt
অনুবিধীয়তে (anuvidhIyate) = becomes constantly engaged
অনুশাসিতারং (anushAsitAraM) = the controller
অনুশুশ্রুম (anushushruma) = I have heard by disciplic succession.
অনুশোচন্তি (anushochanti) = lament
অনুশোচিতুং (anushochituM) = to lament
অনুষজ্জতে (anuShajjate) = one necessarily engages
অনুষজ্জতে (anuShajjate) = becomes attached
অনুসন্ততানি (anusantatAni) = extended
অনুস্মর (anusmara) = go on remembering
অনুস্মরন্ (anusmaran) = remembering
অনুস্মরেত্ (anusmaret) = always thinks of
অনেক (aneka) = after many, many
অনেক (aneka) = numerous
অনেক (aneka) = many
অনেক (aneka) = various
অনেকধা (anekadhA) = into many
অনেন (anena) = with these
অনেন (anena) = this
অনেন (anena) = by this sacrifice
অনেন (anena) = by this
অন্ত (anta) = end
অন্তং (antaM) = or end
অন্তং (antaM) = the end
অন্তঃ (antaH) = a limit
অন্তঃ (antaH) = inside
অন্তঃ (antaH) = within
অন্তঃ (antaH) = end
অন্তঃ (antaH) = conclusion
অন্তঃ (antaH) = limit
অন্তঃস্থানি (antaHsthAni) = within
অন্তকালে (antakAle) = at the end of life
অন্তগতং (antagataM) = completely eradicated
অন্তরং (antaraM) = the difference
অন্তরং (antaraM) = between
অন্তরাত্মনা (antarAtmanA) = within himself
অন্তরারামঃ (antarArAmaH) = actively enjoying within
অন্তরে (antare) = between
অন্তর্জ্যোতিঃ (antarjyotiH) = aiming within
অন্তর্সুখঃ (antarsukhaH) = happy from within
অন্তবত্ (antavat) = perishable
অন্তবন্তঃ (antavantaH) = perishable
অন্তিকে (antike) = near
অন্তে (ante) = at the end
অন্তে (ante) = after
অন্ন (anna) = of food grains
অন্নং (annaM) = foodstuff
অন্নাত্ (annAt) = from grains
অন্য (anya) = of other
অন্য (anya) = to other
অন্যং (anyaM) = other
অন্যঃ (anyaH) = another
অন্যঃ (anyaH) = other
অন্যঃ (anyaH) = the other
অন্যত্ কিঞ্চিত্ (anyat ki~nchit) = anything else
অন্যত্ (anyat) = any other
অন্যত্ (anyat) = anything else
অন্যত্ (anyat) = anything more
অন্যত্ (anyat) = other
অন্যত্ (anyat) = there is no other cause
অন্যত্র (anyatra) = otherwise
অন্যথা (anyathA) = other.
অন্যয়া (anyayA) = by the other
অন্যাং (anyAM) = another
অন্যান্ (anyAn) = others
অন্যানি (anyAni) = different
অন্যায়েন (anyAyena) = illegally
অন্যে (anye) = others
অন্যেন (anyena) = by another
অন্যেভ্যঃ (anyebhyaH) = from others
অন্বশোচঃ (anvashochaH) = you are lamenting
অন্বিচ্ছ (anvichCha) = try for
অন্বিতাঃ (anvitAH) = absorbed
অন্বিতাঃ (anvitAH) = impelled
অন্বিতাঃ (anvitAH) = possessed of
অপনুদ্যাত্ (apanudyAt) = can drive away
অপমানয়োঃ (apamAnayoH) = and dishonor.
অপমানয়োঃ (apamAnayoH) = and dishonor
অপরং (aparaM) = any other
অপরং (aparaM) = junior
অপরস্পর (aparaspara) = without cause
অপরা (aparA) = inferior
অপরাজিতঃ (aparAjitaH) = who had never been vanquished
অপরাণি (aparANi) = others
অপরান্ (aparAn) = others
অপরিগ্রহঃ (aparigrahaH) = free from the feeling of possessiveness.
অপরিমেয়ং (aparimeyaM) = immeasurable
অপরিহার্যে (aparihArye) = of that which is unavoidable
অপরে (apare) = others.
অপরে (apare) = others
অপরে (apare) = some others
অপর্যাপ্তং (aparyAptaM) = immeasurable
অপলায়নং (apalAyanaM) = not fleeing
অপশ্যত্ (apashyat) = could see
অপশ্যত্ (apashyat) = he could see
অপহৃত (apahR^ita) = stolen
অপহৃতচেতসাং (apahR^itachetasAM) = bewildered in mind
অপাত্রেভ্যঃ (apAtrebhyaH) = to unworthy persons
অপান (apAna) = and the air going downward
অপান (apAna) = the down-going air
অপানং (apAnaM) = the air going downward
অপানে (apAne) = in the air which acts downward
অপায়িনঃ (apAyinaH) = disappearing
অপাবৃতং (apAvR^itaM) = wide open
অপি (api) = again
অপি (api) = although apparently different
অপি (api) = although there is
অপি (api) = although
অপি (api) = also.
অপি (api) = also
অপি (api) = as well as
অপি (api) = in spite of
অপি (api) = including.
অপি (api) = indeed
অপি (api) = even if
অপি (api) = even
অপি (api) = over and above
অপি (api) = certainly
অপি (api) = though
অপি (api) = but
অপি (api) = may be
অপি (api) = verily
অপুনরাবৃত্তিং (apunarAvR^ittiM) = to liberation
অপৃথিব্যোঃ (apR^ithivyoH) = to the earth
অপৈশুনং (apaishunaM) = aversion to fault-finding
অপোহনং (apohanaM) = forgetfulness
অপ্যয়ৌ (apyayau) = disappearance
অপ্রকাশঃ (aprakAshaH) = darkness
অপ্রতিমপ্রভাব (apratimaprabhAva) = O immeasurable power.
অপ্রতিষ্ঠং (apratiShThaM) = without foundation
অপ্রতিষ্ঠঃ (apratiShThaH) = without any position
অপ্রতীকারং (apratIkAraM) = without being resistant
অপ্রদায় (apradAya) = without offering
অপ্রমেয়ং (aprameyaM) = immeasurable.
অপ্রমেয়স্য (aprameyasya) = immeasurable
অপ্রবৃত্তিঃ (apravR^ittiH) = inactivity
অপ্রাপ্য (aprApya) = without achieving
অপ্রাপ্য (aprApya) = without obtaining
অপ্রাপ্য (aprApya) = failing to attain
অপ্রিয়ং (apriyaM) = the unpleasant
অপ্রিয়ঃ (apriyaH) = and the undesirable
অপ্সু (apsu) = in water
অফলপ্রেপ্সুনা (aphalaprepsunA) = by one without desire
for fruitive result
অফলাকাঙ্ক্ষিভিঃ (aphalAkAN^kShibhiH) = who are without
desires for fruits
অফলাকাঙ্ক্ষিভিঃ (aphalAkAN^kShibhiH) = by those devoid
of desire for result
অবুদ্ধয়ঃ (abuddhayaH) = less intelligent persons
অব্রবীত্ (abravIt) = said.
অব্রবীত্ (abravIt) = spoke.
অভক্তায় (abhaktAya) = to one who is not a devotee
অভয়ং (abhayaM) = fearlessness
অভয়ে (abhaye) = and fearlessness
অভবত্ (abhavat) = became.
অভাবঃ (abhAvaH) = changing quality
অভাবঃ (abhAvaH) = death
অভাবয়তঃ (abhAvayataH) = of one who is not fixed
অভাষত (abhAShata) = began to speak.
অভিক্রম (abhikrama) = in endeavoring
অভিজনবান্ (abhijanavAn) = surrounded by aristocratic relatives
অভিজাতঃ (abhijAtaH) = born of
অভিজাতস্য (abhijAtasya) = of one who is born of
অভিজানন্তি (abhijAnanti) = they know
অভিজানাতি (abhijAnAti) = one can know
অভিজানাতি (abhijAnAti) = can understand
অভিজানাতি (abhijAnAti) = does know
অভিজায়তে (abhijAyate) = takes his birth.
অভিজায়তে (abhijAyate) = becomes manifest.
অভিতঃ (abhitaH) = assured in the near future
অভিধাস্যতি (abhidhAsyati) = explains
অভিধীয়তে (abhidhIyate) = is indicated.
অভিধীয়তে (abhidhIyate) = is called
অভিধীয়তে (abhidhIyate) = is said.
অভিনন্দতী (abhinandatI) = praises
অভিপ্রবৃত্তঃ (abhipravR^ittaH) = being fully engaged
অভিভবতি (abhibhavati) = transforms
অভিভবাত্ (abhibhavAt) = having become predominant
অভিভূয় (abhibhUya) = surpassing
অভিমনঃ (abhimanaH) = conceit
অভিমুখাঃ (abhimukhAH) = towards
অভিয়ুক্তানাং (abhiyuktAnAM) = fixed in devotion
অভিরতঃ (abhirataH) = following
অভিরক্ষন্তু (abhirakShantu) = should give support
অভিরক্ষিতং (abhirakShitaM) = carefully protected.
অভিরক্ষিতং (abhirakShitaM) = perfectly protected
অভিবিজ্বলন্তি (abhivijvalanti) = and are blazing.
অভিসন্ধায় (abhisandhAya) = desiring
অভিহিতা (abhihitA) = described
অভ্যধিকঃ (abhyadhikaH) = greater
অভ্যনুনাদয়ন্ (abhyanunAdayan) = resounding.
অভ্যর্চ্য (abhyarchya) = by worshiping
অভ্যসনং (abhyasanaM) = practice
অভ্যসূয়কাঃ (abhyasUyakAH) = envious.
অভ্যসূয়তি (abhyasUyati) = is envious.
অভ্যসূয়ন্তঃ (abhyasUyantaH) = out of envy
অভ্যহন্যন্ত (abhyahanyanta) = were simultaneously sounded
অভ্যাসয়োগ (abhyAsayoga) = by practice
অভ্যাসয়োগেন (abhyAsayogena) = by the practice of devotional service
অভ্যাসাত্ (abhyAsAt) = than practice
অভ্যাসাত্ (abhyAsAt) = by practice
অভ্যাসে (abhyAse) = in practice
অভ্যাসেন (abhyAsena) = by practice
অভ্যুত্থানং (abhyutthAnaM) = predominance
অভ্রং (abhraM) = cloud
অমর্ষ (amarSha) = distress
অমলান্ (amalAn) = pure
অমানিত্বং (amAnitvaM) = humility
অমিতবিক্রমঃ (amitavikramaH) = and unlimited force
অমী (amI) = all these
অমী (amI) = all those
অমী (amI) = these
অমুত্র (amutra) = in the next life
অমূঢাঃ (amUDhAH) = unbewildered
অমৃত (amR^ita) = nectar
অমৃতং (amR^itaM) = immortality
অমৃতং (amR^itaM) = nectar.
অমৃতং (amR^itaM) = nectar
অমৃতত্ত্বায় (amR^itattvAya) = for liberation
অমৃতভুজঃ (amR^itabhujaH) = those who have tasted such nectar
অমৃতস্য (amR^itasya) = of the immortal
অমৃতোদ্ভবং (amR^itodbhavaM) = produced from the
churning of the ocean
অমৃতোপমং (amR^itopamaM) = just like nectar
অমেধ্যং (amedhyaM) = untouchable
অম্বর (ambara) = dresses
অম্বুবেগাঃ (ambuvegAH) = waves of the waters
অম্ভসা (ambhasA) = by the water.
অম্ভসি (ambhasi) = on the water.
অয়ং (ayaM) = in this
অয়ং (ayaM) = one
অয়ং (ayaM) = this soul
অয়ং (ayaM) = this
অয়ং (ayaM) = these
অয়ং (ayaM) = he
অয়তিঃ (ayatiH) = the unsuccessful transcendentalist
অয়থাবত্ (ayathAvat) = imperfectly
অয়নেষু (ayaneShu) = in the strategic points
অয়শঃ (ayashaH) = infamy
অয়জ্ঞস্য (ayaj~nasya) = for one who performs no sacrifice
অয়ুক্তঃ (ayuktaH) = one who is not in KRiShNa consciousness
অয়ুক্তঃ (ayuktaH) = not referring to the scriptural injunctions
অয়ুক্তস্য (ayuktasya) = of one who is not connected
(with KRiShNa consciousness)
অয়ুক্তস্য (ayuktasya) = of one devoid of KRiShNa consciousness
অয়োগতঃ (ayogataH) = without devotional service
অরতিঃ (aratiH) = being without attachment
অরাগদ্বেষতঃ (arAgadveShataH) = without love or hatred
অরি (ari) = and enemies
অরি (ari) = enemies
অরিসূদন (arisUdana) = O killer of the enemies.
অর্ক (arka) = of the sun
অর্চিতুং (archituM) = to worship
অর্জুন উবাচ (arjuna uvAcha) = Arjuna said
অর্জুন (arjuna) = O Arjuna.
অর্জুন (arjuna) = O Arjuna
অর্জুনং (arjunaM) = unto Arjuna
অর্জুনঃ (arjunaH) = Arjuna
অর্জুনয়োঃ (arjunayoH) = and Arjuna
অর্থ (artha) = of wealth
অর্থ (artha) = gain
অর্থ (artha) = purpose
অর্থ (artha) = for the object
অর্থং (arthaM) = for the purpose of
অর্থং (arthaM) = for the sake of
অর্থং (arthaM) = for the sake
অর্থঃ (arthaH) = is meant
অর্থঃ (arthaH) = purpose
অর্থন্ (arthan) = and economic development
অর্থার্থী (arthArthI) = one who desires material gain
অর্থিয়ং (arthiyaM) = meant
অর্থে (arthe) = in the matter
অর্থে (arthe) = for the sake
অর্পণং (arpaNaM) = as an offering.
অর্পণং (arpaNaM) = contribution
অর্পিত (arpita) = engaged
অর্পিত (arpita) = surrendering
অর্যমা (aryamA) = Aryama
অর্হতি (arhati) = is able.
অর্হসি (arhasi) = deserve.
অর্হসি (arhasi) = you deserve.
অর্হসি (arhasi) = you deserve
অর্হসি (arhasi) = you should.
অর্হসি (arhasi) = You are requested
অর্হসি (arhasi) = You deserve
অর্হসি (arhasi) = You should
অলসঃ (alasaH) = lazy
অলস্য (alasya) = indolence
অলোলুপ্ত্বং (aloluptvaM) = freedom from greed
অল্পং (alpaM) = very meager
অল্পবুদ্ধয়ঃ (alpabuddhayaH) = the less intelligent
অল্পমেধসাং (alpamedhasAM) = of those of small intelligence
অবগচ্ছ (avagachCha) = must know
অবগমং (avagamaM) = understood
অবজানন্তি (avajAnanti) = deride
অবতিষ্ঠতি (avatiShThati) = remains
অবতিষ্ঠতে (avatiShThate) = becomes established.
অবতিষ্ঠতে (avatiShThate) = becomes situated
অবধ্যঃ (avadhyaH) = cannot be killed
অবনিপাল (avanipAla) = of warrior kings
অবরং (avaraM) = abominable
অবশঃ (avashaH) = involuntarily
অবশঃ (avashaH) = automatically
অবশঃ (avashaH) = helplessly
অবশিষ্যতে (avashiShyate) = remains.
অবষ্টভ্য (avaShTabhya) = accepting
অবষ্টভ্য (avaShTabhya) = entering into
অবসং (avasaM) = automatically
অবসাদয়েত্ (avasAdayet) = put into degradation
অবস্থাতুং (avasthAtuM) = to stay
অবস্থিতং (avasthitaM) = situated
অবস্থিতঃ (avasthitaH) = situated.
অবস্থিতঃ (avasthitaH) = situated
অবস্থিতাঃ (avasthitAH) = are situated
অবস্থিতাঃ (avasthitAH) = situated
অবস্থিতান্ (avasthitAn) = arrayed on the battlefield
অবস্থিতান্ (avasthitAn) = situated
অবহাসার্থং (avahAsArthaM) = for joking
অবজ্ঞাতং (avaj~nAtaM) = without proper attention
অবাচ্য (avAchya) = unkind
অবাপ্তব্যং (avAptavyaM) = to be gained
অবাপ্তুং (avAptuM) = to achieve
অবাপ্নোতি (avApnoti) = achieves
অবাপ্নোতি (avApnoti) = one achieves
অবাপ্নোতি (avApnoti) = gets
অবাপ্য (avApya) = achieving
অবাপ্যতে (avApyate) = is achieved.
অবাপ্স্যথ (avApsyatha) = you will achieve.
অবাপ্স্যসি (avApsyasi) = will gain.
অবাপ্স্যসি (avApsyasi) = you will achieve.
অবাপ্স্যসি (avApsyasi) = you will gain.
অবিকল্পেন (avikalpena) = without division
অবিকার্যঃ (avikAryaH) = unchangeable
অবিদ্বাংসঃ (avidvA.nsaH) = the ignorant
অবিধিপূর্বকং (avidhipUrvakaM) = in a wrong way.
অবিধিপূর্বকং (avidhipUrvakaM) = without following any rule
and regulations.
অবিনশ্যন্তং (avinashyantaM) = not destroyed
অবিনাশি (avinAshi) = imperishable
অবিনাশিনং (avinAshinaM) = indestructible
অবিপশ্চিতঃ (avipashchitaH) = men with a poor fund of knowledge
অবিভক্তং (avibhaktaM) = undivided
অবিভক্তং (avibhaktaM) = without division
অবিজ্ঞেয়ং (avij~neyaM) = unknowable
অবেক্ষে (avekShe) = let me see
অবেক্ষ্য (avekShya) = considering
অব্যক্ত (avyakta) = to the unmanifested
অব্যক্ত (avyakta) = the unmanifest
অব্যক্ত (avyakta) = nonmanifested
অব্যক্তং (avyaktaM) = unmanifested
অব্যক্তং (avyaktaM) = the unmanifested
অব্যক্তং (avyaktaM) = nonmanifested
অব্যক্তঃ (avyaktaH) = invisible
অব্যক্তঃ (avyaktaH) = unmanifested
অব্যক্তঃ (avyaktaH) = unmanifest
অব্যক্তমূর্তিনা (avyaktamUrtinA) = by the unmanifested form
অব্যক্তা (avyaktA) = toward the unmanifested
অব্যক্তাত্ (avyaktAt) = to the unmanifest
অব্যক্তাত্ (avyaktAt) = from the unmanifest
অব্যক্তাদীনি (avyaktAdIni) = in the beginning unmanifested
অব্যভিচারিণী (avyabhichAriNI) = without any break
অব্যভিচারিণ্যা (avyabhichAriNyA) = without any break
অব্যভিচারেণ (avyabhichAreNa) = without fail
অব্যয় (avyaya) = without deterioration
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = inexaustible.
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = imperishable.
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = imperishable
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = immutable
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = unchangeable.
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = eternal.
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = eternal
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = everlasting.
অব্যয়ং (avyayaM) = forever
অব্যয়ঃ (avyayaH) = inexaustible
অব্যয়স্য (avyayasya) = of the imperishable
অব্যবসায়িনাং (avyavasAyinAM) = of those who are not i
KRiShNa consciousness.
অশক্তঃ (ashaktaH) = unable
অশমঃ (ashamaH) = uncontrollable
অশয়াত্ (ashayAt) = from their source.
অশস্ত্রং (ashastraM) = without being fully equipped
অশান্তস্য (ashAntasya) = of the unpeaceful
অশাশ্বতং (ashAshvataM) = temporary
অশাস্ত্র (ashAstra) = not in the scriptures
অশুচি (ashuchi) = to the unclean
অশুচিঃ (ashuchiH) = unclean
অশুচৌ (ashuchau) = unclean.
অশুভ (ashubha) = and inauspicious
অশুভ (ashubha) = and the inauspicious
অশুভং (ashubhaM) = evil
অশুভাত্ (ashubhAt) = from ill fortune.
অশুভাত্ (ashubhAt) = from this miserable material existence.
অশুভান্ (ashubhAn) = inauspicious
অশুশ্রূষবে (ashushrUShave) = to one who is not engage
in devotional service
অশেষতঃ (asheShataH) = altogether
অশেষতঃ (asheShataH) = in full
অশেষতঃ (asheShataH) = completely
অশেষাণি (asheShANi) = all
অশেষেণ (asheSheNa) = in detail
অশেষেণ (asheSheNa) = fully
অশোচ্যান্ (ashochyAn) = not worthy of lamentation
অশোষ্যঃ (ashoShyaH) = not able to be dried
অশ্নতঃ (ashnataH) = of one who eats
অশ্নন্ (ashnan) = eating
অশ্নন্তি (ashnanti) = enjoy
অশ্নামি (ashnAmi) = accept
অশ্নাসি (ashnAsi) = you eat
অশ্নুতে (ashnute) = achieves
অশ্নুতে (ashnute) = attains.
অশ্নুতে (ashnute) = enjoys.
অশ্নুতে (ashnute) = one tastes
অশ্নুতে (ashnute) = he enjoys.
অশ্ম (ashma) = stone
অশ্রদ্দধানঃ (ashraddadhAnaH) = without faith in revealed scriptures
অশ্রদ্দধানাঃ (ashraddadhAnAH) = those who are faithless
অশ্রদ্ধয়া (ashraddhayA) = without faith
অশ্রূপূর্ণাকুল (ashrUpUrNAkula) = full of tears
অশ্রৌষং (ashrauShaM) = have heard
অশ্বত্থং (ashvatthaM) = a banyan tree
অশ্বত্থং (ashvatthaM) = banyan tree
অশ্বত্থঃ (ashvatthaH) = the banyan tree
অশ্বত্থামা (ashvatthAmA) = Asvatthama
অশ্বানাং (ashvAnAM) = among horses
অশ্বিনৌ (ashvinau) = the Asvini-kumaras
অশ্বিনৌ (ashvinau) = the two Asvinis
অষ্টধা (aShTadhA) = eightfold.
অসংন্যস্ত (asa.nnyasta) = without giving up
অসংয়তা (asa.nyatA) = unbridled
অসংশয়ং (asa.nshayaM) = undoubtedly
অসংশয়ং (asa.nshayaM) = without doubt
অসংশয়ঃ (asa.nshayaH) = without doubt.
অসংশয়ঃ (asa.nshayaH) = beyond a doubt.
অসক্ত (asakta) = attached
অসক্তং (asaktaM) = without attachment
অসক্তং (asaktaM) = without attraction
অসক্তঃ (asaktaH) = unattached
অসক্তঃ (asaktaH) = without attachment
অসক্তবুদ্ধিঃ (asaktabuddhiH) = having unattached intelligence
অসক্তাত্মা (asaktAtmA) = one who is not attached
অসক্তিঃ (asaktiH) = being without attachment
অসঙ্গশস্ত্রেণ (asaN^gashastreNa) = by the weapon of detachment
অসত্ (asat) = effect
অসত্ (asat) = nonpermanent
অসত্ (asat) = matter
অসত্ (asat) = false
অসতঃ (asataH) = of the nonexistent
অসত্কৃতং (asatkR^itaM) = without respect
অসত্কৃতঃ (asatkR^itaH) = dishonored
অসত্যং (asatyaM) = unreal
অসপত্নং (asapatnaM) = without rival
অসমর্থঃ (asamarthaH) = unable
অসম্মূঢঃ (asammUDhaH) = undeluded
অসম্মূঢঃ (asammUDhaH) = without a doubt
অসম্মূঢাঃ (asammUDhAH) = unbewildered
অসম্মোহঃ (asammohaH) = freedom from doubt
অসি (asi) = you are
অসি (asi) = You are to be remembered
অসি (asi) = You are
অসি (asi) = You have been
অসিতঃ (asitaH) = Asita
অসিদ্ধ্যোঃ (asiddhyoH) = and failure
অসিদ্ধৌ (asiddhau) = failure
অসুখং (asukhaM) = full of miseries
অসুর (asura) = the demons
অসূন্ (asUn) = life
অসৃষ্টান্নং (asR^iShTAnnaM) = without distribution of prasAdam
অসৌ (asau) = that
অস্তি (asti) = is
অস্তি (asti) = there is
অস্তু (astu) = there should be
অস্তু (astu) = let it be
অস্তু (astu) = let there be
অস্থিরং (asthiraM) = unsteady
অস্মদীয়ৈঃ (asmadIyaiH) = our
অস্মাকং (asmAkaM) = our
অস্মাকং (asmAkaM) = of ours
অস্মাত্ (asmAt) = these
অস্মান্ (asmAn) = us
অস্মাভিঃ (asmAbhiH) = by us
অস্মি (asmi) = I am
অস্মিন্ (asmin) = in this
অস্মিন্ (asmin) = this
অস্য (asya) = of it
অস্য (asya) = of this tree
অস্য (asya) = of this lust
অস্য (asya) = of this
অস্য (asya) = of the living entity
অস্য (asya) = of him
অস্য (asya) = this
অস্য (asya) = his
অস্যাং (asyAM) = in this
অস্বর্গ্যং (asvargyaM) = which does not lead to higher planets
অহ (aha) = said
অহং (ahaM) = I (KRiShNa)
অহং (ahaM) = I am.
অহং (ahaM) = I am
অহং (ahaM) = I.
অহং (ahaM) = I
অহঃ (ahaH) = of daytime
অহঃ (ahaH) = day
অহঙ্কার (ahaN^kAra) = and egoism
অহঙ্কারং (ahaN^kAraM) = of false ego
অহঙ্কারং (ahaN^kAraM) = false ego
অহঙ্কারঃ (ahaN^kAraH) = false ego
অহঙ্কারবিমূঢ (ahaN^kAravimUDha) = bewildered by false ego
অহঙ্কারাত্ (ahaN^kArAt) = by false ego
অহঙ্কৃতঃ (ahaN^kR^itaH) = of false ego
অহত্বা (ahatvA) = not killing
অহরাগমে (aharAgame) = at the beginning of the day
অহিংসা (ahi.nsA) = nonviolence
অহিতাঃ (ahitAH) = unbeneficial.
অহিতাঃ (ahitAH) = enemies
অহৈতুকং (ahaitukaM) = without cause
অহো (aho) = alas
অহোরাত্র (ahorAtra) = day and night
অক্ষয়ং (akShayaM) = unlimited
অক্ষয়ঃ (akShayaH) = eternal
অক্ষর (akShara) = from the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead)
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = indestructible
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = imperishable
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = that which is beyond the perception of the senses
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = the infallible
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = beyond the senses
অক্ষরং (akSharaM) = syllable om
অক্ষরঃ (akSharaH) = infallible
অক্ষরাণাং (akSharANAM) = of letters
অক্ষরাত্ (akSharAt) = beyond the infallible
অক্ষি (akShi) = eyes
অজ্ঞঃ (aj~naH) = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures
অজ্ঞান (aj~nAna) = of ignorance
অজ্ঞান (aj~nAna) = by ignorance
অজ্ঞানং (aj~nAnaM) = ignorance
অজ্ঞানং (aj~nAnaM) = nescience
অজ্ঞানং (aj~nAnaM) = nonsense
অজ্ঞানজং (aj~nAnajaM) = due to ignorance
অজ্ঞানজং (aj~nAnajaM) = produced of ignorance
অজ্ঞানসম্ভূতং (aj~nAnasambhUtaM) = born of ignorance
অজ্ঞানাং (aj~nAnAM) = of the foolish
অজ্ঞানেন (aj~nAnena) = by ignorance
আকাশং (AkAshaM) = the sky
আকাশস্থিতঃ (AkAshasthitaH) = situated in the sky
আকৃতীনি (AkR^itIni) = forms
আখ্যাতং (AkhyAtaM) = described
আখ্যাহি (AkhyAhi) = please explain
আগচ্ছেত্ (AgachChet) = one should come
আগতঃ (AgataH) = having attained
আগতাঃ (AgatAH) = attained.
আগম (Agama) = appearing
আগমে (Agame) = on the arrival.
আগমে (Agame) = on the arrival
আচরতঃ (AcharataH) = acting
আচরতি (Acharati) = performs
আচরতি (Acharati) = he does
আচরান্ (AcharAn) = performing
আচারঃ (AchAraH) = behavior
আচার্য (AchArya) = O teacher
আচার্যং (AchAryaM) = the teacher
আচার্যাঃ (AchAryAH) = teachers
আচার্যান্ (AchAryAn) = teachers
আচার্যোপাসনং (AchAryopAsanaM) = approaching a bona fide
spiritual master
আজ্যং (AjyaM) = melted butter
আঢ্যঃ (ADhyaH) = wealthy
আততায়িনঃ (AtatAyinaH) = aggressors
আতিষ্ঠ (AtiShTha) = be situated
আত্থ (Attha) = have spoken
আত্ম (Atma) = in the self
আত্ম (Atma) = in their own
আত্ম (Atma) = of the self
আত্ম (Atma) = Your own
আত্মকং (AtmakaM) = consisting of
আত্মকারণাত্ (AtmakAraNAt) = for sense enjoyment.
আত্মতৃপ্তঃ (AtmatR^iptaH) = self-illuminated
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = on transcendence.
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of one's own self
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the conditioned soul.
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the conditioned soul
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the person.
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the living entity
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the self
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = of the soul
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = themselves
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = his own
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = Your
আত্মনঃ (AtmanaH) = for the self
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by the purified mind
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by the pure mind
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by the mind
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by the living entity
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by deliberate intelligence
আত্মনা (AtmanA) = by Yourself
আত্মনি (Atmani) = in the transcendence
আত্মনি (Atmani) = in the Supreme Soul
আত্মনি (Atmani) = in the self
আত্মনি (Atmani) = in himself
আত্মনি (Atmani) = within the self
আত্মভাব (AtmabhAva) = within their hearts
আত্মভূতাত্মা (AtmabhUtAtmA) = compassionate
আত্মমায়য়া (AtmamAyayA) = by My internal energy.
আত্ময়োগাত্ (AtmayogAt) = by My internal potency
আত্মরতিঃ (AtmaratiH) = taking pleasure in the self
আত্মবন্তং (AtmavantaM) = situated in the self
আত্মবশ্যৈঃ (AtmavashyaiH) = under one's control
আত্মবান্ (AtmavAn) = established in the self.
আত্মবিনিগ্রহঃ (AtmavinigrahaH) = self-control
আত্মবিভূতয়ঃ (AtmavibhUtayaH) = personal opulences
আত্মসংয়ম (Atmasa.nyama) = of controlling the mind
আত্মসংস্তুতিঃ (Atmasa.nstutiH) = and praise of himself
আত্মসংস্থং (Atmasa.nsthaM) = placed in transcendence
আত্মা (AtmA) = a person
আত্মা (AtmA) = a living entity
আত্মা (AtmA) = with his self
আত্মা (AtmA) = the mind
আত্মা (AtmA) = the self
আত্মা (AtmA) = the soul
আত্মা (AtmA) = the spirit soul
আত্মা (AtmA) = the heart
আত্মা (AtmA) = body
আত্মা (AtmA) = mind
আত্মা (AtmA) = Self
আত্মা (AtmA) = self
আত্মা (AtmA) = soul
আত্মা (AtmA) = spirit
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = the conditioned soul
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = the mind
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = the Supersoul
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = the self
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = the soul
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = body, mind and soul
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = your soul
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = self
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = himself (by body, mind and self)
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = himself
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = Your Self
আত্মানং (AtmAnaM) = Yourself
আত্মানি (AtmAni) = in the pure state of the soul
আত্মাসম্ভবিতাঃ (AtmAsambhavitAH) = self-complacent
আত্মৈব (Atmaiva) = just like Myself
আত্মৈব (Atmaiva) = the very mind
আত্যন্তিকং (AtyantikaM) = supreme
আদত্তে (Adatte) = accepts
আদি (Adi) = beginning
আদিং (AdiM) = the origin
আদিং (AdiM) = beginning
আদিঃ (AdiH) = the origin
আদিঃ (AdiH) = the beginning
আদিঃ (AdiH) = beginning
আদিকর্ত্রে (Adikartre) = to the supreme creator
আদিত্যঃ (AdityaH) = the Adityas
আদিত্যগতং (AdityagataM) = in the sunshine
আদিত্যবত্ (Adityavat) = like the rising sun
আদিত্যবর্ণং (AdityavarNaM) = luminous like the sun
আদিত্যান্ (AdityAn) = the twelve sons of Aditi
আদিত্যানাং (AdityAnAM) = of the Adityas
আদিদেবং (AdidevaM) = the original Lord
আদিদেবঃ (AdidevaH) = the original Supreme God
আদৌ (Adau) = in the beginning
আদ্য (Adya) = immediately
আদ্যং (AdyaM) = original.
আদ্যং (AdyaM) = original
আদ্যং (AdyaM) = the original
আধত্স্ব (Adhatsva) = fix
আধায় (AdhAya) = resigning
আধায় (AdhAya) = fixing
আধিপত্যং (AdhipatyaM) = supremacy.
আননং (AnanaM) = mouths
আপঃ (ApaH) = water
আপঃ (ApaH) = waters
আপন্নং (ApannaM) = achieved
আপন্নাঃ (ApannAH) = gaining
আপুর্যমাণং (ApuryamANaM) = always being filled
আপূর্য (ApUrya) = covering
আপ্তুং (AptuM) = afflicts one with
আপ্তুং (AptuM) = to get
আপ্নুয়াং (ApnuyAM) = may have.
আপ্নুবন্তি (Apnuvanti) = attain
আপ্নোতি (Apnoti) = achieves
আপ্নোতি (Apnoti) = one achieves
আপ্নোতি (Apnoti) = does acquire
আব্রহ্মভুবনাত্ (AbrahmabhuvanAt) = up to the Brahmaloka planet
আভরণং (AbharaNaM) = ornaments
আভাসং (AbhAsaM) = the original source
আময় (Amaya) = disease
আম্ল (Amla) = sour
আয়ুঃ (AyuH) = duration of life
আয়ুধং (AyudhaM) = weapons
আয়ুধানাং (AyudhAnAM) = of all weapons
আরভতে (Arabhate) = begins
আরভ্যতে (Arabhyate) = is begun
আরম্ভ (Arambha) = endeavors
আরম্ভঃ (ArambhaH) = endeavor
আরাধনং (ArAdhanaM) = for the worship
আরুরুক্ষোঃ (ArurukShoH) = who has just begun yoga
আরূঢস্য (ArUDhasya) = of one who has attained
আরূঢানি (ArUDhAni) = being placed
আরোগ্য (Arogya) = health
আর্জবং (ArjavaM) = simplicity
আর্জবং (ArjavaM) = honesty
আর্তঃ (ArtaH) = the distressed
আর্হাঃ (ArhAH) = deserving
আলস্য (Alasya) = laziness
আবয়োঃ (AvayoH) = of ours
আবর্ততে (Avartate) = comes back
আবর্তিনঃ (AvartinaH) = returning
আবিশ্য (Avishya) = entering
আবিষ্টং (AviShTaM) = overwhelmed
আবিষ্টঃ (AviShTaH) = overwhelmed
আবৃতং (AvR^itaM) = is covered.
আবৃতং (AvR^itaM) = covered
আবৃতঃ (AvR^itaH) = is covered
আবৃতা (AvR^itA) = covered
আবৃতাঃ (AvR^itAH) = covered.
আবৃত্তিং (AvR^ittiM) = return
আবৃত্য (AvR^itya) = covering
আবেশিত (Aveshita) = fixed
আবেশ্য (Aveshya) = establishing
আবেশ্য (Aveshya) = fixing
আব্রিয়তে (Avriyate) = is covered
আশয়স্থিতাঃ (AshayasthitAH) = situated within the heart
আশাপাশ (AshApAsha) = entanglements in a network of hope
আশ্চর্যময়ং (AshcharyamayaM) = wonderful
আশ্চর্যবত্ (Ashcharyavat) = as amazing
আশ্চর্যবত্ (Ashcharyavat) = similarly amazing
আশ্চর্যাণি (AshcharyANi) = all the wonders
আশ্রয়েত্ (Ashrayet) = must come upon
আশ্রিতং (AshritaM) = assuming
আশ্রিতঃ (AshritaH) = taking refuge
আশ্রিতঃ (AshritaH) = situated
আশ্রিতাঃ (AshritAH) = accepting.
আশ্রিতাঃ (AshritAH) = having taken shelter of
আশ্রিত্য (Ashritya) = taking shelter of
আশ্রিত্য (Ashritya) = taking shelter
আশ্বাসয়ামাস (AshvAsayAmAsa) = encouraged
আষু (AShu) = very soon
আসং (AsaM) = exist
আসক্তমনাঃ (AsaktamanAH) = mind attached
আসন (Asana) = in sitting
আসনং (AsanaM) = seat
আসনে (Asane) = on the seat
আসাদ্য (AsAdya) = attaining
আসিন (Asina) = by the weapon
আসিনং (AsinaM) = situated
আসিনঃ (AsinaH) = eaters
আসীত (AsIta) = does remain still
আসীত (AsIta) = should be situated
আসীত (AsIta) = should sit
আসীনঃ (AsInaH) = situated
আসুরং (AsuraM) = the demoniac
আসুরং (AsuraM) = demonic
আসুরঃ (AsuraH) = of demoniac quality
আসুরঃ (AsuraH) = demoniac
আসুরনিশ্চয়ান্ (AsuranishchayAn) = demons.
আসুরী (AsurI) = demoniac qualities
আসুরীং (AsurIM) = atheistic
আসুরীং (AsurIM) = the demoniac nature.
আসুরীং (AsurIM) = demoniac
আসুরীষু (AsurIShu) = demoniac
আস্তিক্যং (AstikyaM) = religiousness
আস্তে (Aste) = remains
আস্থায় (AsthAya) = following
আস্থিতঃ (AsthitaH) = being situated
আস্থিতঃ (AsthitaH) = situated in
আস্থিতঃ (AsthitaH) = situated
আস্থিতাঃ (AsthitAH) = situated
আহ (Aha) = said
আহবে (Ahave) = in the fight
আহার (AhAra) = eating
আহারঃ (AhAraH) = eating
আহারঃ (AhAraH) = food
আহারাঃ (AhArAH) = eating
আহুঃ (AhuH) = are said
আহুঃ (AhuH) = is known
আহুঃ (AhuH) = is said
আহুঃ (AhuH) = declare
আহুঃ (AhuH) = say
আহো (Aho) = or else
ইঙ্গতে (iN^gate) = waver
ইঙ্গতে (iN^gate) = flickers
ইচ্ছতি (ichChati) = desires
ইচ্ছন্তঃ (ichChantaH) = desiring
ইচ্ছসি (ichChasi) = you wish.
ইচ্ছসি (ichChasi) = you like
ইচ্ছা (ichChA) = wishes
ইচ্ছা (ichChA) = desire
ইচ্ছামি (ichChAmi) = I wish
ইচ্ছামি (ichChAmi) = do I wish
ইজ্যতে (ijyate) = is performed
ইজ্যয়া (ijyayA) = by worship
ইড্যং (iDyaM) = worshipable
ইতঃ (itaH) = besides this
ইতঃ (itaH) = from this world
ইতরঃ (itaraH) = common
ইতি (iti) = also
ইতি (iti) = in this way
ইতি (iti) = thus.
ইতি (iti) = thus
ইতি (iti) = therefore
ইত্যুত (ityuta) = thus it is said.
ইত্যেবং (ityevaM) = knowing thus
ইদং (idaM) = all this
ইদং (idaM) = whatever we can see
ইদং (idaM) = which we see
ইদং (idaM) = this lamentation
ইদং (idaM) = this
ইদং (idaM) = thus
ইদং (idaM) = the following
ইদং (idaM) = these
ইদানীং (idAnIM) = now
ইদৃক্ (idR^ik) = as it is
ইন্দ্রিয় (indriya) = and the senses
ইন্দ্রিয় (indriya) = and senses
ইন্দ্রিয় (indriya) = of the sense organs
ইন্দ্রিয় (indriya) = the senses
ইন্দ্রিয় (indriya) = senses
ইন্দ্রিয়ঃ (indriyaH) = senses
ইন্দ্রিয়গোচরাঃ (indriyagocharAH) = the objects of the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রামং (indriyagrAmaM) = all the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়গ্রামং (indriyagrAmaM) = the full set of senses
ইন্দ্রিয়স্য (indriyasya) = of the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়স্যার্থে (indriyasyArthe) = in the sense objects
ইন্দ্রিয়াণাং (indriyANAM) = of all the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়াণাং (indriyANAM) = of the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়াণি (indriyANi) = the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়াণি (indriyANi) = senses
ইন্দ্রিয়ারামঃ (indriyArAmaH) = satisfied in sense gratification
ইন্দ্রিয়ার্থান্ (indriyArthAn) = sense objects
ইন্দ্রিয়ার্থেভ্যঃ (indriyArthebhyaH) = from the sense objects
ইন্দ্রিয়ার্থেভ্যঃ (indriyArthebhyaH) = from sense objects
ইন্দ্রিয়ার্থেষু (indriyArtheShu) = in the matter of the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়ার্থেষু (indriyArtheShu) = in sense gratification
ইন্দ্রিয়েভ্যঃ (indriyebhyaH) = more than the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়ৈঃ (indriyaiH) = with the senses
ইন্দ্রিয়ৈঃ (indriyaiH) = by the senses
ইমং (imaM) = all these
ইমং (imaM) = this science
ইমং (imaM) = this
ইমং (imaM) = these
ইমাঃ (imAH) = all this
ইমাঃ (imAH) = all these
ইমান্ (imAn) = this
ইমান্ (imAn) = these
ইমে (ime) = all these
ইমে (ime) = these
ইমৌ (imau) = these
ইয়ং (iyaM) = all these
ইয়ং (iyaM) = this
ইব (iva) = as if
ইব (iva) = as
ইব (iva) = certainly
ইব (iva) = like that
ইব (iva) = like.
ইব (iva) = like
ইষুভিঃ (iShubhiH) = with arrows
ইষ্ট (iShTa) = of all desirable things
ইষ্ট (iShTa) = the desirable
ইষ্টং (iShTaM) = leading to heaven
ইষ্টঃ অসি (iShTaH asi) = you are dear
ইষ্টঃ (iShTaH) = worshiped
ইষ্টাঃ (iShTAH) = palatable
ইষ্টান্ (iShTAn) = desired
ইষ্ট্বা (iShTvA) = worshiping
ইহ (iha) = in this world
ইহ (iha) = in this material world
ইহ (iha) = in this yoga
ইহ (iha) = in this life.
ইহ (iha) = in this life
ইহ (iha) = in this
ইহ (iha) = in the material world
ইহৈব (ihaiva) = in the present body
ইক্ষ্বাকবে (ikShvAkave) = unto King Iksvaku
ঈদৃষং (IdR^iShaM) = like this.
ঈশং (IshaM) = unto the Supreme Lord
ঈশং (IshaM) = Lord Siva
ঈশ্বর (Ishvara) = of leadership
ঈশ্বরং (IshvaraM) = the Supersoul
ঈশ্বরঃ (IshvaraH) = the lord of the body
ঈশ্বরঃ (IshvaraH) = the lord
ঈশ্বরঃ (IshvaraH) = the Supreme Lord
ঈশ্বরঃ (IshvaraH) = the Lord.
ঈহতে (Ihate) = he aspires
ঈহন্তে (Ihante) = they desire
ঈক্ষণং (IkShaNaM) = eyes
ঈক্ষতে (IkShate) = one sees
ঈক্ষতে (IkShate) = does see
উক্তং (uktaM) = as declared
উক্তং (uktaM) = disclosed
উক্তং (uktaM) = described
উক্তং (uktaM) = said
উক্তঃ (uktaH) = addressed
উক্তঃ (uktaH) = is said
উক্তাঃ (uktAH) = are said
উক্ত্বা (uktvA) = saying
উক্ত্বা (uktvA) = speaking
উগ্রং (ugraM) = terrible
উগ্রঃ (ugraH) = terrible
উগ্রকর্মাণঃ (ugrakarmANaH) = engaged in painful activities
উগ্ররূপঃ (ugrarUpaH) = fierce form
উগ্রৈঃ (ugraiH) = severe
উচ্চৈঃ (uchchaiH) = very loudly
উচ্চৈঃশ্রবসং (uchchaiHshravasaM) = Uccaihsrava
উচ্ছিষ্টং (uchChiShTaM) = remnants of food eaten by others
উচ্ছোষণং (uchChoShaNaM) = drying up
উচ্ছ্রিতং (uchChritaM) = high
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is called.
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is called
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is pronounced
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is said to be.
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is said to be
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is said.
উচ্যতে (uchyate) = is said
উত (uta) = it is said.
উত্ক্রামতি (utkrAmati) = gives up
উত্ক্রামন্তং (utkrAmantaM) = quitting the body
উত্তমং (uttamaM) = transcendental.
উত্তমং (uttamaM) = transcendental
উত্তমং (uttamaM) = the best.
উত্তমং (uttamaM) = the supreme
উত্তমং (uttamaM) = the highest
উত্তমঃ (uttamaH) = the best
উত্তমবিদাং (uttamavidAM) = of the great sages
উত্তমাঙ্গৈঃ (uttamAN^gaiH) = heads.
উত্তমৌজাঃ (uttamaujAH) = Uttamauja
উত্তরং (uttaraM) = covering
উত্তরায়ণং (uttarAyaNaM) = when the sun passes on the northern side
উত্তিষ্ঠ (uttiShTha) = get up
উত্তিষ্ঠ (uttiShTha) = stand up to fight
উত্থং (utthaM) = produced of
উত্থিতা (utthitA) = present
উত্সন্ন (utsanna) = spoiled
উত্সাদনার্থং (utsAdanArthaM) = for the sake of causing annihilation
উত্সাদ্যন্তে (utsAdyante) = are devastated
উত্সাহ (utsAha) = and great enthusiasm
উত্সীদেয়ুঃ (utsIdeyuH) = would be put into ruin
উত্সৃজামি (utsR^ijAmi) = send forth
উত্সৃজ্য (utsR^ijya) = giving up
উদক (udaka) = and water
উদপানে (udapAne) = in a well of water
উদর (udara) = bellies
উদারাঃ (udArAH) = magnanimous
উদাসীন (udAsIna) = neutrals between belligerents
উদাসীনঃ (udAsInaH) = free from care
উদাসীনবত্ (udAsInavat) = as if neutral
উদাসীনবত্ (udAsInavat) = as neutral
উদাহৃতং (udAhR^itaM) = is said to be.
উদাহৃতং (udAhR^itaM) = exemplified.
উদাহৃতঃ (udAhR^itaH) = is said
উদাহৃত্য (udAhR^itya) = indicating
উদ্দিশ্য (uddishya) = desiring
উদ্দেশতঃ (uddeshataH) = as examples
উদ্ধরেত্ (uddharet) = one must deliver
উদ্ভবং (udbhavaM) = generated from
উদ্ভবং (udbhavaM) = produced
উদ্ভবঃ (udbhavaH) = generation
উদ্যত (udyata) = uplifted
উদ্যতাঃ (udyatAH) = trying.
উদ্যম্য (udyamya) = taking up
উদ্বিজতে (udvijate) = are agitated
উদ্বিজতে (udvijate) = is disturbed
উদ্বিজেত্ (udvijet) = become agitated
উদ্বেগৈঃ (udvegaiH) = and anxiety
উন্মিষন্ (unmiShan) = opening
উপজায়তে (upajAyate) = takes place
উপজায়তে (upajAyate) = develops
উপজায়ন্তে (upajAyante) = are born
উপজুহ্বতি (upajuhvati) = offer.
উপদেক্ষ্যন্তি (upadekShyanti) = they will initiate
উপদ্রষ্টা (upadraShTA) = overseer
উপধারয় (upadhAraya) = know
উপধারয় (upadhAraya) = try to understand.
উপপত্তিষু (upapattiShu) = having obtained
উপপদ্যতে (upapadyate) = attains.
উপপদ্যতে (upapadyate) = is to be found.
উপপদ্যতে (upapadyate) = is deserved
উপপদ্যতে (upapadyate) = is befitting
উপপন্নং (upapannaM) = arrived at
উপমং (upamaM) = compared to
উপমা (upamA) = comparison
উপয়ান্তি (upayAnti) = come
উপরতং (uparataM) = ceased
উপরমতে (uparamate) = cease (because one feels
transcendental happiness)
উপরমেত্ (uparamet) = one should hold back
উপলভ্যতে (upalabhyate) = can be perceived
উপলিপ্যতে (upalipyate) = mixes.
উপলিপ্যতে (upalipyate) = mixes
উপবিশত্ (upavishat) = sat down again
উপবিশ্য (upavishya) = sitting
উপসঙ্গম্য (upasaN^gamya) = approaching
উপসেবতে (upasevate) = enjoys.
উপস্থে (upasthe) = on the seat
উপহত (upahata) = overpowered
উপহত (upahata) = being afflicted
উপহন্যাং (upahanyAM) = would destroy
উপায়তঃ (upAyataH) = by appropriate means.
উপাশ্রিতাঃ (upAshritAH) = being fully situated
উপাশ্রিতাঃ (upAshritAH) = having taken shelter of
উপাশ্রিত্য (upAshritya) = taking shelter of
উপাসতে (upAsate) = worship.
উপাসতে (upAsate) = worship
উপাসতে (upAsate) = begin to worship
উপেতঃ (upetaH) = engaged
উপেতঃ (upetaH) = endowed
উপেত্য (upetya) = achieving
উপেত্য (upetya) = arriving
উপৈতি (upaiti) = achieves
উপৈতি (upaiti) = attains
উপৈষ্যসি (upaiShyasi) = you will attain.
উভয় (ubhaya) = both
উভয়োঃ (ubhayoH) = of the two
উভয়োঃ (ubhayoH) = of both parties
উভয়োঃ (ubhayoH) = of both
উভয়োঃ (ubhayoH) = both
উভে (ubhe) = both
উভৌ (ubhau) = both
উরগান্ (uragAn) = serpents
উরু (uru) = thighs
উর্জিতং (urjitaM) = glorious
উল্বেন (ulbena) = by the womb
উবাচ (uvAcha) = said
উশনা (ushanA) = Usana
উষিত্বা (uShitvA) = after dwelling
উষ্ণ (uShNa) = summer
উষ্ণ (uShNa) = heat
উষ্মপাঃ (uShmapAH) = the forefathers
ঊর্ধ্বং (UrdhvaM) = upward
ঊর্ধ্বং (UrdhvaM) = upwards
ঊর্ধ্বমূলং (UrdhvamUlaM) = with roots above
ঋক্ (R^ik) = the Rg Veda
ঋচ্ছতি (R^ichChati) = one achieves.
ঋচ্ছতি (R^ichChati) = one attains.
ঋতং (R^itaM) = truth
ঋতূনাং (R^itUnAM) = of all seasons
ঋতে (R^ite) = without, except for
ঋদ্ধং (R^iddhaM) = prosperous
ঋষয়ঃ (R^iShayaH) = those who are active within
ঋষয়ঃ (R^iShayaH) = sages
ঋষিন্ (R^iShin) = great sages
ঋষিভিঃ (R^iShibhiH) = by the wise sages
এক (eka) = only one
এক (eka) = only
এক (eka) = by one
একং (ekaM) = in one
একং (ekaM) = one
একং (ekaM) = only one
একং (ekaM) = only
একঃ (ekaH) = alone
একঃ (ekaH) = one
একত্বং (ekatvaM) = in oneness
একত্বেন (ekatvena) = in oneness
একমক্ষরং (ekamakSharaM) = pranava
একয়া (ekayA) = by one
একস্থং (ekasthaM) = in one place
একস্থং (ekasthaM) = situated in one
একস্মিন্ (ekasmin) = in one
একাকী (ekAkI) = alone
একাগ্রং (ekAgraM) = with one attention
একাগ্রেণ (ekAgreNa) = with full attention
একান্তং (ekAntaM) = overly
একাক্ষরং (ekAkSharaM) = the one syllable
একে (eke) = one group
একেন (ekena) = alone
এতত্ (etat) = all this
এতত্ (etat) = on this
এতত্ (etat) = this is
এতত্ (etat) = this
এতত্ (etat) = thus
এতত্ (etat) = these two natures
এতত্ (etat) = these
এতয়োঃ (etayoH) = of these two
এতস্য (etasya) = of this
এতাং (etAM) = all this
এতাং (etAM) = this
এতান্ (etAn) = all of them
এতান্ (etAn) = all these
এতান্ (etAn) = these
এতানি (etAni) = all these
এতানি (etAni) = these
এতাবত্ (etAvat) = thus
এতি (eti) = gets
এতি (eti) = comes
এতি (eti) = does attain
এতে (ete) = all these
এতে (ete) = they
এতে (ete) = these two
এতে (ete) = these
এতে (ete) = those
এতেন (etena) = by this kind
এতেন (etena) = by this
এতেষাং (eteShAM) = of the Pandavas
এতৈঃ (etaiH) = all these
এতৈঃ (etaiH) = by all these
এতৈঃ (etaiH) = from these
এধাংসি (edhA.nsi) = firewood
এনং (enaM) = about the soul
এনং (enaM) = this (soul)
এনং (enaM) = this soul
এনং (enaM) = this
এনং (enaM) = him
এভিঃ (ebhiH) = all these
এভিঃ (ebhiH) = from the influence of these
এভ্যঃ (ebhyaH) = above these
এভ্যঃ (ebhyaH) = to these demigods
এব চ (eva cha) = also
এব হি (eva hi) = certainly.
এব (eva) = alone
এব (eva) = also
এব (eva) = it is all like that
এব (eva) = indeed
এব (eva) = even
এব (eva) = ever
এব (eva) = only
এব (eva) = certainly
এব (eva) = completely
এব (eva) = thus
এব (eva) = like that
এব (eva) = like this
এব (eva) = simply
এব (eva) = surely
এবং রূপঃ (evaM rUpaH) = in this form
এবং (evaM) = as mentioned above
এবং (evaM) = in this way
এবং (evaM) = thus
এবং (evaM) = like this
এবংবিধঃ (eva.nvidhaH) = like this
এবংবিধাঃ (eva.nvidhAH) = like this
এবাপি (evApi) = also
এষঃ (eShaH) = all this
এষঃ (eShaH) = this
এষা (eShA) = all this
এষা (eShA) = this
এষাং (eShAM) = of them
এষ্যতি (eShyati) = comes
এষ্যসি (eShyasi) = you will attain
এষ্যসি (eShyasi) = you will come
ঐকান্তিকস্য (aikAntikasya) = ultimate
ঐরাবতং (airAvataM) = Airavata
ঐশ্বরং (aishvaraM) = divine
ঐশ্বর্য (aishvarya) = and opulence
ওজসা (ojasA) = by My energy
ঔপম্যেন (aupamyena) = by comparison
ঔষধং (auShadhaM) = healing herb
ঔষধীঃ (auShadhIH) = vegetables
কং (kaM) = whom.
কং (kaM) = whom
কঃ (kaH) = who
কচ্চিত্ (kachchit) = whether
কটু (kaTu) = bitter
কতরত্ (katarat) = which
কথং (kathaM) = why
কথং (kathaM) = how
কথয় (kathaya) = describe
কথয়তঃ (kathayataH) = speaking
কথয়ন্তঃ (kathayantaH) = talking
কথয়িষ্যন্তি (kathayiShyanti) = will speak
কথয়িষ্যামি (kathayiShyAmi) = I shall speak
কদাচন (kadAchana) = at any time
কদাচিত্ (kadAchit) = at any time (past, present or future)
কন্দর্পঃ (kandarpaH) = Cupid
কপিধ্বজঃ (kapidhvajaH) = he whose flag was marked with Hanuman
কপিলঃ মুনিঃ (kapilaH muniH) = Kapila Muni.
কমলপত্রাক্ষ (kamalapatrAkSha) = O lotus-eyed one
কমলাসনস্থং (kamalAsanasthaM) = sitting on the lotus flower
করং (karaM) = the cause of
করণং (karaNaM) = instruments
করণং (karaNaM) = the cause
করণং (karaNaM) = the means
করণং (karaNaM) = the senses
করালং (karAlaM) = horrible
করালানি (karAlAni) = terrible
করিষ্যতি (kariShyati) = can do.
করিষ্যসি (kariShyasi) = perform
করিষ্যসি (kariShyasi) = you will do
করিষ্যে (kariShye) = I shall execute
করুণঃ (karuNaH) = kindly
করোতি (karoti) = do
করোতি (karoti) = performs
করোমি (karomi) = I do
করোসি (karosi) = you do
কর্ণং (karNaM) = Karna
কর্ণঃ (karNaH) = Karna
কর্তব্যং (kartavyaM) = prescribed duty
কর্তব্যানি (kartavyAni) = should be done as duty
কর্তা (kartA) = worker
কর্তা (kartA) = creator
কর্তা (kartA) = the worker
কর্তা (kartA) = the doer
কর্তা (kartA) = doer
কর্তা (kartA) = such a worker
কর্তারং (kartAraM) = the worker
কর্তারং (kartAraM) = the father
কর্তারং (kartAraM) = performer
কর্তুং (kartuM) = to act
কর্তুং (kartuM) = to execute
কর্তুং (kartuM) = to do
কর্তুং (kartuM) = to perform
কর্তুং (kartuM) = do
কর্তৃত্বং (kartR^itvaM) = proprietorship
কর্তৃত্বে (kartR^itve) = in the matter of creation
কর্ম (karma) = action
কর্ম (karma) = actions
কর্ম (karma) = activities
কর্ম (karma) = activity
কর্ম (karma) = and work
কর্ম (karma) = in activities
কর্ম (karma) = work
কর্ম (karma) = works
কর্ম (karma) = of work
কর্ম (karma) = to work
কর্ম (karma) = the work
কর্ম (karma) = duties
কর্ম (karma) = duty
কর্ম (karma) = prescribed duties
কর্ম (karma) = prescribed duty
কর্ম (karma) = fruitive action
কর্ম (karma) = fruitive activities
কর্মজং (karmajaM) = due to fruitive activities
কর্মজা (karmajA) = from fruitive work.
কর্মজান্ (karmajAn) = born of work
কর্মণঃ (karmaNaH) = of activities
কর্মণঃ (karmaNaH) = of work
কর্মণঃ (karmaNaH) = than work
কর্মণঃ (karmaNaH) = than fruitive action
কর্মণা (karmaNA) = activities
কর্মণা (karmaNA) = by work
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = activities.
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = in activities
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = whose previous activities
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = of activities
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = of all activities
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = of prescribed duties
কর্মণাং (karmaNAM) = of fruitive activities
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = activities
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = in action
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = in activity
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = in the performance of prescribed duties
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = in prescribed duties
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = in prescribed duty.
কর্মণি (karmaNi) = work
কর্মফল (karmaphala) = in the result of the work
কর্মফল (karmaphala) = with the results of activities
কর্মফল (karmaphala) = the fruit of the work
কর্মফলং (karmaphalaM) = of the result of work
কর্মফলং (karmaphalaM) = the results of all activities
কর্মফলত্যাগঃ (karmaphalatyAgaH) = renunciation of th
results of fruitive action
কর্মফলাসঙ্গং (karmaphalAsaN^gaM) = attachment for
fruitive results
কর্মফলে (karmaphale) = in fruitive action
কর্মবন্ধং (karmabandhaM) = bondage of reaction
কর্মবন্ধনঃ (karmabandhanaH) = bondage by work
কর্মভিঃ (karmabhiH) = by the reaction of such work
কর্মভিঃ (karmabhiH) = from the bondage of the law
of fruitive actions.
কর্ময়োগং (karmayogaM) = devotion
কর্ময়োগঃ (karmayogaH) = work in devotion
কর্ময়োগেণ (karmayogeNa) = by activities without fruitive desire
কর্ময়োগেণ (karmayogeNa) = by the linking process of devotion
কর্মসংন্যাসাত্ (karmasa.nnyAsAt) = in comparison to th
renunciation of fruitive work
কর্মসঙ্গিনাং (karmasaN^ginAM) = who are attached to fruitive work
কর্মসঙ্গিষু (karmasaN^giShu) = in the association of thos
engaged in fruitive activities
কর্মসঙ্গেন (karmasaN^gena) = by association with
fruitive activity
কর্মসু (karmasu) = activities.
কর্মসু (karmasu) = in all activities
কর্মসু (karmasu) = in discharging duties
কর্মসু (karmasu) = in fruitive activities
কর্মাণং (karmANaM) = the fruits of actions
কর্মাণাং (karmANAM) = whose work
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = activities
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = all works
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = all kinds of work
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = in fruitive activity
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = work
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = works
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = the activities
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = your duties
কর্মাণি (karmANi) = functions
কর্মিভ্যঃ (karmibhyaH) = than the fruitive workers
কর্মেন্দ্রিয়াণি (karmendriyANi) = the five working sense organs
কর্মেন্দ্রিয়ৈঃ (karmendriyaiH) = by the active sense organs
কর্ষতি (karShati) = is struggling hard.
কর্ষয়ন্তঃ (karShayantaH) = tormenting
কলয়তাং (kalayatAM) = of subduers
কলিলং (kalilaM) = dense forest
কলেবরং (kalevaraM) = this body
কলেবরং (kalevaraM) = the body
কল্পতে (kalpate) = is considered eligible.
কল্পতে (kalpate) = is qualified.
কল্পতে (kalpate) = becomes.
কল্পক্ষয়ে (kalpakShaye) = at the end of the millennium
কল্পাদৌ (kalpAdau) = in the beginning of the millennium
কল্মষঃ (kalmaShaH) = all material contamination
কল্মষাঃ (kalmaShAH) = of sinful reactions
কল্মষাঃ (kalmaShAH) = misgivings.
কল্যাণকৃত্ (kalyANakR^it) = one who is engaged
in auspicious activities
কবয়ঃ (kavayaH) = the intelligent
কবয়ঃ (kavayaH) = the learned
কবিং (kaviM) = the one who knows everything
কবিঃ (kaviH) = the thinker.
কবীনাং (kavInAM) = of all great thinkers
কশ্চন (kashchana) = anyone.
কশ্চন (kashchana) = any
কশ্চন (kashchana) = whatever
কশ্চিত্ (kashchit) = anyone
কশ্চিত্ (kashchit) = any
কশ্চিত্ (kashchit) = someone.
কশ্চিত্ (kashchit) = someone
কশ্মলং (kashmalaM) = dirtiness
কস্মাত্ (kasmAt) = why
কস্যচিত্ (kasyachit) = anyone's
কা (kA) = what
কাং (kAM) = which
কাঙ্ক্ষতি (kAN^kShati) = desires
কাঙ্ক্ষন্তঃ (kAN^kShantaH) = desiring
কাঙ্ক্ষিতং (kAN^kShitaM) = is desired
কাঙ্ক্ষে (kAN^kShe) = do I desire
কাঞ্চনঃ (kA~nchanaH) = gold.
কাঞ্চনঃ (kA~nchanaH) = gold
কাম (kAma) = of lust
কাম (kAma) = desire
কাম (kAma) = passion
কাম (kAma) = based on desire for sense gratification
কাম (kAma) = lust
কাম (kAma) = sense gratification
কাম (kAma) = from desires
কামং (kAmaM) = lust
কামঃ (kAmaH) = desire
কামঃ (kAmaH) = lust
কামঃ (kAmaH) = sex life
কামকামাঃ (kAmakAmAH) = desiring sense enjoyments
কামকামী (kAmakAmI) = one who desires to fulfill desires.
কামকারতঃ (kAmakArataH) = acting whimsically in lust
কামকারেণ (kAmakAreNa) = for enjoying the result of work
কামধুক্ (kAmadhuk) = the surabhi cow
কামধুক্ (kAmadhuk) = bestower.
কামভোগেষু (kAmabhogeShu) = to sense gratification
কামরূপং (kAmarUpaM) = in the form of lust
কামরূপেণ (kAmarUpeNa) = in the form of lust
কামহৈতুকং (kAmahaitukaM) = it is due to lust only.
কামাঃ (kAmAH) = desires
কামাঃ (kAmAH) = from lust
কামাত্ (kAmAt) = from desire
কামাত্মানঃ (kAmAtmAnaH) = desirous of sense gratification
কামান্ (kAmAn) = desiring
কামান্ (kAmAn) = desires for sense gratification
কামান্ (kAmAn) = material desires for sense gratification
কামান্ (kAmAn) = material desires
কামান্ (kAmAn) = his desires
কামেপ্সুনা (kAmepsunA) = by one with desires for fruitive results
কামেভ্যঃ (kAmebhyaH) = material sense gratification
কামৈঃ (kAmaiH) = by desires
কামোপভোগ (kAmopabhoga) = sense gratification
কাম্যানাং (kAmyAnAM) = with desire
কায় (kAya) = body
কায় (kAya) = for the body
কায়ং (kAyaM) = the body
কায়েন (kAyena) = with the body
কারকৈঃ (kArakaiH) = which are causes
কারণ (kAraNa) = and cause
কারণং (kAraNaM) = the means
কারণানি (kAraNAni) = causes
কারয়ন্ (kArayan) = causing to be done.
কার্পণ্য (kArpaNya) = of miserliness
কার্য (kArya) = what ought to be done
কার্য (kArya) = of effect
কার্য (kArya) = duty
কার্যং (kAryaM) = as duty
কার্যং (kAryaM) = it must be done
কার্যং (kAryaM) = what ought to be done
কার্যং (kAryaM) = obligatory
কার্যং (kAryaM) = duty
কার্যং (kAryaM) = must be done
কার্যতে (kAryate) = is forced to do
কার্যে (kArye) = work
কালং (kAlaM) = time
কালঃ (kAlaH) = time
কালানল (kAlAnala) = the fire of death
কালে (kAle) = at a proper time
কালে (kAle) = at the time
কালে (kAle) = and unpurified time
কালে (kAle) = time
কালেন (kAlena) = in course of time
কালেন (kAlena) = in the course of time
কালেষু (kAleShu) = times
কাশিরাজঃ (kAshirAjaH) = Kasiraja
কাশ্যঃ (kAshyaH) = the King of Kasi (Varanasi)
কিং (kiM) = what is there.
কিং (kiM) = what is
কিং (kiM) = what use
কিং (kiM) = what
কিং (kiM) = why
কিং (kiM) = how much
কিং (kiM) = how.
কিং (kiM) = how
কিঞ্চন (ki~nchana) = any
কিঞ্চিত্ (ki~nchit) = anything else
কিঞ্চিত্ (ki~nchit) = anything
কিম্ নু (kim nu) = what to speak of
কিরীটিন্ (kirITin) = Arjuna
কিরীটিনং (kirITinaM) = with helmet
কিরীটিনং (kirITinaM) = with helmets
কিল্বিশং (kilbishaM) = sinful reactions.
কিল্বিষঃ (kilbiShaH) = all of whose sins
কিল্বিষৈঃ (kilbiShaiH) = from sins
কীর্তয়ন্তঃ (kIrtayantaH) = chanting
কীর্তিং (kIrtiM) = reputation
কীর্তিঃ (kIrtiH) = fame
কুতঃ (kutaH) = where is
কুতঃ (kutaH) = wherefrom
কুতঃ (kutaH) = how is it possible
কুন্তিভোজঃ (kuntibhojaH) = Kuntibhoja
কুন্তীপুত্রঃ (kuntIputraH) = the son of Kunti
কুরু (kuru) = just perform
কুরু (kuru) = do
কুরু (kuru) = perform.
কুরু (kuru) = perform
কুরুতে (kurute) = it turns
কুরুতে (kurute) = turns
কুরুতে (kurute) = does perform
কুরুনন্দন (kurunandana) = O beloved child of the Kurus
কুরুনন্দন (kurunandana) = O son of Kuru.
কুরুপ্রবীর (kurupravIra) = O best among the Kuru warriors.
কুরুবৃদ্ধঃ (kuruvR^iddhaH) = the grandsire of the
Kuru dynasty (Bhishma)
কুরুশ্রেষ্ঠ (kurushreShTha) = O best of the Kurus
কুরুষ্ব (kuruShva) = do
কুরুসত্তম (kurusattama) = O best amongst the Kurus.
কুরুক্ষেত্রে (kurukShetre) = in the place named Kuruksetra
কুরূন্ (kurUn) = the members of the Kuru dynasty
কুর্যাং (kuryAM) = I perform
কুর্যাত্ (kuryAt) = must do
কুর্বন্ (kurvan) = doing anything
কুর্বন্ (kurvan) = performing
কুর্বন্তি (kurvanti) = they do
কুর্বন্তি (kurvanti) = they perform
কুর্বন্নপি (kurvannapi) = although engaged in work
কুর্বাণঃ (kurvANaH) = performing
কুর্বান্ (kurvAn) = doing
কুলং (kulaM) = family
কুলঘ্নানাং (kulaghnAnAM) = of the destroyers of the family
কুলঘ্নানাং (kulaghnAnAM) = for those who are killers of the family
কুলধর্মাঃ (kuladharmAH) = the family traditions
কুলধর্মাঃ (kuladharmAH) = family traditions
কুলধর্মাণাং (kuladharmANAM) = of those who have the family traditions
কুলস্ত্রিয়ঃ (kulastriyaH) = family ladies
কুলস্য (kulasya) = for the family
কুলক্ষয় (kulakShaya) = in killing the family
কুলক্ষয় (kulakShaya) = in the destruction of a dynasty
কুলক্ষয়ে (kulakShaye) = in destroying the family
কুলে (kule) = in the family
কুশ (kusha) = and kusa grass
কুশলে (kushale) = in the auspicious
কুসুমাকরঃ (kusumAkaraH) = spring.
কূটস্থং (kUTasthaM) = unchanging
কূটস্থঃ (kUTasthaH) = in oneness
কূটস্থঃ (kUTasthaH) = spiritually situated
কূর্মঃ (kUrmaH) = tortoise
কৃত (kR^ita) = determined
কৃতং (kR^itaM) = as performed.
কৃতং (kR^itaM) = was performed
কৃতং (kR^itaM) = done
কৃতং (kR^itaM) = performed
কৃতকৃত্যঃ (kR^itakR^ityaH) = the most perfect
in his endeavors
কৃতাঞ্জলিঃ (kR^itA~njaliH) = with folded hands
কৃতান্তে (kR^itAnte) = in the conclusion
কৃতেন (kR^itena) = by discharge of duty
কৃত্বা (kR^itvA) = after doing
কৃত্বা (kR^itvA) = keeping
কৃত্বা (kR^itvA) = doing so
কৃত্বা (kR^itvA) = doing
কৃত্বা (kR^itvA) = making
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = all
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = in total
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = whole
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = entire
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = everything
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = complete
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = completely
কৃত্স্নং (kR^itsnaM) = the whole
কৃত্স্নকর্মকৃত্ (kR^itsnakarmakR^it) = although engaged
in all activities.
কৃত্স্নবত্ (kR^itsnavat) = as all in all
কৃত্স্নবিত্ (kR^itsnavit) = one who is in factual knowledge
কৃত্স্নস্য (kR^itsnasya) = all-inclusive
কৃপঃ (kR^ipaH) = Krpa
কৃপণাঃ (kR^ipaNAH) = misers
কৃপয়া (kR^ipayA) = by compassion
কৃষি (kR^iShi) = plowing
কৃষ্ণ (kR^iShNa) = O KRiShNa
কৃষ্ণং (kR^iShNaM) = unto KRiShNa
কৃষ্ণঃ (kR^iShNaH) = the fortnight of the dark moon
কৃষ্ণঃ (kR^iShNaH) = Lord KRiShNa
কৃষ্ণাত্ (kR^iShNAt) = from KRiShNa
কৃষ্ণে (kR^iShNe) = and darkness
কে (ke) = who
কেচিত্ (kechit) = some of them
কেচিত্ (kechit) = some
কেন (kena) = by what
কেবলং (kevalaM) = only
কেবলৈঃ (kevalaiH) = purified
কেশব (keshava) = of Lord KRiShNa
কেশব (keshava) = O killer of the demon Kesi (KRiShNa).
কেশব (keshava) = O KRiShNa.
কেশব (keshava) = O KRiShNa
কেশবস্য (keshavasya) = of KRiShNa
কেশিনিশূদন (keshinishUdana) = O killer of the Kesi demon.
কেষু (keShu) = in which
কৈঃ (kaiH) = with whom
কৈঃ (kaiH) = by which
কৌন্তেয় (kaunteya) = O son of Kunti
কৌন্তেয়ঃ (kaunteyaH) = the son of Kunti
কৌমারং (kaumAraM) = boyhood
কৌশলং (kaushalaM) = art.
ক্রতুঃ (kratuH) = Vedic ritual
ক্রিয়ঃ (kriyaH) = and activities
ক্রিয়তে (kriyate) = is performed
ক্রিয়ন্তে (kriyante) = are done
ক্রিয়মাণানি (kriyamANAni) = being done
ক্রিয়মাণানি (kriyamANAni) = being performed
ক্রিয়াঃ (kriyAH) = activities
ক্রিয়াঃ (kriyAH) = the activities
ক্রিয়াঃ (kriyAH) = performances.
ক্রিয়াঃ (kriyAH) = performances
ক্রিয়াভিঃ (kriyAbhiH) = by pious activities
ক্রিয়াবিশেষ (kriyAvisheSha) = pompous ceremonies
ক্রূরান্ (krUrAn) = mischievous
ক্রোধ (krodha) = and anger
ক্রোধং (krodhaM) = anger
ক্রোধঃ (krodhaH) = anger
ক্রোধঃ (krodhaH) = and anger
ক্রোধঃ (krodhaH) = wrath
ক্রোধাত্ (krodhAt) = from anger
ক্লেদয়ন্তি (kledayanti) = moistens
ক্লেশ (klesha) = trouble
ক্লেশঃ (kleshaH) = trouble
ক্লৈব্যং (klaibyaM) = impotence
ক্বচিত্ (kvachit) = at any time.
খং (khaM) = ether
খে (khe) = in the ether
গচ্ছতি (gachChati) = achieves.
গচ্ছতি (gachChati) = goes.
গচ্ছন্ (gachChan) = going
গচ্ছন্তি (gachChanti) = attain
গচ্ছন্তি (gachChanti) = go
গচ্ছন্তি (gachChanti) = they reach
গজেন্দ্রাণাং (gajendrANAM) = of lordly elephants
গত (gata) = removed
গত (gata) = lost
গতঃ (gataH) = returned.
গতরসং (gatarasaM) = tasteless
গতব্যথাঃ (gatavyathAH) = freed from all distress
গতসঙ্গস্য (gatasaN^gasya) = of one unattached to the
modes of material nature
গতাঃ (gatAH) = attained.
গতাঃ (gatAH) = going
গতাঃ (gatAH) = having achieved.
গতাগতং (gatAgataM) = death and birth
গতি (gati) = ways of passing
গতি (gati) = the movement
গতিং (gatiM) = destination.
গতিং (gatiM) = destination
গতিং (gatiM) = perfectional stage.
গতিং (gatiM) = progress
গতিঃ (gatiH) = entrance.
গতিঃ (gatiH) = goal
গতিঃ (gatiH) = progress
গত্বা (gatvA) = attaining
গত্বা (gatvA) = going
গদিনং (gadinaM) = with club
গদিনং (gadinaM) = with maces
গন্তব্যং (gantavyaM) = to be reached
গন্তাসি (gantAsi) = you shall go
গন্ধ (gandha) = fragrances
গন্ধঃ (gandhaH) = fragrance
গন্ধর্ব (gandharva) = of the Gandharvas
গন্ধর্বাণাং (gandharvANAM) = of the citizens of the Gandharva planet
গন্ধান্ (gandhAn) = smells
গমঃ (gamaH) = take to
গম্যতে (gamyate) = one can attain
গরীয়ঃ (garIyaH) = better
গরীয়সে (garIyase) = who are better
গরীয়ান্ (garIyAn) = glorious
গর্ভং (garbhaM) = pregnancy
গর্ভঃ (garbhaH) = embryo
গবি (gavi) = in the cow
গহনা (gahanA) = very difficult
গাং (gAM) = the planets
গাণ্ডীবং (gANDIvaM) = the bow of Arjuna
গাত্রাণি (gAtrANi) = limbs of the body
গায়ত্রী (gAyatrI) = the Gayatri hymns
গিরাং (girAM) = of vibrations
গীতং (gItaM) = described
গুডাকেশ (guDAkesha) = O Arjuna
গুডাকেশঃ (guDAkeshaH) = Arjuna, the master of curbing ignorance
গুডাকেশেন (guDAkeshena) = by Arjuna
গুণ (guNa) = of quality
গুণ (guNa) = of the qualities
গুণ (guNa) = quality
গুণ (guNa) = by the modes of material nature
গুণ (guNa) = by the modes
গুণকর্ম (guNakarma) = of works under material influence
গুণকর্মসু (guNakarmasu) = in material activities
গুণতঃ (guNataH) = by the modes of material nature
গুণভেদতঃ (guNabhedataH) = in terms of different modes
of material nature
গুণভোক্তৃ (guNabhoktR^i) = master of the gunas
গুণময়ী (guNamayI) = consisting of the three modes
of material nature
গুণময়ৈঃ (guNamayaiH) = consisting of the gunas
গুণসঙ্খ্যানে (guNasa~NkhyAne) = in terms of different modes
গুণসঙ্গঃ (guNasaN^gaH) = the association with
the modes of nature
গুণাঃ (guNAH) = the qualities
গুণাঃ (guNAH) = senses
গুণাতীতঃ (guNAtItaH) = transcendental to the material
modes of nature
গুণান্ (guNAn) = qualities
গুণান্ (guNAn) = the three modes of nature
গুণান্ (guNAn) = the modes of nature
গুণান্ (guNAn) = the modes of material nature
গুণান্বিতং (guNAnvitaM) = under the spell of the modes
of material nature
গুণেভ্যঃ (guNebhyaH) = to the modes of nature
গুণেভ্যঃ (guNebhyaH) = than the qualities
গুণেষু (guNeShu) = in sense gratification
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = the modes of material nature
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = by the qualities.
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = by the qualities
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = by the modes of material nature.
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = by the modes
গুণৈঃ (guNaiH) = modes of material nature.
গুরু (guru) = the spiritual master
গুরুঃ (guruH) = master
গুরুণাপি (guruNApi) = even though very difficult
গুরুন্ (gurun) = the superiors
গুরুন্ (gurun) = superiors
গুহ্যং (guhyaM) = confidential subject
গুহ্যং (guhyaM) = confidential secret
গুহ্যং (guhyaM) = confidential
গুহ্যতমং (guhyatamaM) = the most confidential
গুহ্যতরং (guhyataraM) = still more confidential
গুহ্যাত্ (guhyAt) = than confidential
গুহ্যানাং (guhyAnAM) = of secrets
গৃণন্তি (gR^iNanti) = are offering prayers
গৃহাদিষু (gR^ihAdiShu) = home, etc.
গৃহীত্বা (gR^ihItvA) = taking
গৃহ্ণন্ (gR^ihNan) = accepting
গৃহ্ণাতি (gR^ihNAti) = does accept
গৃহ্যতে (gR^ihyate) = can be so controlled.
গেহে (gehe) = in the house
গো (go) = of cows
গোমুখাঃ (gomukhAH) = horns
গোবিন্দ (govinda) = O KRiShNa
গোবিন্দং (govindaM) = unto KRiShNa, the giver of pleasure to the senses
গ্রসমানঃ (grasamAnaH) = devouring
গ্রসিষ্ণু (grasiShNu) = devouring
গ্রাহান্ (grAhAn) = things
গ্রাহেণ (grAheNa) = with endeavor
গ্রাহ্যং (grAhyaM) = accessible
গ্রীবং (grIvaM) = neck
গ্লানিঃ (glAniH) = discrepancies
ঘাতয়তি (ghAtayati) = causes to hurt
ঘোরং (ghoraM) = harmful to others
ঘোরং (ghoraM) = horrible
ঘোরে (ghore) = ghastly
ঘোষঃ (ghoShaH) = vibration
ঘ্নতঃ (ghnataH) = being killed
ঘ্রাণং (ghrANaM) = smelling power
চ (cha) = and also
চ (cha) = and.
চ (cha) = and
চ (cha) = also.
চ (cha) = also
চ (cha) = as well as
চ (cha) = indeed
চ (cha) = respectively
চক্রং (chakraM) = cycle
চক্রহস্তং (chakrahastaM) = disc in hand
চক্রিণং (chakriNaM) = with discs
চঞ্চলং (cha~nchalaM) = flickering
চঞ্চলত্বাত্ (cha~nchalatvAt) = due to being restless
চতুর্ভুজেন (chaturbhujena) = four-handed
চতুর্বিধং (chaturvidhaM) = the four kinds.
চতুর্বিধাঃ (chaturvidhAH) = four kinds of
চত্বারঃ (chatvAraH) = four
চন্দ্রমসি (chandramasi) = in the moon
চমূং (chamUM) = military force
চর (chara) = the moving
চর (chara) = moving
চরং (charaM) = moving
চরতাং (charatAM) = while roaming
চরতি (charati) = does
চরতি (charati) = lives
চরন্ (charan) = acting upon
চরন্তি (charanti) = practice
চরাচরং (charAcharaM) = moving and nonmoving.
চরাচরম্ (charAcharam) = the moving and the nonmoving
চলং (chalaM) = flickering
চলতি (chalati) = moves
চলিত (chalita) = deviated
চক্ষুঃ (chakShuH) = eyes
চাতুর্বর্ণ্যং (chAturvarNyaM) = the four divisions of human society
চান্দ্রমসং (chAndramasaM) = the moon planet
চাপং (chApaM) = the bow
চাপি (chApi) = also
চারিণৌ (chAriNau) = blowing
চাস্মি (chAsmi) = as I am
চিকীর্ষবঃ (chikIrShavaH) = wishing.
চিকীর্ষুঃ (chikIrShuH) = desiring to lead
চিত্ত (chitta) = by anxieties
চিত্তং (chittaM) = the mind and its activities
চিত্তং (chittaM) = mind
চিত্তং (chittaM) = mental activities
চিত্তঃ (chittaH) = concentrating the mind
চিত্তঃ (chittaH) = being in consciousness
চিত্তাত্মা (chittAtmA) = mind and intelligence
চিত্ররথঃ (chitrarathaH) = Citraratha
চিন্তয়ন্তঃ (chintayantaH) = concentrating
চিন্তয়েত্ (chintayet) = should think of.
চিন্তাং (chintAM) = fears and anxieties
চিরাত্ (chirAt) = after a long time
চূর্ণিতৈঃ (chUrNitaiH) = with smashed
চেকিতানঃ (chekitAnaH) = Cekitana
চেত্ (chet) = if
চেতনা (chetanA) = the living force.
চেতনা (chetanA) = living symptoms
চেতসঃ (chetasaH) = whose wisdom
চেতসঃ (chetasaH) = their hearts
চেতসা (chetasA) = by intelligence
চেতসা (chetasA) = by consciousness
চেতসা (chetasA) = by the mind and intelligence
চেতসা (chetasA) = by the mind
চেতসাং (chetasAM) = of those whose minds.
চেতসাং (chetasAM) = of those whose minds
চেতাঃ (chetAH) = in heart
চেষ্টঃ (cheShTaH) = the endeavors
চেষ্টতে (cheShTate) = tries
চেষ্টস্য (cheShTasya) = of one who works for maintenance
চৈলাজিন (chailAjina) = of soft cloth and deerskin
চোদনা (chodanA) = the impetus
চ্যবন্তি (chyavanti) = fall down
ছন্দসাং (ChandasAM) = of all poetry
ছন্দাংসি (ChandA.nsi) = the Vedic hymns
ছন্দোভিঃ (ChandobhiH) = by Vedic hymns
ছলয়তাং (ChalayatAM) = of all cheats
ছিত্ত্ব (Chittva) = cutting
ছিত্ত্বা (ChittvA) = cutting off
ছিন্দন্তি (Chindanti) = can cut to pieces
ছিন্ন (Chinna) = torn
ছিন্ন (Chinna) = having cut off
ছিন্ন (Chinna) = having torn off
ছেত্তা (ChettA) = remover
ছেত্তুং (ChettuM) = to dispel
জগত্ (jagat) = universe.
জগত্ (jagat) = universe
জগত্ (jagat) = cosmic manifestation
জগত্ (jagat) = the universe
জগত্ (jagat) = the whole world
জগত্ (jagat) = the entire world
জগত্ (jagat) = the cosmic manifestation
জগত্ (jagat) = the material world.
জগতঃ (jagataH) = universe
জগতঃ (jagataH) = of the world
জগতঃ (jagataH) = of the material world
জগত্পতে (jagatpate) = O Lord of the entire universe.
জগন্নিবাস (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the universe.
জগন্নিবাস (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the universe
জগন্নিবাস (jagannivAsa) = O refuge of the worlds.
জগ্রতঃ (jagrataH) = or one who keeps night watch too much
জঘন্য (jaghanya) = of abominable
জঙ্গমং (jaN^gamaM) = moving
জনঃ (janaH) = person
জনকাদয়াঃ (janakAdayAH) = Janaka and other kings
জনয়েত্ (janayet) = he should cause
জনসংসদি (janasa.nsadi) = to people in general
জনাঃ (janAH) = people.
জনাঃ (janAH) = persons.
জনাঃ (janAH) = persons
জনাধিপঃ (janAdhipaH) = kings
জনানাং (janAnAM) = of the persons
জনার্দন (janArdana) = O killer of the atheists
জনার্দন (janArdana) = O KRiShNa.
জনার্দন (janArdana) = O KRiShNa
জনার্দন (janArdana) = O chastiser of the enemies
জনার্দন (janArdana) = O maintainer of all living entities.
জন্তবঃ (jantavaH) = the living entities.
জন্ম (janma) = of birth
জন্ম (janma) = birth
জন্ম (janma) = births
জন্মকর্মফলপ্রদাং (janmakarmaphalapradAM) = resulting in good
birth and other fruitive reactions
জন্মনাং (janmanAM) = repeated births and deaths
জন্মনি জন্মনি (janmani janmani) = in birth after birth
জন্মবন্ধ (janmabandha) = from the bondage of birth and death
জন্মসু (janmasu) = in births.
জন্মানি (janmAni) = births
জপয়জ্ঞঃ (japayaj~naH) = chanting
জয়ঃ (jayaH) = victory
জয়দ্রথং চ (jayadrathaM cha) = also Jayadratha
জয়াজয়ৌ (jayAjayau) = both victory and defeat
জয়েম (jayema) = we may conquer
জয়েয়ুঃ (jayeyuH) = they conquer
জরা (jarA) = and old age
জরা (jarA) = old age
জরা (jarA) = from old age
জহাতি (jahAti) = can get rid of
জহি (jahi) = conquer
জহি (jahi) = destroy
জাগর্তি (jAgarti) = is wakeful
জাগ্রতি (jAgrati) = are awake
জাতস্য (jAtasya) = of one who has taken his birth
জাতাঃ (jAtAH) = born
জাতিধর্মাঃ (jAtidharmAH) = community projects
জাতু (jAtu) = at any time
জাতু (jAtu) = ever
জানন্ (jAnan) = even if he knows
জানাতি (jAnAti) = knows
জানে (jAne) = I know
জায়তে (jAyate) = is taking place
জায়তে (jAyate) = comes into being
জায়তে (jAyate) = takes birth.
জায়তে (jAyate) = takes birth
জায়ন্তে (jAyante) = are manifested
জায়ন্তে (jAyante) = develop
জাল (jAla) = by a network
জাহ্নবী (jAhnavI) = the River Ganges.
জিগিষতাং (jigiShatAM) = of those who seek victory
জিঘ্রন্ (jighran) = smelling
জিজীবিষামঃ (jijIviShAmaH) = we would want to live
জিত (jita) = having conquered
জিতঃ (jitaH) = conquered
জিতাত্মনঃ (jitAtmanaH) = of one who has conquered his mind
জিতাত্মা (jitAtmA) = having control of the mind
জিতেন্দ্রিয়ঃ (jitendriyaH) = having conquered the senses
জিত্বা (jitvA) = conquering
জিত্বা (jitvA) = by conquering
জিবভূতাং (jivabhUtAM) = comprising the living entities
জিজ্ঞাসুঃ (jij~nAsuH) = inquisitive
জিজ্ঞাসুঃ (jij~nAsuH) = the inquisitive
জীর্ণানি (jIrNAni) = old and useless
জীর্ণানি (jIrNAni) = old and worn out
জীবতি (jIvati) = lives.
জীবনং (jIvanaM) = life
জীবভূতঃ (jIvabhUtaH) = the conditioned living entity
জীবলোকে (jIvaloke) = in the world of conditional life
জীবিতেন (jIvitena) = living
জুষ্টং (juShTaM) = practiced by
জুহোসি (juhosi) = you offer
জুহ্বতি (juhvati) = offer
জুহ্বতি (juhvati) = they sacrifice.
জুহ্বতি (juhvati) = sacrifice.
জেতাসি (jetAsi) = you will conquer
জোষয়েত্ (joShayet) = he should dovetail
জ্যায়সি (jyAyasi) = better
জ্যায়াঃ (jyAyAH) = better
জ্যোতিঃ (jyotiH) = the light
জ্যোতিঃ (jyotiH) = the source of light
জ্যোতিঃ (jyotiH) = light
জ্যোতীষাং (jyotIShAM) = in all luminous objects
জ্যোতীষাং (jyotIShAM) = of all luminaries
জ্বলদ্ভিঃ (jvaladbhiH) = blazing
জ্বলনং (jvalanaM) = a fire
ঝষাণাং (jhaShANAM) = of all fish
তং তং (taM taM) = corresponding
তং তং (taM taM) = similar
তং (taM) = unto Arjuna
তং (taM) = unto Him
তং (taM) = unto him
তং (taM) = Him
তং (taM) = to Him
তং (taM) = that
তং (taM) = him
তং (taM) = he
তত্ সর্বং (tat sarvaM) = all those
তত্ তত্ (tat tat) = all those
তত্ (tat) = actually that
তত্ (tat) = and that alone
তত্ (tat) = all those
তত্ (tat) = of Him
তত্ (tat) = that knowledge of different sacrifices
তত্ (tat) = that.
তত্ (tat) = that
তত্ (tat) = therefore
তত্ (tat) = for that
ততং (tataM) = is pervaded.
ততং (tataM) = is pervaded
ততং (tataM) = pervaded
ততঃ এব (tataH eva) = thereafter
ততঃ (tataH) = than that
ততঃ (tataH) = then
ততঃ (tataH) = thereafter
ততঃ (tataH) = therefore
ততঃ (tataH) = from that
ততস্ততঃ (tatastataH) = from there
তত্ত্ব (tattva) = of the truth
তত্ত্বং (tattvaM) = the truth
তত্ত্বতঃ (tattvataH) = in truth
তত্ত্বতঃ (tattvataH) = in reality
তত্ত্বতঃ (tattvataH) = in fact.
তত্ত্বতঃ (tattvataH) = factually
তত্ত্বতঃ (tattvataH) = from the truth
তত্ত্ববিত্ (tattvavit) = one who knows the truth
তত্ত্ববিত্ (tattvavit) = the knower of the Absolute Truth
তত্ত্বজ্ঞান (tattvaj~nAna) = of knowledge of the truth
তত্ত্বেন (tattvena) = in reality
তত্ত্বেন (tattvena) = in fact
তত্পরং (tatparaM) = KRiShNa consciousness.
তত্পরং (tatparaM) = transcendental
তত্পরঃ (tatparaH) = very much attached to it
তত্পরায়ণঃ (tatparAyaNaH) = who have completely taken shelter of Him
তত্প্রসাদাত্ (tatprasAdAt) = by His grace
তত্বুদ্ধয়ঃ (tatbuddhayaH) = those whose intelligence
is always in the Supreme
তত্র (tatra) = into that
তত্র (tatra) = therein
তত্র (tatra) = thereupon
তত্র (tatra) = there
তত্র (tatra) = therefore
তত্বিদঃ (tatvidaH) = by those who know this.
তত্সমক্ষং (tatsamakShaM) = among companions
তথা (tathA) = also
তথা (tathA) = as also
তথা (tathA) = as well as.
তথা (tathA) = as well as
তথা (tathA) = in that way
তথা (tathA) = in the same way
তথা (tathA) = too
তথা (tathA) = that
তথা (tathA) = thus.
তথা (tathA) = thus
তথা (tathA) = similarly.
তথা (tathA) = similarly
তথা (tathA) = so
তথাপি (tathApi) = still
তথৈব (tathaiva) = in that position
তথৈব (tathaiva) = similarly
তদ্ধাম (taddhAma) = that abode
তদনন্তরং (tadanantaraM) = thereafter.
তদা (tadA) = at that time.
তদা (tadA) = at that time
তদাত্মানঃ (tadAtmAnaH) = those whose minds are always in the Supreme
তদ্বত্ (tadvat) = so
তদ্বিদ্ধি (tadviddhi) = you must know it
তনুং (tanuM) = a body
তনুং (tanuM) = form of a demigod
তন্নিষ্ঠাঃ (tanniShThAH) = those whose faith is only
meant for the Supreme
তপঃ (tapaH) = and penance
তপঃ (tapaH) = austerities
তপঃ (tapaH) = austerity
তপঃ (tapaH) = penance
তপঃসু (tapaHsu) = in undergoing different types of austerities
তপন্তং (tapantaM) = heating.
তপসা (tapasA) = by the penance
তপসা (tapasA) = by serious penances
তপসাং (tapasAM) = and penances and austerities
তপসি (tapasi) = in penance
তপস্যসি (tapasyasi) = austerities you perform
তপস্বিভ্যঃ (tapasvibhyaH) = than the ascetics
তপস্বিষু (tapasviShu) = in those who practice penance.
তপামি (tapAmi) = give heat
তপোভিঃ (tapobhiH) = by serious penances
তপোয়জ্ঞাঃ (tapoyaj~nAH) = sacrifice in austerities
তপ্তং (taptaM) = executed
তপ্যন্তে (tapyante) = undergo
তমঃ (tamaH) = in ignorance.
তমঃ (tamaH) = the mode of ignorance
তমঃ (tamaH) = darkness
তমস (tamasa) = by illusion
তমসঃ (tamasaH) = of the mode of ignorance
তমসঃ (tamasaH) = to darkness
তমসঃ (tamasaH) = the darkness
তমসঃ (tamasaH) = from the mode of ignorance
তমসি (tamasi) = in ignorance
তমসি (tamasi) = the mode of ignorance
তমোদ্বারৈঃ (tamodvAraiH) = from the gates of ignorance
তয়া (tayA) = with that
তয়া (tayA) = by such things
তয়োঃ (tayoH) = of the two
তয়োঃ (tayoH) = of them
তরন্তি (taranti) = overcome
তরিষ্যসি (tariShyasi) = you will overcome
তব (tava) = unto you
তব (tava) = of yours
তব (tava) = your
তব (tava) = Your.
তব (tava) = Your
তস্মাত্ (tasmAt) = to that
তস্মাত্ (tasmAt) = than him
তস্মাত্ (tasmAt) = therefore
তস্মিন্ (tasmin) = in that
তস্য তস্য (tasya tasya) = to him
তস্য (tasya) = its
তস্য (tasya) = of Him
তস্য (tasya) = of that demigod
তস্য (tasya) = of that
তস্য (tasya) = of them
তস্য (tasya) = of him
তস্য (tasya) = to him
তস্য (tasya) = his
তস্য (tasya) = for him
তস্যাং (tasyAM) = in that
তাং (tAM) = that
তাত (tAta) = My friend
তান্ (tAn) = all of them
তান্ (tAn) = them
তান্ (tAn) = they are
তান্ (tAn) = those.
তান্ (tAn) = those
তানি (tAni) = all of them
তানি (tAni) = all those
তানি (tAni) = those senses
তানি (tAni) = those
তামস (tAmasa) = to one in the mode of darkness
তামসং (tAmasaM) = in the mode of ignorance
তামসং (tAmasaM) = in the mode of darkness
তামসঃ (tAmasaH) = in the mode of ignorance
তামসাঃ (tAmasAH) = in the mode of ignorance
তামসাঃ (tAmasAH) = persons in the mode of ignorance.
তামসী (tAmasI) = in the mode of ignorance.
তামসী (tAmasI) = in the mode of ignorance
তাবান্ (tAvAn) = similarly
তাসাং (tAsAM) = of all of them
তিতিক্ষস্ব (titikShasva) = just try to tolerate
তিষ্ঠতি (tiShThati) = exists.
তিষ্ঠতি (tiShThati) = remains
তিষ্ঠতি (tiShThati) = resides
তিষ্ঠন্তং (tiShThantaM) = residing
তিষ্ঠন্তি (tiShThanti) = dwell
তিষ্ঠসি (tiShThasi) = remain.
তীক্ষ্ণ (tIkShNa) = pungent
তু (tu) = and
তু (tu) = also
তু (tu) = indeed
তু (tu) = only
তু (tu) = certainly
তু (tu) = but
তু (tu) = however
তুমুলঃ (tumulaH) = uproarious
তুমুলঃ (tumulaH) = tumultuous
তুল্য (tulya) = equal
তুল্য (tulya) = equally disposed
তুল্যঃ (tulyaH) = equal
তুষ্টঃ (tuShTaH) = satisfied
তুষ্টিঃ (tuShTiH) = satisfaction
তুষ্ণিং (tuShNiM) = silent
তুষ্যতি (tuShyati) = one becomes satisfied
তুষ্যন্তি (tuShyanti) = become pleased
তৃপ্ত (tR^ipta) = satisfied
তৃপ্তঃ (tR^iptaH) = being satisfied
তৃপ্তিঃ (tR^iptiH) = satisfaction
তৃষ্ণা (tR^iShNA) = with hankering
তে (te) = all of them
তে (te) = unto you
তে (te) = unto You
তে (te) = of you
তে (te) = of You
তে (te) = to you.
তে (te) = to you
তে (te) = they are
তে (te) = they.
তে (te) = they
তে (te) = those
তে (te) = by you
তে (te) = by You
তে (te) = you
তে (te) = your
তে (te) = such persons
তে (te) = Your
তে (te) = for your
তেঽপি (te.api) = even they
তেজঃ (tejaH) = of the splendor
তেজঃ (tejaH) = the splendor
তেজঃ (tejaH) = power
তেজঃ (tejaH) = prowess
তেজঃ (tejaH) = vigor
তেজঃ (tejaH) = splendor
তেজঃ (tejaH) = heat
তেজস্বিনাং (tejasvinAM) = of everything splendid
তেজস্বিনাং (tejasvinAM) = of the powerful
তেজোভিঃ (tejobhiH) = by effulgence
তেজোময়ং (tejomayaM) = full of effulgence
তেজোরাশিং (tejorAshiM) = effulgence
তেন (tena) = with that
তেন (tena) = by that lust
তেন (tena) = by that
তেন (tena) = by him
তেনৈব (tenaiva) = in that
তেষাং (teShAM) = unto them
তেষাং (teShAM) = out of them
তেষাং (teShAM) = of them
তেষাং (teShAM) = their
তেষাং (teShAM) = for them
তেষু (teShu) = in the sense objects
তেষু (teShu) = in them
তেষু (teShu) = in those
তেষু (teShu) = for those
তৈঃ (taiH) = by them
তৈস্তৈঃ (taistaiH) = various
তোয়ং (toyaM) = water
তৌ (tau) = they
তৌ (tau) = those
ত্যক্ত (tyakta) = giving up
ত্যক্তজীবিতাঃ (tyaktajIvitAH) = prepared to risk life
ত্যক্তুং (tyaktuM) = to be renounced
ত্যক্ত্বা (tyaktvA) = giving up
ত্যক্ত্বা (tyaktvA) = renouncing
ত্যক্ত্বা (tyaktvA) = leaving aside
ত্যক্ত্বা (tyaktvA) = having given up
ত্যজতি (tyajati) = gives up
ত্যজন্ (tyajan) = quitting
ত্যজেত্ (tyajet) = one must give up.
ত্যজেত্ (tyajet) = one should give up
ত্যজেত্ (tyajet) = gives up
ত্যাগ (tyAga) = of renunciation
ত্যাগং (tyAgaM) = renunciation
ত্যাগঃ (tyAgaH) = renunciation
ত্যাগস্য (tyAgasya) = of renunciation
ত্যাগাত্ (tyAgAt) = by such renunciation
ত্যাগী (tyAgI) = the renouncer
ত্যাগে (tyAge) = in the matter of renunciation
ত্যাজ্যং (tyAjyaM) = are to be given up
ত্যাজ্যং (tyAjyaM) = to be given up
ত্যাজ্যং (tyAjyaM) = must be given up
ত্রয়ং (trayaM) = the three divisions
ত্রয়ং (trayaM) = three
ত্রয়ী (trayI) = of the three Vedas
ত্রায়তে (trAyate) = releases
ত্রিধা (tridhA) = of three kinds
ত্রিভিঃ (tribhiH) = of three kinds
ত্রিভিঃ (tribhiH) = three
ত্রিবিধং (trividhaM) = of three kinds
ত্রিবিধঃ (trividhaH) = of three kinds
ত্রিবিধঃ (trividhaH) = threefold
ত্রিবিধা (trividhA) = of three kinds
ত্রিষু (triShu) = in the three
ত্রীন্ (trIn) = three
ত্রৈগুণ্য (traiguNya) = pertaining to the three
modes of material nature
ত্রৈলোক্য (trailokya) = of the three worlds
ত্রৈবিদ্যঃ (traividyaH) = the knowers of the three Vedas
ত্বং (tvaM) = unto You
ত্বং (tvaM) = you
ত্বং (tvaM) = You are
ত্বং (tvaM) = You
ত্বং (tvaM) = from You
ত্বক্ (tvak) = skin
ত্বত্ (tvat) = than you
ত্বত্ (tvat) = than You
ত্বত্তঃ (tvattaH) = from You
ত্বত্প্রসাদাত্ (tvatprasAdAt) = by Your mercy
ত্বত্সমঃ (tvatsamaH) = equal to You
ত্বদন্যেন (tvadanyena) = besides you
ত্বয়া (tvayA) = by you
ত্বয়া (tvayA) = by You
ত্বয়ি (tvayi) = unto you
ত্বরমাণাঃ (tvaramANAH) = rushing
ত্বা (tvA) = unto you
ত্বাং (tvAM) = unto You
ত্বাং (tvAM) = of You
ত্বাং (tvAM) = you
ত্বাং (tvAM) = You
দণ্ডঃ (daNDaH) = punishment
দংষ্ট্রা (da.nShTrA) = teeth
দগ্ধ (dagdha) = burned
দত্তং (dattaM) = given
দত্তান্ (dattAn) = things given
দদামি (dadAmi) = I give
দদাসি (dadAsi) = you give away
দধামি (dadhAmi) = create
দধ্মুঃ (dadhmuH) = blew
দধ্মৌ (dadhmau) = blew
দমঃ (damaH) = control of the senses
দমঃ (damaH) = controlling the mind
দমঃ (damaH) = self-control
দময়তাং (damayatAM) = of all means of suppression
দম্ভ (dambha) = with pride
দম্ভ (dambha) = of pride
দম্ভ (dambha) = pride
দম্ভঃ (dambhaH) = pride
দম্ভেন (dambhena) = with pride
দম্ভেন (dambhena) = out of pride
দয়া (dayA) = mercy
দর্পং (darpaM) = pride
দর্পং (darpaM) = false pride
দর্পঃ (darpaH) = arrogance
দর্শনং (darshanaM) = philosophy
দর্শনং (darshanaM) = sights
দর্শনকাঙ্ক্ষিণঃ (darshanakAN^kShiNaH) = aspiring to see.
দর্শয় (darshaya) = show
দর্শয়ামাস (darshayAmAsa) = showed
দর্শিতং (darshitaM) = shown
দর্শিনঃ (darshinaH) = seers.
দর্শিভিঃ (darshibhiH) = by the seers.
দশনান্তরেষু (dashanAntareShu) = between the teeth
দশৈকং (dashaikaM) = eleven
দহতি (dahati) = burns
দক্ষঃ (dakShaH) = expert
দক্ষিণায়নং (dakShiNAyanaM) = when the sun passes
on the southern side
দাঃ (dAH) = giving
দাতব্যং (dAtavyaM) = worth giving
দান (dAna) = of charity
দান (dAna) = charity
দানং (dAnaM) = generosity
দানং (dAnaM) = charity
দানবঃ (dAnavaH) = the demons.
দানে (dAne) = in charity
দানেন (dAnena) = by charity
দানেষু (dAneShu) = in giving charities
দানৈঃ (dAnaiH) = by charity
দারা (dArA) = wife
দাস্যন্তে (dAsyante) = will award
দাস্যামি (dAsyAmi) = I shall give charity
দাক্ষ্যং (dAkShyaM) = resourcefulness
দিবি (divi) = in the sky
দিবি (divi) = in the higher planetary system
দিবি (divi) = in heaven
দিব্য (divya) = divine
দিব্যং (divyaM) = in the spiritual kingdom.
দিব্যং (divyaM) = transcendental
দিব্যং (divyaM) = divine
দিব্যাঃ (divyAH) = divine
দিব্যান্ (divyAn) = celestial
দিব্যান্ (divyAn) = divine.
দিব্যানাং (divyAnAM) = of the divine
দিব্যানি (divyAni) = divine
দিব্যৌ (divyau) = transcendental
দিশঃ (dishaH) = in all directions
দিশঃ (dishaH) = on all sides
দিশঃ (dishaH) = the directions
দিশঃ (dishaH) = directions
দীপঃ (dIpaH) = a lamp
দীপেন (dIpena) = with the lamp
দীপ্ত (dIpta) = glowing
দীপ্ত (dIpta) = blazing
দীপ্তং (dIptaM) = glowing
দীপ্তানল (dIptAnala) = blazing fire
দীপ্তিমন্তং (dIptimantaM) = glowing
দীয়তে (dIyate) = is given
দীর্ঘসূত্রী (dIrghasUtrI) = procrastinating
দুঃখ (duHkha) = and pain
দুঃখ (duHkha) = in distress
দুঃখ (duHkha) = of the distress
দুঃখ (duHkha) = of distress
দুঃখ (duHkha) = distress
দুঃখং (duHkhaM) = unhappy
দুঃখং (duHkhaM) = with trouble
দুঃখং (duHkhaM) = distress
দুঃখং (duHkhaM) = misery
দুঃখতরং (duHkhataraM) = more painful
দুঃখসংয়োগ (duHkhasa.nyoga) = of the miseries of material contact
দুঃখহা (duHkhahA) = diminishing pains.
দুঃখানাং (duHkhAnAM) = and distress
দুঃখানাং (duHkhAnAM) = material miseries
দুঃখালয়ং (duHkhAlayaM) = place of miseries
দুঃখে (duHkhe) = and distress
দুঃখেন (duHkhena) = by miseries
দুঃখেষু (duHkheShu) = and distress
দুঃখেষু (duHkheShu) = in the threefold miseries
দুঃখৈঃ (duHkhaiH) = the distresses
দুরত্যয়া (duratyayA) = very difficult to overcome
দুরাসদং (durAsadaM) = formidable.
দুর্গতিং (durgatiM) = to degradation
দুর্গাণি (durgANi) = impediments
দুর্নিগ্রহং (durnigrahaM) = difficult to curb
দুর্নিরীক্ষ্যং (durnirIkShyaM) = difficult to see
দুর্বুদ্ধেঃ (durbuddheH) = evil-minded
দুর্মতিঃ (durmatiH) = foolish.
দুর্মেধা (durmedhA) = unintelligent
দুর্যোধনঃ (duryodhanaH) = King Duryodhana
দুর্লভতরং (durlabhataraM) = very rare
দুষ্কৃতাং (duShkR^itAM) = of the miscreants
দুষ্কৃতিনঃ (duShkR^itinaH) = miscreants
দুষ্টাসু (duShTAsu) = being so polluted
দুষ্পূরং (duShpUraM) = insatiable
দুষ্পূরেণ (duShpUreNa) = never to be satisfied
দুষ্প্রাপঃ (duShprApaH) = difficult to obtain
দূরস্থং (dUrasthaM) = far away
দূরেণ (dUreNa) = discard it at a long distance
দৃঢং (dR^iDhaM) = obstinate
দৃঢং (dR^iDhaM) = very
দৃঢনিশ্চয়ঃ (dR^iDhanishchayaH) = with determination
দৃঢব্রতাঃ (dR^iDhavratAH) = with determination.
দৃঢব্রতাঃ (dR^iDhavratAH) = with determination
দৃঢেন (dR^iDhena) = strong
দৃষ্টঃ (dR^iShTaH) = observed
দৃষ্টবান্ (dR^iShTavAn) = seeing
দৃষ্টবানসি (dR^iShTavAnasi) = as you have seen
দৃষ্টিং (dR^iShTiM) = vision
দৃষ্ট্বা (dR^iShTvA) = after seeing
দৃষ্ট্বা (dR^iShTvA) = by experiencing
দৃষ্ট্বা (dR^iShTvA) = by seeing
দৃষ্ট্বা (dR^iShTvA) = looking upon
দৃষ্ট্বা (dR^iShTvA) = seeing
দেব (deva) = of the Supreme Lord
দেব (deva) = O Lord
দেব (deva) = my Lord
দেবং (devaM) = to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
দেবং (devaM) = shining
দেবতা (devatA) = gods
দেবতাঃ (devatAH) = the demigods
দেবতাঃ (devatAH) = demigods
দেবদত্তং (devadattaM) = the conchshell named Devadatta
দেবদেব (devadeva) = O Lord of all demigods
দেবদেবস্য (devadevasya) = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
দেবভোগান্ (devabhogAn) = the pleasures of the gods.
দেবয়জঃ (devayajaH) = the worshipers of the demigods
দেবর্ষিঃ (devarShiH) = the sage among the demigods
দেবর্ষীণাং (devarShINAM) = of all the sages amongst the demigods
দেবলঃ (devalaH) = Devala
দেববর (devavara) = O great one amongst the demigods
দেবব্রতাঃ (devavratAH) = worshipers of demigods
দেবাঃ (devAH) = the demigods
দেবাঃ (devAH) = demigods
দেবান্ (devAn) = all the demigods
দেবান্ (devAn) = to the demigods
দেবান্ (devAn) = demigods
দেবানাং (devAnAM) = of all the demigods
দেবানাং (devAnAM) = of the demigods
দেবেশ (devesha) = O God of the gods
দেবেশ (devesha) = O Lord of all lords
দেবেশ (devesha) = O Lord of lords
দেবেষু (deveShu) = amongst the demigods
দেশ (desha) = places
দেশে (deshe) = in a proper place
দেশে (deshe) = land
দেহ (deha) = the body
দেহং (dehaM) = in the bodies
দেহং (dehaM) = this body
দেহভৃত্ (dehabhR^it) = the embodied
দেহভৃতা (dehabhR^itA) = by the embodied
দেহভৃতাং (dehabhR^itAM) = of the embodied
দেহবদ্ভিঃ (dehavadbhiH) = by the embodied
দেহাঃ (dehAH) = material bodies
দেহান্তর (dehAntara) = of transference of the body
দেহিনং (dehinaM) = of the embodied.
দেহিনং (dehinaM) = the embodied.
দেহিনাং (dehinAM) = of the embodied
দেহী (dehI) = the embodied soul
দেহী (dehI) = the embodied.
দেহী (dehI) = the embodied
দেহী (dehI) = the owner of the material body
দেহীনং (dehInaM) = the living entity
দেহীনঃ (dehInaH) = of the embodied
দেহীনঃ (dehInaH) = for the embodied
দেহে (dehe) = in this body
দেহে (dehe) = in the body
দেহে (dehe) = body
দেহেঽস্মিন্ (dehe.asmin) = in this body
দেহেষু (deheShu) = bodies
দৈত্যানাং (daityAnAM) = of the demons
দৈবং (daivaM) = in worshiping the demigods
দৈবং (daivaM) = the Supreme
দৈবঃ (daivaH) = godly
দৈবঃ (daivaH) = the divine
দৈবী (daivI) = transcendental
দৈবীং (daivIM) = transcendental
দৈবীং (daivIM) = the transcendental nature
দৈবীং (daivIM) = divine
দোষ (doSha) = the fault
দোষ (doSha) = by the weakness
দোষং (doShaM) = crime
দোষং (doShaM) = fault
দোষবত্ (doShavat) = as an evil
দোষাঃ (doShAH) = the faults
দোষেন (doShena) = with fault
দোষৈঃ (doShaiH) = by such faults
দৌর্বল্যং (daurbalyaM) = weakness
দ্যুতং (dyutaM) = gambling
দ্যুতিং (dyutiM) = the sunshine
দ্যৌ (dyau) = from outer space
দ্রবন্তি (dravanti) = are fleeing
দ্রবন্তি (dravanti) = glide
দ্রব্যময়াত্ (dravyamayAt) = of material possessions
দ্রব্যয়জ্ঞাঃ (dravyayaj~nAH) = sacrificing one's possessions
দ্রষ্টা (draShTA) = a seer
দ্রষ্টুং (draShTuM) = to be seen
দ্রষ্টুং (draShTuM) = to see
দ্রষ্টুং (draShTuM) = be seen
দ্রক্ষ্যসি (drakShyasi) = you will see
দ্রুপদঃ (drupadaH) = Drupada, the King of Pancala
দ্রুপদঃ (drupadaH) = Drupada
দ্রুপদপুত্রেণ (drupadaputreNa) = by the son of Drupada
দ্রোণ (droNa) = the teacher Drona
দ্রোণং চ (droNaM cha) = also Drona
দ্রোণং (droNaM) = Drona
দ্রোণঃ (droNaH) = Dronacarya
দ্রৌপদেয়াঃ (draupadeyAH) = the sons of Draupadi
দ্বন্দ্ব (dvandva) = of duality
দ্বন্দ্ব (dvandva) = duality
দ্বন্দ্বঃ (dvandvaH) = the dual
দ্বন্দ্বৈঃ (dvandvaiH) = from the dualities
দ্বারং (dvAraM) = gate
দ্বারং (dvAraM) = door
দ্বিজ (dvija) = the brahmanas
দ্বিজোত্তম (dvijottama) = O best of the brahmanas
দ্বিবিধা (dvividhA) = two kinds of
দ্বিষতঃ (dviShataH) = envious
দ্বেষ (dveSha) = and detachment
দ্বেষ (dveSha) = and hate
দ্বেষঃ (dveShaH) = hatred
দ্বেষৌ (dveShau) = and hatred
দ্বেষৌ (dveShau) = also detachment
দ্বেষ্টি (dveShTi) = abhors
দ্বেষ্টি (dveShTi) = envies
দ্বেষ্টি (dveShTi) = grieves
দ্বেষ্টি (dveShTi) = hates
দ্বেষ্য (dveShya) = the envious
দ্বেষ্যঃ (dveShyaH) = hateful
দ্বৈধাঃ (dvaidhAH) = duality
দ্বৌ (dvau) = two
ধনং (dhanaM) = wealth
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O Arjuna
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O winner of wealth, Arjuna.
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O winner of wealth.
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of wealth (Arjuna).
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of wealth
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of riches.
ধনঞ্জয় (dhana~njaya) = O conqueror of riches
ধনঞ্জয়ঃ (dhana~njayaH) = Arjuna
ধনঞ্জয়ঃ (dhana~njayaH) = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth)
ধনমান (dhanamAna) = of wealth and false prestige
ধনানি (dhanAni) = riches
ধনুঃ (dhanuH) = bow
ধনুর্ধরঃ (dhanurdharaH) = the carrier of the bow and arrow
ধরং (dharaM) = wearing
ধর্ম (dharma) = of religion
ধর্ম (dharma) = principles of religion
ধর্ম (dharma) = religion
ধর্ম (dharma) = religiosity
ধর্মং (dharmaM) = the principles of religion
ধর্মং (dharmaM) = doctrines
ধর্মং (dharmaM) = religion
ধর্মস্য (dharmasya) = occupation
ধর্মস্য (dharmasya) = of the constitutional position
ধর্মস্য (dharmasya) = of religion
ধর্মস্য (dharmasya) = toward the process of religion
ধর্মক্ষেত্রে (dharmakShetre) = in the place of pilgrimage
ধর্মাত্মা (dharmAtmA) = righteous
ধর্মাবিরুদ্ধঃ (dharmAviruddhaH) = not against religious principles
ধর্মে (dharme) = religion
ধর্ম্যং (dharmyaM) = as a religious duty
ধর্ম্যং (dharmyaM) = the principle of religion
ধর্ম্যং (dharmyaM) = sacred
ধর্ম্যাত্ (dharmyAt) = for religious principles
ধাতা (dhAtA) = the creator
ধাতা (dhAtA) = supporter
ধাতারং (dhAtAraM) = the maintainer
ধাম (dhAma) = abode
ধাম (dhAma) = refuge
ধাম (dhAma) = sustenance
ধারয়তে (dhArayate) = one sustains
ধারয়ন্ (dhArayan) = considering.
ধারয়ন্ (dhArayan) = holding
ধারয়ামি (dhArayAmi) = sustain
ধার্তরাষ্ট্রস্য (dhArtarAShTrasya) = for the son of Dhritarashtra
ধার্তরাষ্ট্রাঃ (dhArtarAShTrAH) = the sons of Dhritarashtra.
ধার্তরাষ্ট্রাঃ (dhArtarAShTrAH) = the sons of Dhritarashtra
ধার্তরাষ্ট্রাণাং (dhArtarAShTrANAM) = of the sons of Dhritarashtra
ধার্তরাষ্ট্রান্ (dhArtarAShTrAn) = the sons of Dhritarashtra
ধার্যতে (dhAryate) = is utilized or exploited
ধীমতা (dhImatA) = very intelligent.
ধীমতাং (dhImatAM) = of those who are endowed with great wisdom
ধীরং (dhIraM) = patient
ধীরঃ (dhIraH) = the sober
ধীরঃ (dhIraH) = steady
ধুমঃ (dhumaH) = smoke
ধূমেন (dhUmena) = with smoke
ধূমেন (dhUmena) = by smoke
ধৃতরাষ্ট্র উবাচ (dhR^itarAShTra uvAcha) = King Dhritarashtra said
ধৃতরাষ্ট্রস্য (dhR^itarAShTrasya) = of Dhritarashtra
ধৃতি (dhR^iti) = with determination
ধৃতিং (dhR^itiM) = steadiness
ধৃতিঃ (dhR^itiH) = conviction
ধৃতিঃ (dhR^itiH) = determination
ধৃতিঃ (dhR^itiH) = firmness
ধৃতিঃ (dhR^itiH) = fortitude
ধৃতিগৃহীতয়া (dhR^itigR^ihItayA) = carried by conviction
ধৃতেঃ (dhR^iteH) = of steadiness
ধৃত্য (dhR^itya) = by determination
ধৃত্যা (dhR^ityA) = determination
ধৃষ্টকেতুঃ (dhR^iShTaketuH) = Dhristaketu
ধৃষ্টদ্যুম্নঃ (dhR^iShTadyumnaH) = Dhristadyumna (the
son of King Drupada)
ধেনূনাং (dhenUnAM) = of cows
ধ্যানং (dhyAnaM) = meditation
ধ্যানয়োগপরঃ (dhyAnayogaparaH) = absorbed in trance
ধ্যানাত্ (dhyAnAt) = than meditation
ধ্যানেন (dhyAnena) = by meditation
ধ্যায়তঃ (dhyAyataH) = while contemplating
ধ্যায়ন্তঃ (dhyAyantaH) = meditating
ধ্রুবং (dhruvaM) = it is also a fact
ধ্রুবং (dhruvaM) = fixed
ধ্রুবঃ (dhruvaH) = a fact
ধ্রুবা (dhruvA) = certain
ন করোতি (na karoti) = never does anything
ন কশ্চিত্ (na kashchit) = no one
ন চিরেণ (na chireNa) = without delay
ন দৃষ্টপূর্বং (na dR^iShTapUrvaM) = no one has previously seen.
ন দ্বেষ্টি (na dveShTi) = does not hate
ন নিবৃত্তানি (na nivR^ittAni) = nor stopping development
ন পুনঃ (na punaH) = nor again
ন মধ্যং (na madhyaM) = no middle
ন য়োত্স্যে (na yotsye) = I shall not fight
ন লিপ্যতে (na lipyate) = nor is he entangled.
ন শ্রোস্যসি (na shrosyasi) = do not hear
ন (na) = there is not
ন (na) = did not
ন (na) = do not
ন (na) = does not
ন (na) = neither
ন (na) = never
ন (na) = no one
ন (na) = no
ন (na) = notHing
ন (na) = not
ন (na) = nothing
ন (na) = nor
ন (na) = should not
নঃ (naH) = us
নঃ (naH) = our
নঃ (naH) = to us
নঃ (naH) = by us
নঃ (naH) = for us
নকুলঃ (nakulaH) = Nakula
নদীনাং (nadInAM) = of the rivers
নভঃ (nabhaH) = the sky
নভঃস্পৃশং (nabhaHspR^ishaM) = touching the sky
নমঃ অস্তু (namaH astu) = I offer my respects
নমঃ অস্তু (namaH astu) = obeisances
নমঃ (namaH) = again my respects
নমঃ (namaH) = offering obeisances
নমঃ (namaH) = offering my respects
নমঃ (namaH) = my respects
নমস্কুরু (namaskuru) = offer obeisances
নমস্কুরু (namaskuru) = offer your obeisances
নমস্কৃত্বা (namaskR^itvA) = offering obeisances
নমস্তে (namaste) = offering my respects unto You.
নমস্যন্তঃ (namasyantaH) = offering obeisances
নমস্যন্তি (namasyanti) = are offering respects
নমেরন্ (nameran) = they should offer proper obeisances
নয়নং (nayanaM) = eyes
নয়েত্ (nayet) = must bring under.
নরঃ (naraH) = a person
নরঃ (naraH) = a man.
নরঃ (naraH) = a man
নরঃ (naraH) = human being.
নরকস্য (narakasya) = of hell
নরকায় (narakAya) = make for hellish life
নরকে (narake) = in hell
নরকে (narake) = into hell
নরপুঙ্গবঃ (narapuN^gavaH) = hero in human society.
নরলোকবীরাঃ (naralokavIrAH) = kings of human society
নরাণাং (narANAM) = among human beings
নরাধমাঃ (narAdhamAH) = lowest among mankind
নরাধমান্ (narAdhamAn) = the lowest of mankind
নরাধিপং (narAdhipaM) = the king.
নরৈঃ (naraiH) = by men
নবং (navaM) = a boat
নবদ্বারে (navadvAre) = in the place where there are nine gates
নবানি (navAni) = new garments
নবানি (navAni) = new sets
নশ্যতি (nashyati) = perishes
নশ্যাত্সু (nashyAtsu) = being annihilated
নষ্ট (naShTa) = having lost
নষ্টঃ (naShTaH) = dispelled
নষ্টঃ (naShTaH) = scattered
নষ্টান্ (naShTAn) = all ruined
নষ্টে (naShTe) = being destroyed
নক্ষত্রাণাং (nakShatrANAM) = of the stars
নাগানাং (nAgAnAM) = of the manyhooded serpents
নানা (nAnA) = many
নানা (nAnA) = variegated
নানাভাবান্ (nAnAbhAvAn) = multifarious situations
নানাবিধানি (nAnAvidhAni) = variegated
নান্তং (nAntaM) = no end
নান্যগামিনা (nAnyagAminA) = without their being deviated
নাভিজানাতি (nAbhijAnAti) = does not know
নাম (nAma) = in name only
নায়কাঃ (nAyakAH) = captains
নারদঃ (nAradaH) = Narada
নারীণাং (nArINAM) = of women
নাশঃ (nAshaH) = loss
নাশনং (nAshanaM) = the destroyer.
নাশনং (nAshanaM) = destructive
নাশয়ামি (nAshayAmi) = dispel
নাশায় (nAshAya) = for destruction
নাশিতং (nAshitaM) = is destroyed
নাসাভ্যন্তর (nAsAbhyantara) = within the nostrils
নাসিকা (nAsikA) = of the nose
নাস্তি (nAsti) = there is not
নাস্তি (nAsti) = there cannot be
নিঃ (niH) = without
নিঃশ্রেয়সকরৌ (niHshreyasakarau) = leading to the path of liberation
নিঃস্পৃহঃ (niHspR^ihaH) = desireless
নিগচ্ছতি (nigachChati) = attains
নিগচ্ছতি (nigachChati) = gains.
নিগৃহীতানি (nigR^ihItAni) = so curbed down
নিগৃহ্ণামি (nigR^ihNAmi) = withhold
নিগ্রহং (nigrahaM) = subduing
নিগ্রহঃ (nigrahaH) = repression
নিত্য (nitya) = always
নিত্য (nitya) = regularly
নিত্যং (nityaM) = always existing
নিত্যং (nityaM) = always
নিত্যং (nityaM) = as an eternal function
নিত্যং (nityaM) = eternally
নিত্যং (nityaM) = constant
নিত্যং (nityaM) = twenty-four hours a day
নিত্যং (nityaM) = perpetually
নিত্যং (nityaM) = forever
নিত্যঃ (nityaH) = eternal
নিত্যঃ (nityaH) = everlasting
নিত্যজাতং (nityajAtaM) = always born
নিত্যত্বং (nityatvaM) = constancy
নিত্যয়ুক্তঃ (nityayuktaH) = always engaged
নিত্যয়ুক্তাঃ (nityayuktAH) = perpetually engaged
নিত্যবৈরিণ (nityavairiNa) = by the eternal enemy
নিত্যশঃ (nityashaH) = regularly
নিত্যসত্ত্বস্থঃ (nityasattvasthaH) = in a pure state
of spiritual existence
নিত্যস্য (nityasya) = eternal in existence
নিত্যাঃ (nityAH) = in eternity
নিদ্রা (nidrA) = sleep
নিদ্রাভিঃ (nidrAbhiH) = and sleep
নিধনং (nidhanaM) = destruction
নিধনানি (nidhanAni) = when vanquished
নিধানং (nidhAnaM) = basis
নিধানং (nidhAnaM) = resting place
নিধানং (nidhAnaM) = refuge
নিন্দন্তঃ (nindantaH) = while vilifying
নিন্দা (nindA) = in defamation
নিবদ্ধঃ (nibaddhaH) = conditioned
নিবধ্নন্তি (nibadhnanti) = do condition
নিবধ্নন্তি (nibadhnanti) = bind
নিবধ্নাতি (nibadhnAti) = binds
নিবধ্যতে (nibadhyate) = becomes affected.
নিবধ্যতে (nibadhyate) = becomes entangled.
নিবধ্নন্তি (nibadhnanti) = do bind
নিবন্ধায় (nibandhAya) = for bondage
নিবোধ (nibodha) = just understand
নিবোধ (nibodha) = just take note of, be informed
নিবোধ (nibodha) = try to understand
নিমিত্তমাত্রং (nimittamAtraM) = just the cause
নিমিত্তানি (nimittAni) = causes
নিমিষন্ (nimiShan) = closing
নিয়ত (niyata) = having controlled
নিয়তং (niyataM) = always
নিয়তং (niyataM) = prescribed
নিয়তং (niyataM) = regulated
নিয়তমনসঃ (niyatamanasaH) = with a regulated mind
নিয়তস্য (niyatasya) = prescribed
নিয়তাঃ (niyatAH) = controlled
নিয়তাত্মভিঃ (niyatAtmabhiH) = by the self-controlled.
নিয়মং (niyamaM) = regulations
নিয়ম্য (niyamya) = by regulating
নিয়ম্য (niyamya) = regulating
নিয়োজয়সি (niyojayasi) = You are engaging
নিয়োজিতঃ (niyojitaH) = engaged.
নিয়োক্ষ্যতি (niyokShyati) = will engage.
নিরতঃ (nirataH) = engaged
নিরহঙ্কারঃ (nirahaN^kAraH) = without false ego
নিরাশীঃ (nirAshIH) = without desire for the result
নিরাশীঃ (nirAshIH) = without desire for profit
নিরাশীঃ (nirAshIH) = without being attracted by anything else
নিরাশ্রয়ঃ (nirAshrayaH) = without any shelter
নিরাহারস্য (nirAhArasya) = by negative restrictions
নিরীক্ষে (nirIkShe) = may look upon
নিরুদ্ধং (niruddhaM) = being restrained from matter
নিরুধ্য (nirudhya) = confining
নির্গুণং (nirguNaM) = without material qualities
নির্গুণত্বাত্ (nirguNatvAt) = due to being transcendental
নির্দেশঃ (nirdeshaH) = indication
নির্দোষং (nirdoShaM) = flawless
নির্দ্বন্দ্বঃ (nirdvandvaH) = without duality
নির্দ্বন্দ্বঃ (nirdvandvaH) = free from all dualities
নির্ধূত (nirdhUta) = cleansed
নির্মমঃ (nirmamaH) = with no sense of proprietorship
নির্মমঃ (nirmamaH) = without a sense of proprietorship
নির্মমঃ (nirmamaH) = without ownership
নির্মলং (nirmalaM) = purified
নির্মলত্বাত্ (nirmalatvAt) = being purest in the material world
নির্মুক্তাঃ (nirmuktAH) = free from
নির্যোগক্ষেমঃ (niryogakShemaH) = free from ideas of gain and protection
নির্বাণপরমাং (nirvANaparamAM) = cessation of material existence
নির্বিকারঃ (nirvikAraH) = without change
নির্বেদং (nirvedaM) = callousness
নির্বৈরঃ (nirvairaH) = without an enemy
নিবর্ততে (nivartate) = comes back.
নিবর্ততে (nivartate) = he ceases from.
নিবর্তন্তি (nivartanti) = they come back
নিবর্তন্তে (nivartante) = come back
নিবর্তন্তে (nivartante) = they come back
নিবর্তিতুং (nivartituM) = to cease
নিবসিষ্যসি (nivasiShyasi) = you will live
নিবাতস্থঃ (nivAtasthaH) = in a place without wind
নিবাসঃ (nivAsaH) = abode
নিবৃত্তিং (nivR^ittiM) = not acting improperly
নিবৃত্তিং (nivR^ittiM) = not doing
নিবেশয় (niveshaya) = apply
নিশা (nishA) = is night
নিশা (nishA) = night
নিশ্চয়ং (nishchayaM) = certainty
নিশ্চয়ঃ (nishchayaH) = in certainty.
নিশ্চয়েন (nishchayena) = with firm determination
নিশ্চলতি (nishchalati) = becomes verily agitated
নিশ্চলা (nishchalA) = unmoved
নিশ্চিতং (nishchitaM) = confidently
নিশ্চিতং (nishchitaM) = definite
নিশ্চিতাঃ (nishchitAH) = having ascertained
নিশ্চিত্য (nishchitya) = ascertaining
নিষ্ঠা (niShThA) = the stage
নিষ্ঠা (niShThA) = the faith
নিষ্ঠা (niShThA) = faith
নিস্ত্রৈগুণ্যঃ (nistraiguNyaH) = transcendental to the three
modes of material nature
নিস্পৃহঃ (nispR^ihaH) = devoid of desire
নিহতাঃ (nihatAH) = killed
নিহত্য (nihatya) = by killing
নীচং (nIchaM) = low
নীতিঃ (nItiH) = morality
নু (nu) = of course
নৃলোকে (nR^iloke) = in this material world
নৃষু (nR^iShu) = in men.
নেত্রং (netraM) = and eyes
নেত্রং (netraM) = eyes
নৈব (naiva) = never is it so
নৈষ্কর্ম্যং (naiShkarmyaM) = freedom from reaction
নৈষ্কর্ম্যসিদ্ধিং (naiShkarmyasiddhiM) = the perfection of nonreaction
নৈষ্কৃতিকঃ (naiShkR^itikaH) = expert in insulting others
নৈষ্ঠিকীং (naiShThikIM) = unflinching
নো (no) = nor
ন্যায়্যং (nyAyyaM) = right
ন্যাসং (nyAsaM) = renunciation
পচন্তি (pachanti) = prepare food
পচামি (pachAmi) = I digest
পঞ্চ (pa~ncha) = five
পঞ্চমং (pa~nchamaM) = the fifth.
পণবানক (paNavAnaka) = small drums and kettledrums
পণ্ডিতং (paNDitaM) = learned
পণ্ডিতাঃ (paNDitAH) = the learned.
পণ্ডিতাঃ (paNDitAH) = the learned
পণ্ডিতাঃ (paNDitAH) = those who are wise
পতঙ্গাঃ (pataN^gAH) = moths
পতন্তি (patanti) = they glide down
পতন্তি (patanti) = fall down
পত্রং (patraM) = a leaf
পথি (pathi) = on the path.
পদং (padaM) = abode
পদং (padaM) = position
পদং (padaM) = legs
পদং (padaM) = situation
পদৈঃ (padaiH) = by the aphorisms
পদ্মপত্রং (padmapatraM) = a lotus leaf
পর (para) = and in other
পরং (paraM) = transcendental
পরং (paraM) = the Supreme.
পরং (paraM) = the Supreme
পরং (paraM) = the supreme
পরং (paraM) = beyond
পরং (paraM) = superior
পরং (paraM) = supreme
পরং (paraM) = far superior things
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O chastiser of the enemies.
পরঃ (paraH) = in the next life
পরঃ (paraH) = transcendental
পরঃ (paraH) = the ultimate goal.
পরঃ (paraH) = the Supreme, than whom no one is greater
পরতঃ (parataH) = superior
পরতরং (parataraM) = superior
পরধর্মঃ (paradharmaH) = duties prescribed for others
পরধর্মাত্ (paradharmAt) = than another's occupation
পরধর্মাত্ (paradharmAt) = than duties mentioned for others
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies.
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O killer of the enemies
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O chastiser of the enemy
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O conqueror of enemies.
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O conqueror of the enemies
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O mighty-armed one.
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O subduer of the enemies
পরন্তপ (parantapa) = O subduer of the enemy.
পরন্তপঃ (parantapaH) = the chastiser of the enemies
পরম (parama) = the supreme
পরম (parama) = beyond material nature
পরমং (paramaM) = transcendental
পরমং (paramaM) = the divine
পরমং (paramaM) = the Supreme
পরমং (paramaM) = the supreme
পরমং (paramaM) = most
পরমং (paramaM) = supreme
পরমঃ (paramaH) = dedicated to
পরমঃ (paramaH) = perfect
পরমাং (paramAM) = ultimate
পরমাং (paramAM) = the ultimate
পরমাং (paramAM) = the supreme
পরমাং (paramAM) = supreme
পরমাঃ (paramAH) = the highest goal of life
পরমাত্ম (paramAtma) = the Supersoul
পরমাত্মা (paramAtmA) = the Supersoul
পরমেশ্বর (parameshvara) = O Supreme Lord
পরমেশ্বরং (parameshvaraM) = the Supersoul
পরমেষ্বাসঃ (parameShvAsaH) = the great archer
পরম্পরা (paramparA) = by disciplic succession
পরয়া (parayA) = of a high grade
পরয়া (parayA) = transcendental
পরস্তাত্ (parastAt) = transcendental.
পরস্পরং (parasparaM) = among themselves
পরস্পরং (parasparaM) = mutually
পরস্য (parasya) = to others
পরা (parA) = transcendental.
পরা (parA) = superior
পরাং (parAM) = to the supreme
পরাং (parAM) = transcendental.
পরাং (parAM) = transcendental
পরাং (parAM) = the transcendental
পরাং (parAM) = the supreme
পরাং (parAM) = the highest
পরাণি (parANi) = superior
পরায়ণঃ (parAyaNaH) = being so destined
পরায়ণাঃ (parAyaNAH) = always situated in the mentality
পরায়ণাঃ (parAyaNAH) = so inclined
পরি (pari) = sufficiently
পরিকীর্তিতঃ (parikIrtitaH) = is declared.
পরিক্লিষ্টং (parikliShTaM) = grudgingly
পরিগ্রহং (parigrahaM) = and acceptance of material things
পরিগ্রহঃ (parigrahaH) = sense of proprietorship over possessions
পরিচর্য (paricharya) = service
পরিচক্ষতে (parichakShate) = is called.
পরিচক্ষতে (parichakShate) = is to be considered.
পরিচিন্তয়ন্ (parichintayan) = thinking of
পরিণামে (pariNAme) = at the end
পরিত্যজ্য (parityajya) = abandoning
পরিত্যাগঃ (parityAgaH) = renunciation
পরিত্যাগী (parityAgI) = renouncer
পরিত্রাণায় (paritrANAya) = for the deliverance
পরিদহ্যতে (paridahyate) = is burning.
পরিদেবনা (paridevanA) = lamentation.
পরিপন্থিনৌ (paripanthinau) = stumbling blocks.
পরিপ্রশ্নেন (pariprashnena) = by submissive inquiries
পরিমার্গিতব্যং (parimArgitavyaM) = has to be searched out
পরিশুষ্যতি (parishuShyati) = is drying up.
পরিসমপ্যতে (parisamapyate) = end.
পরিজ্ঞাতা (parij~nAtA) = the knower
পর্জন্যঃ (parjanyaH) = rain
পর্জন্যাত্ (parjanyAt) = from rains
পর্ণানি (parNAni) = the leaves
পর্যন্তং (paryantaM) = including
পর্যাপ্তং (paryAptaM) = limited
পর্যুপাসতে (paryupAsate) = worship perfectly
পর্যুপাসতে (paryupAsate) = completely engage in worshiping
পর্যুপাসতে (paryupAsate) = completely engage
পর্যুপাসতে (paryupAsate) = properly worship
পর্যুষিতং (paryuShitaM) = decomposed
পবতাং (pavatAM) = of all that purifies
পবনঃ (pavanaH) = the wind
পবিত্রং (pavitraM) = that which purifies
পবিত্রং (pavitraM) = the purest
পবিত্রং (pavitraM) = pure
পবিত্রং (pavitraM) = sanctified
পশ্য (pashya) = just behold
পশ্য (pashya) = just see
পশ্য (pashya) = behold
পশ্য (pashya) = see
পশ্যতঃ (pashyataH) = for the introspective
পশ্যতি (pashyati) = actually sees.
পশ্যতি (pashyati) = sees perfectly.
পশ্যতি (pashyati) = sees
পশ্যন্ (pashyan) = realizing the position of
পশ্যন্ (pashyan) = seeing
পশ্যন্তি (pashyanti) = can see
পশ্যন্তি (pashyanti) = see
পশ্যামি (pashyAmi) = I see
পশ্যামি (pashyAmi) = see
পশ্যেত্ (pashyet) = observes
পক্ষয়োঃ (pakShayoH) = to the parties
পক্ষিণাঅং (pakShiNAaM) = of birds.
পাঞ্চজন্যং (pA~nchajanyaM) = the conchshell named Pancajanya
পাণি (pANi) = hands
পাণ্ডব (pANDava) = O son of Pandu.
পাণ্ডব (pANDava) = O son of Pandu
পাণ্ডবঃ (pANDavaH) = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)
পাণ্ডবঃ (pANDavaH) = Arjuna
পাণ্ডবঃ (pANDavaH) = the son of Pandu (Arjuna)
পাণ্ডবাঃ (pANDavAH) = the sons of Pandu
পাণ্ডবানাং (pANDavAnAM) = of the Pandavas
পাণ্ডবানীকং (pANDavAnIkaM) = the soldiers of the Pandavas
পাণ্ডুপুত্রাণাং (pANDuputrANAM) = of the sons of Pandu
পাতকং (pAtakaM) = sinful reactions
পাত্রে (pAtre) = to a suitable person
পাদং (pAdaM) = and legs
পাপং (pApaM) = vices
পাপং (pApaM) = sin
পাপং (pApaM) = sins
পাপং (pApaM) = sinful reaction
পাপকৃত্তমঃ (pApakR^ittamaH) = the greatest sinner
পাপয়োনয়ঃ (pApayonayaH) = born of a lower family
পাপাঃ (pApAH) = of sins
পাপাঃ (pApAH) = sinners
পাপাত্ (pApAt) = from sins
পাপেন (pApena) = by sin
পাপেভ্যঃ (pApebhyaH) = of sinners
পাপেভ্যঃ (pApebhyaH) = from sinful reactions
পাপেষু (pApeShu) = unto the sinners
পাপ্মানং (pApmAnaM) = the great symbol of sin
পারুষ্যং (pAruShyaM) = harshness
পার্থ (pArtha) = O Partha (Arjuna)
পার্থ (pArtha) = O son of Pritha (Arjuna)
পার্থ (pArtha) = O son of Pritha
পার্থঃ (pArthaH) = Arjuna
পার্থঃ (pArthaH) = the son of Pritha
পার্থস্য (pArthasya) = and Arjuna
পার্থায় (pArthAya) = unto Arjuna
পাবকঃ (pAvakaH) = fire, electricity
পাবকঃ (pAvakaH) = fire
পাবনানি (pAvanAni) = purifying
পিণ্ড (piNDa) = of offerings of food
পিতরঃ (pitaraH) = fathers
পিতরঃ (pitaraH) = forefathers
পিতা (pitA) = the father
পিতা (pitA) = father.
পিতা (pitA) = father
পিতামহঃ (pitAmahaH) = grandfather
পিতামহঃ (pitAmahaH) = the grandfather
পিতামহাঃ (pitAmahAH) = grandfathers
পিতামহান্ (pitAmahAn) = grandfathers
পিতৃন্ (pitR^in) = fathers
পিতৃব্রতাঃ (pitR^ivratAH) = worshipers of ancestors
পিতৄণাং (pitR^INAM) = of the ancestors
পিতৄন্ (pitR^In) = to the ancestors
পিতেব (piteva) = like a father
পীডয়া (pIDayA) = by torture
পুংসঃ (pu.nsaH) = of a person
পুণ্য (puNya) = pious
পুণ্যং (puNyaM) = pious
পুণ্যঃ (puNyaH) = original
পুণ্যকর্মণাং (puNyakarmaNAM) = of the pious.
পুণ্যকৃতং (puNyakR^itaM) = of those who performed pious activities
পুণ্যফলং (puNyaphalaM) = result of pious work
পুণ্যাঃ (puNyAH) = righteous
পুণ্যে (puNye) = the results of their pious activities
পুত্র (putra) = for son
পুত্রস্য (putrasya) = with a son
পুত্রাঃ (putrAH) = the sons
পুত্রাঃ (putrAH) = sons
পুত্রান্ (putrAn) = sons
পুনঃ পুনঃ (punaH punaH) = again and again
পুনঃ পুনঃ (punaH punaH) = repeatedly.
পুনঃ (punaH) = again.
পুনঃ (punaH) = again
পুনর্জন্ম (punarjanma) = rebirth
পুনশ্চ (punashcha) = and again
পুমান্ (pumAn) = a person
পুরস্তাত্ (purastAt) = from the front
পুরা (purA) = anciently
পুরা (purA) = formerly.
পুরা (purA) = formerly
পুরাণং (purANaM) = the oldest
পুরাণঃ (purANaH) = old
পুরাণঃ (purANaH) = the oldest
পুরাণী (purANI) = very old.
পুরাতনঃ (purAtanaH) = very old
পুরুজিত্ (purujit) = Purujit
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = to a person
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = the enjoyer
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = the Personality of Godhead
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = the living entities
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = the living entity
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = personality
পুরুষং (puruShaM) = Personality of Godhead
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = a man
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = enjoyer
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = the universal form
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = the living entity
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = the Supreme Personality
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = personality
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = person
পুরুষঃ (puruShaH) = living entity
পুরুষর্ষভ (puruSharShabha) = O best among men
পুরুষব্যাঘ্র (puruShavyAghra) = O tiger among human beings
পুরুষস্য (puruShasya) = of a man
পুরুষাঃ (puruShAH) = such persons
পুরুষোত্তম (puruShottama) = O greatest of all persons
পুরুষোত্তম (puruShottama) = O best of personalities.
পুরুষোত্তম (puruShottama) = O Supreme Person
পুরুষোত্তমং (puruShottamaM) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead
পুরুষোত্তমঃ (puruShottamaH) = as the Supreme Personality.
পুরুষৌ (puruShau) = living entities
পুরে (pure) = in the city
পুরোধসাং (purodhasAM) = of all priests
পুষ্কলাভিঃ (puShkalAbhiH) = Vedic hymns.
পুষ্ণামি (puShNAmi) = am nourishing
পুষ্পং (puShpaM) = a flower
পুষ্পিতাং (puShpitAM) = flowery
পূজা (pUjA) = and worship
পূজানং (pUjAnaM) = worship
পূজার্হৌ (pUjArhau) = those who are worshipable
পূজ্যঃ (pUjyaH) = worshipable
পূত (pUta) = purified
পূতাঃ (pUtAH) = being purified
পূতি (pUti) = bad-smelling
পূরুষঃ (pUruShaH) = a man.
পূরুষঃ (pUruShaH) = a man
পূর্ব (pUrva) = previous
পূর্বতরং (pUrvataraM) = in ancient times
পূর্বমেব (pUrvameva) = by previous arrangement
পূর্বাণি (pUrvANi) = before
পূর্বে (pUrve) = before
পূর্বৈঃ (pUrvaiH) = by the predecessors
পূর্বৈঃ (pUrvaiH) = by past authorities
পৃচ্ছামি (pR^ichChAmi) = I am asking
পৃথক্ (pR^ithak) = each separately.
পৃথক্ (pR^ithak) = different
পৃথক্ (pR^ithak) = differently
পৃথক্ (pR^ithak) = variously
পৃথক্ (pR^ithak) = separate
পৃথক্ত্বেন (pR^ithaktvena) = in duality
পৃথক্ত্বেন (pR^ithaktvena) = differently
পৃথক্ত্বেন (pR^ithaktvena) = because of division
পৃথগ্বিধং (pR^ithagvidhaM) = of different kinds
পৃথগ্বিধাঃ (pR^ithagvidhAH) = variously arranged.
পৃথগ্বিধান্ (pR^ithagvidhAn) = different
পৃথগ্ভাবং (pR^ithagbhAvaM) = separated identities
পৃথিবীং (pR^ithivIM) = the surface of the earth
পৃথিবীপতে (pR^ithivIpate) = O King
পৃথিব্যাং (pR^ithivyAM) = in the earth
পৃথিব্যাং (pR^ithivyAM) = on the earth
পৃষ্ঠতঃ (pR^iShThataH) = from behind
পৌণ্ড্রং (pauNDraM) = the conch named Paundra
পৌত্রাঃ (pautrAH) = grandsons
পৌত্রান্ (pautrAn) = grandsons
পৌরুষং (pauruShaM) = ability
পৌরুষং (pauruShaM) = self-sanctioned
পৌর্বদেহিকং (paurvadehikaM) = from the previous body
প্রকাশং (prakAshaM) = illumination
প্রকাশঃ (prakAshaH) = the quality of illumination
প্রকাশঃ (prakAshaH) = manifest
প্রকাশকং (prakAshakaM) = illuminating
প্রকাশয়তি (prakAshayati) = illuminates
প্রকাশয়তি (prakAshayati) = discloses
প্রকীর্ত্য (prakIrtya) = by the glories
প্রকৃতি (prakR^iti) = in material nature
প্রকৃতি (prakR^iti) = material nature
প্রকৃতি (prakR^iti) = from material nature
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = in the transcendental form
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = energy
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = to my own nature
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = the material nature
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = nature
প্রকৃতিং (prakR^itiM) = material nature
প্রকৃতিঃ (prakR^itiH) = energies
প্রকৃতিঃ (prakR^itiH) = material nature
প্রকৃতিজান্ (prakR^itijAn) = produced by the material nature
প্রকৃতিজৈঃ (prakR^itijaiH) = born of the modes of material nature
প্রকৃতিজৈঃ (prakR^itijaiH) = born of material nature
প্রকৃতিস্থঃ (prakR^itisthaH) = being situated in the material energy
প্রকৃতেঃ (prakR^iteH) = of the force of nature
প্রকৃতেঃ (prakR^iteH) = of material nature
প্রকৃতেঃ (prakR^iteH) = modes of nature
প্রকৃত্যা (prakR^ityA) = by nature
প্রকৃত্যা (prakR^ityA) = by material nature
প্রজনঃ (prajanaH) = the cause for begetting children
প্রজহাতি (prajahAti) = gives up
প্রজহি (prajahi) = curb
প্রজাঃ (prajAH) = generations
প্রজাঃ (prajAH) = population.
প্রজাঃ (prajAH) = living entities.
প্রজানাতি (prajAnAti) = knows
প্রজানামি (prajAnAmi) = do I know
প্রজাপতিঃ (prajApatiH) = the Lord of creatures
প্রজাপতিঃ (prajApatiH) = Brahma
প্রণম্য (praNamya) = offering obeisances.
প্রণম্য (praNamya) = offering obeisances
প্রণয়েন (praNayena) = out of love
প্রণবঃ (praNavaH) = the three letters a-u-m
প্রণশ্যতি (praNashyati) = is lost.
প্রণশ্যতি (praNashyati) = one falls down.
প্রণশ্যতি (praNashyati) = perishes.
প্রণশ্যন্তি (praNashyanti) = become vanquished
প্রণশ্যামি (praNashyAmi) = am lost
প্রণষ্টঃ (praNaShTaH) = dispelled
প্রণিধায় (praNidhAya) = laying down
প্রণিপাতেন (praNipAtena) = by approaching a spiritual master
প্রতপন্তি (pratapanti) = are scorching
প্রতাপবান্ (pratApavAn) = the valiant.
প্রতি (prati) = towards.
প্রতিজানীহি (pratijAnIhi) = declare
প্রতিজানে (pratijAne) = I promise
প্রতিপদ্যতে (pratipadyate) = attains.
প্রতিয়োত্স্যামি (pratiyotsyAmi) = shall counterattack
প্রতিষ্ঠা (pratiShThA) = the rest
প্রতিষ্ঠাপ্য (pratiShThApya) = placing
প্রতিষ্ঠিতং (pratiShThitaM) = situated.
প্রতিষ্ঠিতা (pratiShThitA) = fixed.
প্রত্যবায়ঃ (pratyavAyaH) = diminution
প্রত্যক্ষ (pratyakSha) = by direct experience
প্রত্যানীকেষু (pratyAnIkeShu) = on the opposite sides
প্রত্যুপকারার্থং (pratyupakArArthaM) = for the sake of
getting some return
প্রথিতঃ (prathitaH) = celebrated
প্রদধ্মতুঃ (pradadhmatuH) = sounded.
প্রদাঃ (pradAH) = causing.
প্রদিগ্ধান্ (pradigdhAn) = tainted with.
প্রদিষ্টং (pradiShTaM) = indicated
প্রদীপ্তং (pradIptaM) = blazing
প্রদুষ্যন্তি (praduShyanti) = become polluted
প্রদ্বিষন্তঃ (pradviShantaH) = blaspheming
প্রপদ্যতে (prapadyate) = surrenders
প্রপদ্যন্তে (prapadyante) = surrender
প্রপদ্যে (prapadye) = surrender
প্রপন্নং (prapannaM) = surrendered.
প্রপশ্য (prapashya) = just see.
প্রপশ্যদ্ভিঃ (prapashyadbhiH) = by those who can see
প্রপশ্যামি (prapashyAmi) = I see
প্রপিতামহঃ (prapitAmahaH) = the great-grandfather
প্রভবং (prabhavaM) = origin, opulences
প্রভবঃ (prabhavaH) = creation
প্রভবঃ (prabhavaH) = the source of generation
প্রভবঃ (prabhavaH) = the source of manifestation
প্রভবতি (prabhavati) = is manifest
প্রভবন্তি (prabhavanti) = become manifest
প্রভবন্তি (prabhavanti) = flourish
প্রভবান্ (prabhavAn) = born of
প্রভবিষ্ণু (prabhaviShNu) = developing
প্রভবৈঃ (prabhavaiH) = born of
প্রভা (prabhA) = the light
প্রভাবঃ (prabhAvaH) = influence
প্রভাষেত (prabhASheta) = speaks
প্রভুঃ (prabhuH) = the master of the city of the body
প্রভুঃ (prabhuH) = the Lord
প্রভুঃ (prabhuH) = Lord
প্রভো (prabho) = O my Lord
প্রভো (prabho) = O Lord
প্রমাণং (pramANaM) = evidence
প্রমাণং (pramANaM) = example
প্রমাথি (pramAthi) = agitating
প্রমাথীনি (pramAthIni) = agitating
প্রমাদ (pramAda) = and illusion
প্রমাদ (pramAda) = with madness
প্রমাদ (pramAda) = madness
প্রমাদঃ (pramAdaH) = madness
প্রমাদাত্ (pramAdAt) = out of foolishness
প্রমাদে (pramAde) = in madness
প্রমুখতঃ (pramukhataH) = in front of
প্রমুখে (pramukhe) = in the front
প্রমুচ্যতে (pramuchyate) = is completely liberated.
প্রমুচ্যতে (pramuchyate) = is delivered.
প্রয়চ্ছতি (prayachChati) = offers
প্রয়তাত্মনঃ (prayatAtmanaH) = from one in pure consciousness.
প্রয়ত্নাত্ (prayatnAt) = by rigid practice
প্রয়াণ (prayANa) = of death
প্রয়াণকালে (prayANakAle) = at the time of death
প্রয়াতাঃ (prayAtAH) = those who pass away
প্রয়াতাঃ (prayAtAH) = having departed
প্রয়াতি (prayAti) = goes
প্রয়াতি (prayAti) = leaves
প্রয়ুক্তঃ (prayuktaH) = impelled
প্রয়ুজ্যতে (prayujyate) = is used
প্রলপন্ (pralapan) = talking
প্রলয়ং (pralayaM) = dissolution
প্রলয়ঃ (pralayaH) = annihilation
প্রলয়ঃ (pralayaH) = dissolution
প্রলয়ান্তাং (pralayAntAM) = unto the point of death
প্রলয়ে (pralaye) = in the annihilation
প্রলীনঃ (pralInaH) = being dissolved
প্রলীয়তে (pralIyate) = is annihilated
প্রলীয়ন্তে (pralIyante) = are annihilated
প্রবদতাং (pravadatAM) = of arguments
প্রবদন্তি (pravadanti) = say
প্রবর্ততে (pravartate) = act.
প্রবর্ততে (pravartate) = emanates
প্রবর্তন্তে (pravartante) = they flourish
প্রবর্তন্তে (pravartante) = begin
প্রবর্তিতং (pravartitaM) = established by the Vedas
প্রবক্ষ্যামি (pravakShyAmi) = I am speaking
প্রবক্ষ্যামি (pravakShyAmi) = I shall explain
প্রবক্ষ্যামি (pravakShyAmi) = I shall now explain
প্রবক্ষ্যামি (pravakShyAmi) = I shall speak
প্রবক্ষ্যে (pravakShye) = I shall explain.
প্রবালাঃ (pravAlAH) = twigs
প্রবিভক্তং (pravibhaktaM) = divided
প্রবিভক্তানি (pravibhaktAni) = are divided
প্রবিলীয়তে (pravilIyate) = merges entirely.
প্রবিশন্তি (pravishanti) = enter
প্রবৃত্তঃ (pravR^ittaH) = engaged
প্রবৃত্তিং (pravR^ittiM) = acting properly
প্রবৃত্তিং (pravR^ittiM) = attachment
প্রবৃত্তিং (pravR^ittiM) = doing
প্রবৃত্তিং (pravR^ittiM) = mission.
প্রবৃত্তিঃ (pravR^ittiH) = activity
প্রবৃত্তিঃ (pravR^ittiH) = the emanation
প্রবৃত্তিঃ (pravR^ittiH) = the beginning
প্রবৃত্তে (pravR^itte) = while about to engage
প্রবৃদ্ধঃ (pravR^iddhaH) = great
প্রবৃদ্ধাঃ (pravR^iddhAH) = developed
প্রবৃদ্ধে (pravR^iddhe) = developed
প্রবেষ্টুং (praveShTuM) = to enter into
প্রব্যথিত (pravyathita) = perturbed
প্রব্যথিতং (pravyathitaM) = perturbed
প্রব্যথিতাঃ (pravyathitAH) = perturbed
প্রশস্তে (prashaste) = in bona fide
প্রশান্ত (prashAnta) = unagitated
প্রশান্ত (prashAnta) = peaceful, fixed on the lotus feet of KRiShNa
প্রশান্তস্য (prashAntasya) = who has attained tranquillity
by such control over the mind
প্রসক্তাঃ (prasaktAH) = attached
প্রসক্তানাং (prasaktAnAM) = for those who are attached
প্রসঙ্গেন (prasaN^gena) = because of attachment
প্রসন্নচেতসঃ (prasannachetasaH) = of the happy-minded
প্রসন্নাত্মা (prasannAtmA) = fully joyful
প্রসন্নেন (prasannena) = happily
প্রসভং (prasabhaM) = presumptuously
প্রসভং (prasabhaM) = by force
প্রসবিষ্যধ্বং (prasaviShyadhvaM) = be more and more prosperous
প্রসাদং (prasAdaM) = the mercy of the Lord
প্রসাদজং (prasAdajaM) = born of the satisfaction.
প্রসাদয়ে (prasAdaye) = to beg mercy
প্রসাদে (prasAde) = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord
প্রসিদ্ধ্যেত্ (prasiddhyet) = is effected
প্রসীদ (prasIda) = just be gracious
প্রসীদ (prasIda) = be gracious
প্রসীদ (prasIda) = be pleased
প্রসৃতা (prasR^itA) = extended
প্রসৃতাঃ (prasR^itAH) = extended
প্রহরণাঃ (praharaNAH) = equipped with
প্রহসন্ (prahasan) = smiling
প্রহাস্যসি (prahAsyasi) = you can be released from.
প্রহৃষ্যতি (prahR^iShyati) = is rejoicing
প্রহৃষ্যেত্ (prahR^iShyet) = rejoices
প্রহ্লাদঃ (prahlAdaH) = Prahlada
প্রজ্ঞা (praj~nA) = and worshipable personalities
প্রজ্ঞা (praj~nA) = intelligence
প্রজ্ঞা (praj~nA) = consciousness
প্রজ্ঞা (praj~nA) = perfect knowledge
প্রজ্ঞাং (praj~nAM) = intelligence
প্রজ্ঞাবাদান্ (praj~nAvAdAn) = learned talks
প্রাক্ (prAk) = before
প্রাকৃতঃ (prAkR^itaH) = materialistic
প্রাঞ্জলয়ঃ (prA~njalayaH) = with folded hands
প্রাণ (prANa) = of the air going outward
প্রাণ (prANa) = the outgoing air
প্রাণ (prANa) = life
প্রাণং (prANaM) = the air which acts outward
প্রাণং (prANaM) = the life air
প্রাণকর্মাণি (prANakarmANi) = functions of the life breath
প্রাণান্ (prANAn) = the outgoing air
প্রাণান্ (prANAn) = lives
প্রাণাপানৌ (prANApAnau) = up-and down-moving air
প্রাণায়াম (prANAyAma) = trance induced by stopping all breathing
প্রাণিনাং (prANinAM) = of all living entities
প্রাণে (prANe) = in the air going outward
প্রাণেষু (prANeShu) = in the outgoing air
প্রাধান্যতঃ (prAdhAnyataH) = which are principal
প্রাপ্তং (prAptaM) = received
প্রাপ্তঃ (prAptaH) = achieving
প্রাপ্তিঃ (prAptiH) = achievement
প্রাপ্নুয়াত্ (prApnuyAt) = he attains
প্রাপ্নুবন্তি (prApnuvanti) = achieve
প্রাপ্য (prApya) = achieving
প্রাপ্য (prApya) = after achieving
প্রাপ্য (prApya) = obtaining
প্রাপ্য (prApya) = gaining
প্রাপ্যতে (prApyate) = is achieved
প্রাপ্স্যসি (prApsyasi) = you will get
প্রাপ্স্যসি (prApsyasi) = you gain
প্রাপ্স্যে (prApsye) = I shall gain
প্রারভতে (prArabhate) = begins
প্রার্থয়ন্তে (prArthayante) = pray for
প্রাহ (prAha) = told
প্রাহুঃ (prAhuH) = is called
প্রাহুঃ (prAhuH) = is said
প্রাহুঃ (prAhuH) = call
প্রাহুঃ (prAhuH) = they say
প্রিয় (priya) = well
প্রিয় (priya) = to the dear
প্রিয় (priya) = dear
প্রিয়ং (priyaM) = the pleasant
প্রিয়ং (priyaM) = dear.
প্রিয়ঃ (priyaH) = a lover
প্রিয়ঃ (priyaH) = dear.
প্রিয়ঃ (priyaH) = dear
প্রিয়ঃ (priyaH) = very dear.
প্রিয়ঃ (priyaH) = very dear
প্রিয়কৃত্তমঃ (priyakR^ittamaH) = more dear
প্রিয়তরঃ (priyataraH) = dearer
প্রিয়াঃ (priyAH) = palatable.
প্রিয়ায়াঃ (priyAyAH) = with the dearmost
প্রীতমনাঃ (prItamanAH) = pleased in mind
প্রীতি (prIti) = and satisfaction
প্রীতিঃ (prItiH) = pleasure
প্রীতিপূর্বকং (prItipUrvakaM) = in loving ecstasy
প্রীয়মাণায় (prIyamANAya) = thinking you dear to Me
প্রেতান্ (pretAn) = spirits of the dead
প্রেত্য (pretya) = after death
প্রেপ্সুঃ (prepsuH) = desiring
প্রোক্তং (proktaM) = is called
প্রোক্তং (proktaM) = is said
প্রোক্তং (proktaM) = declared
প্রোক্তঃ (proktaH) = described
প্রোক্তঃ (proktaH) = said
প্রোক্তঃ (proktaH) = spoken
প্রোক্তবান্ (proktavAn) = instructed
প্রোক্তা (proktA) = were said
প্রোক্তাঃ (proktAH) = spoken
প্রোক্তানি (proktAni) = said
প্রোচ্যতে (prochyate) = are said
প্রোচ্যমানং (prochyamAnaM) = as described by Me
প্রোতং (protaM) = is strung
ফল (phala) = of the result
ফল (phala) = of the results
ফল (phala) = of results
ফলং (phalaM) = a result
ফলং (phalaM) = a fruit
ফলং (phalaM) = the result.
ফলং (phalaM) = the result
ফলং (phalaM) = the results
ফলং (phalaM) = the fruitive result
ফলং (phalaM) = results
ফলং (phalaM) = fruit
ফলহেতবঃ (phalahetavaH) = those desiring fruitive results.
ফলাকাঙ্ক্ষী (phalAkAN^kShI) = desiring fruitive results
ফলানি (phalAni) = results
ফলে (phale) = in the result
ফলেষু (phaleShu) = in the fruits
ফলৈঃ (phalaiH) = results
বত (bata) = how strange it is
বদ্ধাঃ (baddhAH) = being bound
বধ্নাতি (badhnAti) = conditions
বধ্যতে (badhyate) = becomes entangled.
বন্ধং (bandhaM) = bondage
বন্ধনৈঃ (bandhanaiH) = from the bondage
বন্ধাত্ (bandhAt) = from bondage
বন্ধুঃ (bandhuH) = friend
বন্ধুষু (bandhuShu) = and the relatives or well-wishers
বন্ধূন্ (bandhUn) = relatives
বভূব (babhUva) = became
বল (bala) = by the force
বল (bala) = strength
বলং (balaM) = strength
বলং (balaM) = false strength
বলবত্ (balavat) = strong
বলবতাং (balavatAM) = of the strong
বলবান্ (balavAn) = powerful
বলাত্ (balAt) = by force
বহবঃ (bahavaH) = in great numbers
বহবঃ (bahavaH) = the many
বহবঃ (bahavaH) = many
বহিঃ (bahiH) = external
বহিঃ (bahiH) = outside
বহু (bahu) = many
বহুদংষ্ট্রা (bahuda.nShTrA) = many teeth
বহুধা (bahudhA) = in diversity
বহুধা (bahudhA) = in many ways
বহুনা (bahunA) = many
বহুমতঃ (bahumataH) = in great estimation
বহুলাং (bahulAM) = various
বহুলায়াসং (bahulAyAsaM) = with great labor
বহুবিধাঃ (bahuvidhAH) = various kinds of
বহুশাখাঃ (bahushAkhAH) = having various branches
বহূদরং (bahUdaraM) = many bellies
বহূন্ (bahUn) = many
বহূনাং (bahUnAM) = many
বহূনি (bahUni) = many
বালাঃ (bAlAH) = the less intelligent
বাহু (bAhu) = arms
বাহুং (bAhuM) = arms
বাহ্যস্পর্শেষু (bAhyasparsheShu) = in external sense pleasure
বাহ্যান্ (bAhyAn) = unnecessary
বিভর্তি (bibharti) = is maintaining
বীজং (bIjaM) = the seed
বীজং (bIjaM) = seed
বীজপ্রদঃ (bIjapradaH) = the seed-giving
বুদ্ধ্যা (buddhyA) = with the intelligence
বুদ্ধ্যা (buddhyA) = by intelligence
বুদ্ধ্বা (buddhvA) = understanding
বুদ্ধ্বা (buddhvA) = knowing
বুদ্ধয়ঃ (buddhayaH) = intelligence
বুদ্ধি (buddhi) = of intelligence
বুদ্ধি (buddhi) = by intelligence
বুদ্ধিং (buddhiM) = intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = and intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = intellect
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = understanding
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = transcendental intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = transcendental service with intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = the intelligence
বুদ্ধিঃ (buddhiH) = devotional service to the Lord
বুদ্ধিনাশঃ (buddhinAshaH) = loss of intelligence
বুদ্ধিনাশাত্ (buddhinAshAt) = and from loss of intelligence
বুদ্ধিভেদং (buddhibhedaM) = disruption of intelligence
বুদ্ধিমতাং (buddhimatAM) = of the intelligent
বুদ্ধিমান্ (buddhimAn) = intelligent
বুদ্ধিমান্ (buddhimAn) = is intelligent
বুদ্ধিয়ুক্তঃ (buddhiyuktaH) = one who is engaged in devotional service
বুদ্ধিয়ুক্তাঃ (buddhiyuktAH) = being engaged in devotional service
বুদ্ধিয়োগং (buddhiyogaM) = devotional activities
বুদ্ধিয়োগং (buddhiyogaM) = real intelligence
বুদ্ধিয়োগাত্ (buddhiyogAt) = on the strength of KRiShNa consciousness
বুদ্ধিসংয়োগং (buddhisa.nyogaM) = revival of consciousness
বুদ্ধেঃ (buddheH) = of intelligence
বুদ্ধেঃ (buddheH) = to intelligence
বুদ্ধেঃ (buddheH) = more than the intelligence
বুদ্ধৌ (buddhau) = in such consciousness
বুধঃ (budhaH) = the intelligent person.
বুধাঃ (budhAH) = the learned
বুধাঃ (budhAH) = those who know.
বৃহত্সাম (bR^ihatsAma) = the BrAhat-sama
বৃহস্পতিং (bR^ihaspatiM) = Brhaspati
বোদ্ধব্যং (boddhavyaM) = should be understood
বোধয়ন্তঃ (bodhayantaH) = preaching
ব্রবীমি (bravImi) = I am speaking
ব্রবীষি (bravIShi) = You are explaining
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = absolute
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = of a brahmana
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = of the Absolute Truth
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = to the Absolute
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = transcendence
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = truth
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = the Absolute
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = the Vedas
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = the Supreme
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = the supreme
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = Brahman
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = like the Supreme
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = supreme
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = spiritual in nature
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = spiritual kingdom
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = spiritual
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = spirit
ব্রহ্ম (brahma) = from the Vedas
ব্রহ্মচর্যং (brahmacharyaM) = celibacy
ব্রহ্মচারিব্রতে (brahmachArivrate) = in the vow of celibacy
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = of transcendence
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = of the impersonal brahmajyoti
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = of the Vedas
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = of the Supreme
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = of Brahma
ব্রহ্মণঃ (brahmaNaH) = than Brahma
ব্রহ্মণা (brahmaNA) = by the spirit soul
ব্রহ্মণি (brahmaNi) = in the transcendence
ব্রহ্মণি (brahmaNi) = in the Supreme
ব্রহ্মণি (brahmaNi) = unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
ব্রহ্মনির্বাণং (brahmanirvANaM) = the spiritual kingdom of God
ব্রহ্মনির্বাণং (brahmanirvANaM) = liberation in the Supreme
ব্রহ্মভুয়ায় (brahmabhuyAya) = elevated to the Brahman platform
ব্রহ্মভূতং (brahmabhUtaM) = liberation by identification with the Absolute
ব্রহ্মভূতঃ (brahmabhUtaH) = being one with the Absolute
ব্রহ্মভূতঃ (brahmabhUtaH) = being self-realized
ব্রহ্মভূয়ায় (brahmabhUyAya) = for self-realization
ব্রহ্ময়োগ (brahmayoga) = by concentration in Brahman
ব্রহ্মবাদিনাং (brahmavAdinAM) = of the transcendentalists.
ব্রহ্মবিত্ (brahmavit) = one who knows the Supreme perfectly
ব্রহ্মবিদঃ (brahmavidaH) = who know the Absolute
ব্রহ্মসংস্পর্শং (brahmasa.nsparshaM) = being in constant
touch with the Supreme
ব্রহ্মসূত্র (brahmasUtra) = of the Vedanta
ব্রহ্মাণং (brahmANaM) = Lord Brahma
ব্রাহ্মণ (brAhmaNa) = of the brahmanas
ব্রাহ্মণস্য (brAhmaNasya) = of the man who knows
the Supreme Brahman
ব্রাহ্মণাঃ (brAhmaNAH) = the brahmanas
ব্রাহ্মণাঃ (brAhmaNAH) = brahmanas
ব্রাহ্মণে (brAhmaNe) = in the brahmana
ব্রাহ্মী (brAhmI) = spiritual
ব্রূহি (brUhi) = tell
ব্রূহি (brUhi) = please tell
ভক্তঃ (bhaktaH) = devotee
ভক্তঃ (bhaktaH) = devotees
ভক্তাঃ (bhaktAH) = devotees
ভক্তিং (bhaktiM) = devotional service
ভক্তিঃ (bhaktiH) = in devotional service
ভক্তিঃ (bhaktiH) = devotion
ভক্তিমান্ (bhaktimAn) = engaged in devotion
ভক্তিমান্ (bhaktimAn) = devotee
ভক্তিয়োগেন (bhaktiyogena) = by devotional service
ভক্তেষু (bhakteShu) = amongst devotees
ভক্ত্যা (bhaktyA) = in devotion
ভক্ত্যা (bhaktyA) = in full devotion
ভক্ত্যা (bhaktyA) = with devotion
ভক্ত্যা (bhaktyA) = by devotional service
ভক্ত্যা (bhaktyA) = by pure devotional service
ভক্ত্যুপহৃতং (bhaktyupahR^itaM) = offered in devotion
ভগবন্ (bhagavan) = O Supreme
ভগবান্ (bhagavAn) = O Personality of Godhead
ভজতাং (bhajatAM) = in rendering devotional service
ভজতি (bhajati) = renders devotional service
ভজতি (bhajati) = serves in devotional service
ভজতে (bhajate) = is engaged in devotional service
ভজতে (bhajate) = renders transcendental loving service
ভজন্তি (bhajanti) = render transcendental service
ভজন্তি (bhajanti) = render service
ভজন্তে (bhajante) = engage in devotional service
ভজন্তে (bhajante) = become devoted
ভজন্তে (bhajante) = render services
ভজস্ব (bhajasva) = be engaged in loving service
ভজামি (bhajAmi) = reward
ভয় (bhaya) = fear
ভয়ং (bhayaM) = fear
ভয়ং (bhayaM) = fearfulness
ভয়াত্ (bhayAt) = out of fear
ভয়াত্ (bhayAt) = danger.
ভয়ানকানি (bhayAnakAni) = very fearful
ভয়াবহঃ (bhayAvahaH) = dangerous.
ভয়েন (bhayena) = out of fear
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O great one amongst the
descendants of Bharata.
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O chief amongst the
descendants of Bharata
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O chief of the descendants of Bharata.
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O chief of the Bharatas.
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O best amongst the Bharatas
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O best of the Bharatas.
ভরতর্ষভ (bharatarShabha) = O lord of the Bharatas.
ভরতশ্রেষ্ঠ (bharatashreShTha) = O chief of the Bharatas
ভরতসত্তম (bharatasattama) = O best of the Bharatas
ভর্তা (bhartA) = master
ভর্তা (bhartA) = sustainer
ভব (bhava) = appearance
ভব (bhava) = just become.
ভব (bhava) = just become
ভব (bhava) = become
ভব (bhava) = be
ভবঃ (bhavaH) = birth
ভবতঃ (bhavataH) = develop
ভবতঃ (bhavataH) = Your
ভবতি (bhavati) = it so becomes
ভবতি (bhavati) = is
ভবতি (bhavati) = comes
ভবতি (bhavati) = takes place
ভবতি (bhavati) = takes birth
ভবতি (bhavati) = there is
ভবতি (bhavati) = become manifested
ভবতি (bhavati) = becomes possible
ভবতি (bhavati) = becomes prominent
ভবতি (bhavati) = becomes
ভবন্তং (bhavantaM) = You
ভবন্তঃ (bhavantaH) = you
ভবন্তি (bhavanti) = are
ভবন্তি (bhavanti) = grow
ভবন্তি (bhavanti) = come about
ভবান্ (bhavAn) = your good self
ভবান্ (bhavAn) = You
ভবামি (bhavAmi) = I become
ভবিতা (bhavitA) = will come to be
ভবিতা (bhavitA) = will become
ভবিষ্যতাং (bhaviShyatAM) = of future manifestations
ভবিষ্যতি (bhaviShyati) = it will increase in the future
ভবিষ্যন্তি (bhaviShyanti) = will be
ভবিষ্যাণি (bhaviShyANi) = future
ভবিষ্যামঃ (bhaviShyAmaH) = shall exist
ভবেত্ (bhavet) = would be.
ভবেত্ (bhavet) = there were
ভস্মসাত্ (bhasmasAt) = ashes
ভস্মসাত্ (bhasmasAt) = to ashes
ভাঃ (bhAH) = light
ভারত (bhArata) = O Dhritarashtra, descendant of Bharata
ভারত (bhArata) = O descendant of the Bharata dynasty.
ভারত (bhArata) = O descendant of Bharata.
ভারত (bhArata) = O descendant of Bharata
ভারত (bhArata) = O best of the Bharatas.
ভারত (bhArata) = O son of Bharata.
ভারত (bhArata) = O son of Bharata
ভারত (bhArata) = O scion of Bharata
ভাব (bhAva) = of one's nature
ভাব (bhAva) = state of being
ভাবং (bhAvaM) = existence
ভাবং (bhAvaM) = nature
ভাবং (bhAvaM) = situation
ভাবঃ (bhAvaH) = endurance
ভাবঃ (bhAvaH) = the nature
ভাবঃ (bhAvaH) = nature
ভাবঃ (bhAvaH) = states of being
ভাবনা (bhAvanA) = fixed mind (in happiness)
ভাবয়তা (bhAvayatA) = having pleased
ভাবয়ন্তঃ (bhAvayantaH) = pleasing one another
ভাবয়ন্তু (bhAvayantu) = will please
ভাবসমন্বিতঃ (bhAvasamanvitaH) = with great attention.
ভাবাঃ (bhAvAH) = natures
ভাবিতাঃ (bhAvitAH) = remembering.
ভাবেষু (bhAveShu) = natures cintyah
ভাবৈঃ (bhAvaiH) = by the states of being
ভাষসে (bhAShase) = speaking
ভাষা (bhAShA) = language
ভাসঃ (bhAsaH) = effulgence
ভাসঃ (bhAsaH) = rays
ভাসয়তে (bhAsayate) = illuminates
ভাস্বতা (bhAsvatA) = glowing.
ভিতাঃ (bhitAH) = out of fear
ভিন্না (bhinnA) = separated
ভীতং (bhItaM) = fearful
ভীতভীতঃ (bhItabhItaH) = fearful
ভীতানি (bhItAni) = out of fear
ভীম (bhIma) = by Bhima
ভীমকর্মা (bhImakarmA) = one who performs herculean tasks
ভীমার্জুন (bhImArjuna) = to Bhima and Arjuna
ভীষ্ম (bhIShma) = Grandfather Bhishma
ভীষ্ম (bhIShma) = by Grandfather Bhishma
ভীষ্মং চ (bhIShmaM cha) = also Bhishma
ভীষ্মং (bhIShmaM) = unto Grandfather Bhishma
ভীষ্মং (bhIShmaM) = Bhishma
ভীষ্মঃ (bhIShmaH) = Grandfather Bhishma
ভীষ্মঃ (bhIShmaH) = Bhishmadeva
ভুক্ত্বা (bhuktvA) = enjoying
ভুঙ্ক্তে (bhuN^kte) = enjoys
ভুঙ্ক্ষ্ব (bhuN^kShva) = enjoy
ভুঞ্জতে (bhu~njate) = enjoy
ভুঞ্জানং (bhu~njAnaM) = enjoying
ভুঞ্জীয় (bhu~njIya) = one has to enjoy
ভুমৌ (bhumau) = on the earth
ভুবি (bhuvi) = in this world.
ভূঃ (bhUH) = become
ভূত (bhUta) = of everything that be
ভূত (bhUta) = of creation
ভূত (bhUta) = of the living entity
ভূত (bhUta) = of living entities
ভূত (bhUta) = living entities
ভূতং (bhUtaM) = created being
ভূতগণান্ (bhUtagaNAn) = ghosts
ভূতগ্রামং (bhUtagrAmaM) = all the cosmic manifestations
ভূতগ্রামং (bhUtagrAmaM) = the combination of material elements
ভূতগ্রামঃ (bhUtagrAmaH) = the aggregate of all living entities
ভূতভর্তৃ (bhUtabhartR^i) = the maintainer of all living entities
ভূতভাবন (bhUtabhAvana) = O origin of everything
ভূতভাবনঃ (bhUtabhAvanaH) = the source of all manifestations.
ভূতভাবোদ্ভবকরঃ (bhUtabhAvodbhavakaraH) = producing the material
bodies of the living entities
ভূতভৃত্ (bhUtabhR^it) = the maintainer of all living entities
ভূতসর্গৌ (bhUtasargau) = created living beings
ভূতস্থঃ (bhUtasthaH) = in the cosmic manifestation
ভূতানাং (bhUtAnAM) = of all those who are born
ভূতানাং (bhUtAnAM) = of all living entities
ভূতানাং (bhUtAnAM) = of living entities
ভূতানাং (bhUtAnAM) = the living entities
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = all creation
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = all people
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = all beings
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = everything created
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = the material bodies
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = living entities (that are born)
ভূতানি (bhUtAni) = living entities
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = all of this material manifestation
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = all that are created
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = all living entities
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = entities
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = to the ghosts and spirits
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = the living entities
ভূতানী (bhUtAnI) = living entities
ভূতিঃ (bhUtiH) = exceptional power
ভূতেজ্যাঃ (bhUtejyAH) = worshipers of ghosts and spirits
ভূতেশ (bhUtesha) = O Lord of everything
ভূতেষু (bhUteShu) = in all beings
ভূতেষু (bhUteShu) = in all living beings
ভূতেষু (bhUteShu) = towards all living entities
ভূতেষু (bhUteShu) = manifestation
ভূতেষু (bhUteShu) = living entities
ভূত্বা ভূত্বা (bhUtvA bhUtvA) = repeatedly taking birth
ভূত্বা (bhUtvA) = becoming
ভূত্বা (bhUtvA) = so being
ভূত্বা (bhUtvA) = having come into being
ভূত্বা (bhUtvA) = having been
ভূমিঃ (bhUmiH) = earth
ভূয়ঃ (bhUyaH) = again
ভূয়ঃ (bhUyaH) = or is again coming to be
ভূয়ঃ (bhUyaH) = further
ভৃগুঃ (bhR^iguH) = Bhrigu
ভেদং (bhedaM) = the differences
ভের্যঃ (bheryaH) = large drums
ভৈক্ষ্যং (bhaikShyaM) = by begging
ভোক্তা (bhoktA) = the enjoyer
ভোক্তা (bhoktA) = supreme enjoyer
ভোক্তারং (bhoktAraM) = the beneficiary
ভোক্তুং (bhoktuM) = to enjoy life
ভোক্তৃত্বে (bhoktR^itve) = in enjoyment
ভোগ (bhoga) = in sense enjoyment
ভোগ (bhoga) = to material enjoyment
ভোগ (bhoga) = sense enjoyment
ভোগাঃ (bhogAH) = enjoyments
ভোগাঃ (bhogAH) = material enjoyment
ভোগান্ (bhogAn) = enjoyable things
ভোগান্ (bhogAn) = necessities of life
ভোগী (bhogI) = the enjoyer
ভোগৈঃ (bhogaiH) = enjoyment
ভোজনং (bhojanaM) = eating
ভোজনেষু (bhojaneShu) = or while eating together
ভোক্ষ্যসে (bhokShyase) = you enjoy
ভ্রমতি (bhramati) = forgetting
ভ্রাতৃন্ (bhrAtR^in) = brothers
ভ্রাময়ন্ (bhrAmayan) = causing to travel
ভ্রুবোঃ (bhruvoH) = the eyebrows
ভ্রুবোঃ (bhruvoH) = the two eyebrows
মংস্যন্তে (ma.nsyante) = they will consider
মকরঃ (makaraH) = the shark
মচ্চিত্তঃ (machchittaH) = in consciousness of Me
মচ্চিত্তাঃ (machchittAH) = their minds fully engaged in Me
মণিগণাঃ (maNigaNAH) = pearls
মত্ (mat) = unto Me
মত্ (mat) = upon Me (KRiShNa)
মত্ (mat) = of Mine
মত্ (mat) = of Me
মত্ (mat) = Me
মত্ (mat) = My
মত্ (mat) = having
মতং (mataM) = injunction
মতং (mataM) = injunctions
মতং (mataM) = opinion
মতঃ মে (mataH me) = this is my opinion.
মতঃ (mataH) = in My opinion.
মতঃ (mataH) = is considered.
মতঃ (mataH) = considered
মতা (matA) = are considered
মতা (matA) = is considered
মতাঃ (matAH) = are considered.
মতিঃ (matiH) = opinion.
মতিঃ (matiH) = opinion
মতিঃ (matiH) = determination
মতির্মম (matirmama) = my opinion.
মতে (mate) = in the opinion
মত্কর্ম (matkarma) = My work
মত্কর্মকৃত্ (matkarmakR^it) = engaged in doing My work
মত্তঃ (mattaH) = beyond Me
মত্তঃ (mattaH) = from Me
মত্পরং (matparaM) = subordinate to Me
মত্পরঃ (matparaH) = in relationship with Me
মত্পরঃ (matparaH) = under My protection
মত্পরমঃ (matparamaH) = considering Me the Supreme
মত্পরমাঃ (matparamAH) = taking Me, the Supreme Lord,
as everything
মত্পরাঃ (matparAH) = being attached to Me
মত্পরায়ণঃ (matparAyaNaH) = devoted to Me.
মত্প্রসাদাত্ (matprasAdAt) = by My mercy
মত্বা (matvA) = knowing
মত্বা (matvA) = thinking
মত্সংস্থাং (matsa.nsthAM) = the spiritual sky (the
kingdom of God)
মত্স্থানি (matsthAni) = in Me
মত্স্থানি (matsthAni) = situated in Me
মদ্ভক্তঃ (madbhaktaH) = My devotee
মদ্ভক্তিং (madbhaktiM) = My devotional service
মদ্ভাবং (madbhAvaM) = to My spiritual nature
মদ্ভাবং (madbhAvaM) = transcendental love for Me
মদ্ব্যপাশ্রয়ঃ (madvyapAshrayaH) = under My protection
মদ (mada) = in the delusion
মদং (madaM) = illusion
মদনুগ্রহায় (madanugrahAya) = just to show me favor
মদর্থং (madarthaM) = for My sake
মদর্থে (madarthe) = for my sake
মদান্বিতাঃ (madAnvitAH) = absorbed in the conceit
মদাশ্রয়ঃ (madAshrayaH) = in consciousness of Me
(KRiShNa consciousness)
মদ্গতপ্রাণাঃ (madgataprANAH) = their lives devoted to Me
মদ্গতেন (madgatena) = abiding in Me, always thinking of Me
মদ্ভক্তঃ (madbhaktaH) = engaged in My devotional service
মদ্ভক্তঃ (madbhaktaH) = My devotee
মদ্ভাবং (madbhAvaM) = My nature
মদ্ভাবাঃ (madbhAvAH) = born of Me
মদ্ভাবায় (madbhAvAya) = to My nature
মদ্যাজী (madyAjI) = My worshiper
মধুসূদন (madhusUdana) = O Madhusudana
মধুসূদন (madhusUdana) = O killer of Madhu
মধুসূদন (madhusUdana) = O killer of the demon Madhu (KRiShNa)
মধুসূদন (madhusUdana) = O killer of the demon Madhu
মধুসূদনঃ (madhusUdanaH) = the killer of Madhu.
মধ্য (madhya) = middle
মধ্যং (madhyaM) = middle
মধ্যস্থ (madhyastha) = mediators between belligerents
মধ্যানি (madhyAni) = in the middle
মধ্যে (madhye) = in the middle
মধ্যে (madhye) = in the midst
মধ্যে (madhye) = between
মন (mana) = and false prestige
মনঃ (manaH) = with the mind
মনঃ (manaH) = of the mind
মনঃ (manaH) = the mind.
মনঃ (manaH) = the mind
মনঃ (manaH) = mind
মনঃপ্রসাদঃ (manaHprasAdaH) = satisfaction of the mind
মনবঃ (manavaH) = Manus
মনবে (manave) = unto the father of mankind
(of the name Vaivasvata)
মনসং (manasaM) = whose mind
মনসঃ (manasaH) = more than the mind
মনসা (manasA) = with the mind
মনসা (manasA) = by the mind
মনীষিণঃ (manIShiNaH) = great thinkers
মনীষিণঃ (manIShiNaH) = great sages or devotees
মনীষিণাং (manIShiNAM) = even for the great souls.
মনুঃ (manuH) = the father of mankind
মনুষ্যলোকে (manuShyaloke) = in the world of human society.
মনুষ্যাঃ (manuShyAH) = all men
মনুষ্যাণাং (manuShyANAM) = of men
মনুষ্যাণাং (manuShyANAM) = of such men
মনুষ্যেষু (manuShyeShu) = among men
মনুষ্যেষু (manuShyeShu) = in human society
মনোগতান্ (manogatAn) = of mental concoction
মনোভিঃ (manobhiH) = and mind
মনোরথং (manorathaM) = according to my desires
মন্তব্যঃ (mantavyaH) = is to be considered
মন্ত্রঃ (mantraH) = transcendental chant
মন্ত্রহীনং (mantrahInaM) = with no chanting of the Vedic hymns
মন্দান্ (mandAn) = lazy to understand self-realization
মন্মনাঃ (manmanAH) = always thinking of Me
মন্মনাঃ (manmanAH) = thinking of Me
মন্ময়া (manmayA) = fully in Me
মন্যতে (manyate) = considers
মন্যতে (manyate) = thinks
মন্যতে (manyate) = he thinks.
মন্যন্তে (manyante) = think
মন্যসে (manyase) = you think
মন্যসে (manyase) = you so think
মন্যসে (manyase) = You think
মন্যে (manye) = I accept
মন্যে (manye) = think
মন্যেত (manyeta) = thinks
মম (mama) = of Mine
মম (mama) = My.
মম (mama) = My
মম (mama) = to Me
মম (mama) = my.
মম (mama) = my
ময়ঃ (mayaH) = full of
ময়া (mayA) = Me
ময়া (mayA) = by Me.
ময়া (mayA) = by Me
ময়া (mayA) = by me.
ময়া (mayA) = by me
ময়া (mayA) = me
ময়ি (mayi) = are in Me
ময়ি (mayi) = in Me.
ময়ি (mayi) = in Me
ময়ি (mayi) = unto Me
ময়ি (mayi) = upon Me
ময়ি (mayi) = to Me
মরণ (maraNa) = and death
মরণাত্ (maraNAt) = than death
মরীচিঃ (marIchiH) = Marici
মরুতঃ (marutaH) = the Maruts
মরুতঃ (marutaH) = the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)
মরুতাং (marutAM) = of the Maruts
মর্ত্যলোকং (martyalokaM) = to the mortal earth
মর্ত্যেষু (martyeShu) = among those subject to death
মলেন (malena) = by dust
মহত্ (mahat) = great
মহত্ (mahat) = the total material existence
মহত্ (mahat) = very great
মহতঃ (mahataH) = from very great
মহতা (mahatA) = great
মহতি (mahati) = in a great
মহতীং (mahatIM) = great
মহদ্যোনিঃ (mahadyoniH) = source of birth in the material substance
মহর্ষয়ঃ (maharShayaH) = great sages
মহর্ষয়ঃ (maharShayaH) = the great sages
মহর্ষি (maharShi) = great sages
মহর্ষীণাং (maharShINAM) = among the great sages
মহর্ষীণাং (maharShINAM) = of the great sages
মহাত্মন্ (mahAtman) = O great one.
মহাত্মন্ (mahAtman) = O great one
মহাত্মনঃ (mahAtmanaH) = of the great soul
মহাত্মনঃ (mahAtmanaH) = the great souls
মহাত্মনঃ (mahAtmanaH) = the great Lord.
মহাত্মা (mahAtmA) = great soul
মহাত্মা (mahAtmA) = the great one.
মহাত্মানঃ (mahAtmAnaH) = the great souls
মহান্ (mahAn) = great
মহানুভবান্ (mahAnubhavAn) = great souls
মহাপাপ্মা (mahApApmA) = greatly sinful
মহাবাহুঃ (mahAbAhuH) = mighty-armed
মহাবাহো (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed one
মহাবাহো (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed KRiShNa
মহাবাহো (mahAbAho) = O mighty-armed
মহাভূতানী (mahAbhUtAnI) = the great elements
মহায়োগেশ্বরঃ (mahAyogeshvaraH) = the most powerful mystic
মহারথঃ (mahArathaH) = one who can fight alone against thousands
মহারথঃ (mahArathaH) = great fighter.
মহারথাঃ (mahArathAH) = great chariot fighters.
মহারথাঃ (mahArathAH) = the great generals
মহাশঙ্খং (mahAshaN^khaM) = the terrific conchshell
মহাশনঃ (mahAshanaH) = all-devouring
মহিমানং (mahimAnaM) = glories
মহীং (mahIM) = the world
মহীকৃতে (mahIkR^ite) = for the sake of the earth
মহীপতে (mahIpate) = O King.
মহীক্ষিতাং (mahIkShitAM) = chiefs of the world
মহেশ্বরং (maheshvaraM) = the Supreme Lord
মহেশ্বরং (maheshvaraM) = the supreme proprietor.
মহেশ্বরং (maheshvaraM) = the supreme master
মহেশ্বরঃ (maheshvaraH) = the Supreme Lord
মহেশ্বাসাঃ (maheshvAsAH) = mighty bowmen
মা স্ম (mA sma) = do not
মা (mA) = do not
মা (mA) = never
মা (mA) = let it not be
মাং (mAM) = about Me
মাং (mAM) = in Me
মাং (mAM) = unto Me.
মাং (mAM) = unto Me
মাং (mAM) = unto me
মাং (mAM) = upon Me
মাং (mAM) = on Me
মাং (mAM) = of Me
মাং (mAM) = Me (KRiShNa)
মাং (mAM) = Me (Lord KRiShNa)
মাং (mAM) = Me
মাং (mAM) = to Me (the Supreme Lord)
মাং (mAM) = to Me
মাং (mAM) = toward Me
মাং (mAM) = me
মাতা (mAtA) = mother
মাতুলাঃ (mAtulAH) = maternal uncles
মাতুলান্ (mAtulAn) = maternal uncles
মাত্রাস্পর্শঃ (mAtrAsparshaH) = sensory perception
মাধব (mAdhava) = O KRiShNa, husband of the goddess of fortune.
মাধবঃ (mAdhavaH) = KRiShNa (the husband of the goddess of fortune)
মান (mAna) = in honor
মান (mAna) = honor
মান (mAna) = false prestige
মানবঃ (mAnavaH) = a man.
মানবঃ (mAnavaH) = a man
মানবাঃ (mAnavAH) = human beings
মানসং (mAnasaM) = of the mind
মানসঃ (mAnasaH) = and mind
মানসঃ (mAnasaH) = within the mind.
মানসঃ (mAnasaH) = who has such a mind
মানসাঃ (mAnasAH) = from the mind
মানুষং (mAnuShaM) = human
মানুষীং (mAnuShIM) = in a human form
মানুষে (mAnuShe) = in human society
মামকং (mAmakaM) = from Me.
মামকাঃ (mAmakAH) = my party (sons)
মামিকাং (mAmikAM) = My
মায়য়া (mAyayA) = under the spell of material energy.
মায়য়া (mAyayA) = by the illusory energy
মায়া (mAyA) = energy
মায়ামেতাং (mAyAmetAM) = this illusory energy
মারুতঃ (mArutaH) = wind.
মার্গশীর্ষঃ (mArgashIrShaH) = the month of November-December
মার্দবং (mArdavaM) = gentleness
মাল্য (mAlya) = garlands
মাসানাং (mAsAnAM) = of months
মাহাত্ম্যং (mAhAtmyaM) = glories
মিত্র (mitra) = of friends
মিত্র (mitra) = benefactors with affection
মিত্রদ্রোহে (mitradrohe) = in quarreling with friends
মিত্রে (mitre) = to a friend
মিথ্যাচারঃ (mithyAchAraH) = pretender
মিথ্যৈষঃ (mithyaiShaH) = this is all false
মিশ্রং (mishraM) = mixed
মুক্তং (muktaM) = liberated
মুক্তঃ (muktaH) = being liberated
মুক্তঃ (muktaH) = liberated
মুক্তঃ (muktaH) = freed
মুক্তসঙ্গঃ (muktasaN^gaH) = liberated from all material association
মুক্তসঙ্গঃ (muktasaN^gaH) = liberated from association
মুক্তস্য (muktasya) = of the liberated
মুক্ত্বা (muktvA) = quitting
মুখং (mukhaM) = mouth
মুখং (mukhaM) = faces
মুখানি (mukhAni) = faces
মুখে (mukhe) = through the mouth
মুখ্যং (mukhyaM) = the chief
মুচ্যন্তে (muchyante) = get relief
মুচ্যন্তে (muchyante) = become free
মুনয়ঃ (munayaH) = the sages
মুনিঃ (muniH) = a thinker
মুনিঃ (muniH) = a sage
মুনিঃ (muniH) = the transcendentalist
মুনীনাং (munInAM) = of the sages
মুনেঃ (muneH) = of the sage
মুনেঃ (muneH) = sage.
মুমুক্ষুভিঃ (mumukShubhiH) = who attained liberation
মুহুর্মুহুঃ (muhurmuhuH) = repeatedly.
মুহ্যতি (muhyati) = is deluded.
মুহ্যতি (muhyati) = is bewildered
মুহ্যন্তি (muhyanti) = are bewildered
মূঢ (mUDha) = foolish
মূঢঃ (mUDhaH) = foolish
মূঢয়োনিষু (mUDhayoniShu) = in animal species
মূঢাঃ (mUDhAH) = the foolish
মূঢাঃ (mUDhAH) = foolish men
মূর্তয়ঃ (mUrtayaH) = forms
মূর্ধ্নি (mUrdhni) = on the head
মূলং (mUlaM) = rooted
মূলানি (mUlAni) = roots
মৃগাণাং (mR^igANAM) = of animals
মৃগেন্দ্রঃ (mR^igendraH) = the lion
মৃতং (mR^itaM) = dead
মৃতস্য (mR^itasya) = of the dead
মৃত্যু (mR^ityu) = of death
মৃত্যু (mR^ityu) = death
মৃত্যুং (mR^ityuM) = the path of death
মৃত্যুঃ (mR^ityuH) = death
মে (me) = unto Me
মে (me) = unto me.
মে (me) = unto me
মে (me) = of Mine
মে (me) = Mine
মে (me) = My.
মে (me) = My
মে (me) = to Me.
মে (me) = to Me
মে (me) = by Me
মে (me) = mine
মে (me) = my
মে (me) = for me
মে (me) = from Me
মেধা (medhA) = intelligence
মেধাবী (medhAvI) = intelligent
মেরুঃ (meruH) = Meru
মৈত্রঃ (maitraH) = friendly
মোঘং (moghaM) = uselessly
মোঘকর্মাণঃ (moghakarmANaH) = baffled in fruitive activities
মোঘজ্ঞানাঃ (moghaj~nAnAH) = baffled in knowledge
মোঘাশাঃ (moghAshAH) = baffled in their hopes
মোদিষ্যে (modiShye) = I shall rejoice
মোহ (moha) = of illusion
মোহ (moha) = of illusions
মোহ (moha) = delusion
মোহং (mohaM) = illusion
মোহং (mohaM) = to illusion
মোহঃ (mohaH) = and illusion
মোহঃ (mohaH) = illusion
মোহনং (mohanaM) = illusory
মোহনং (mohanaM) = the delusion
মোহয়সি (mohayasi) = You are bewildering
মোহাত্ (mohAt) = by illusion
মোহিতং (mohitaM) = deluded
মোহিতাঃ (mohitAH) = are bewildered
মোহিনীং (mohinIM) = bewildering
মোহেন (mohena) = by the illusion
মোহৌ (mohau) = and illusion
মোক্ষ (mokSha) = for liberation
মোক্ষং (mokShaM) = the liberation
মোক্ষং (mokShaM) = liberation
মোক্ষকাঙ্ক্ষিভিঃ (mokShakAN^kShibhiH) = by those who
actually desire liberation.
মোক্ষয়িষ্যামি (mokShayiShyAmi) = will deliver
মোক্ষায় (mokShAya) = for the purpose of liberation
মোক্ষ্যসে (mokShyase) = you will be released
মোক্ষ্যসে (mokShyase) = you will be liberated
মোক্ষ্যসে (mokShyase) = you will become free
মৌনং (maunaM) = gravity
মৌনং (maunaM) = silence
মৌনি (mauni) = silent
ম্রিয়তে (mriyate) = dies
য়ং য়ং (yaM yaM) = whatever
য়ং (yaM) = unto whom
য়ং (yaM) = what
য়ং (yaM) = which
য়ং (yaM) = one to whom
য়ং (yaM) = that which
য়ঃ সঃ (yaH saH) = that which
য়ঃ (yaH) = a person who
য়ঃ (yaH) = anyone who
য়ঃ (yaH) = anyone
য়ঃ (yaH) = which
য়ঃ (yaH) = whoever
য়ঃ (yaH) = who
য়ঃ (yaH) = one who
য়ঃ (yaH) = he who
য়জন্তঃ (yajantaH) = sacrificing
য়জন্তি (yajanti) = they worship
য়জন্তে (yajante) = worship
য়জন্তে (yajante) = they worship by sacrifices
য়জন্তে (yajante) = they perform sacrifice
য়জিনঃ (yajinaH) = devotees
য়জুঃ (yajuH) = the Yajur Veda
য়ত্ (yat) = as
য়ত্ (yat) = in which
য়ত্ (yat) = if
য়ত্ (yat) = with which
য়ত্ (yat) = whatever
য়ত্ (yat) = what
য়ত্ (yat) = whichever
য়ত্ (yat) = which
য়ত্ (yat) = where
য়ত্ (yat) = that which
য়ত্ (yat) = that
য়ত্ (yat) = because.
য়ত্ (yat) = because
য়ত্ (yat) = having what
য়ত্ (yat) = having which
য়ত (yata) = controlled
য়ত (yata) = having controlled
য়তঃ (yataH) = from which
য়তঃ (yataH) = from whom
য়তচিত্ত (yatachitta) = controlling the mind
য়তচিত্তস্য (yatachittasya) = whose mind is controlled
য়তচিত্তাত্মা (yatachittAtmA) = always careful in mind
য়তচেতসাং (yatachetasAM) = who have full control over the mind
য়ততঃ (yatataH) = while endeavoring
য়ততা (yatatA) = while endeavoring
য়ততাং (yatatAM) = of those so endeavoring
য়ততি (yatati) = endeavors
য়ততে (yatate) = he endeavors
য়তন্তঃ (yatantaH) = endeavoring
য়তন্তঃ (yatantaH) = fully endeavoring
য়তন্তি (yatanti) = endeavor
য়তমানঃ (yatamAnaH) = endeavoring
য়তয়ঃ (yatayaH) = enlightened persons
য়তয়ঃ (yatayaH) = great sages
য়তস্যতঃ (yatasyataH) = wherever
য়তাত্ম (yatAtma) = self-controlled
য়তাত্মনাঃ (yatAtmanAH) = engaged in self-realization
য়তাত্মবান্ (yatAtmavAn) = self-situated.
য়তীনাং (yatInAM) = of the saintly persons
য়ত্র (yatra) = at which
য়ত্র (yatra) = in which
য়ত্র (yatra) = in that state of affairs where
য়ত্র (yatra) = wherein
য়ত্র (yatra) = where
য়থা (yathA) = as it is
য়থা (yathA) = as much as
য়থা (yathA) = as.
য়থা (yathA) = as
য়থা (yathA) = just as
য়থা (yathA) = how
য়থাভাগং (yathAbhAgaM) = as differently arranged
য়থাবত্ (yathAvat) = as they are
য়দা য়দা (yadA yadA) = whenever and wherever
য়দা (yadA) = when
য়দি (yadi) = if
য়দি (yadi) = even if
য়দৃচ্ছয়া (yadR^ichChayA) = by its own accord
য়দৃচ্ছা (yadR^ichChA) = out of its own accord
য়দ্যত্ (yadyat) = whatever
য়দ্বত্ (yadvat) = as
য়দ্বা (yadvA) = whether
য়ন্ত্র (yantra) = on a machine
য়মঃ (yamaH) = the controller of death
য়মঃ (yamaH) = the controller
য়য়া (yayA) = by which
য়য়া (yayA) = by whom
য়শঃ (yashaH) = fame
য়ষ্টব্যং (yaShTavyaM) = must be performed
য়স্মাত্ (yasmAt) = because
য়স্মাত্ (yasmAt) = from whom
য়স্মিন্ (yasmin) = in which
য়স্মিন্ (yasmin) = where
য়স্য (yasya) = whoever
য়স্য (yasya) = whom
য়স্য (yasya) = whose
য়স্য (yasya) = one whose
য়স্য (yasya) = of which
য়স্যাং (yasyAM) = in which
য়ক্ষ (yakSha) = the Yaksas
য়ক্ষরক্ষসাং (yakSharakShasAM) = of the Yaksas and Raksasas
য়ক্ষরক্ষাংসি (yakSharakShA.nsi) = demons
য়ক্ষ্যে (yakShye) = I shall sacrifice
য়জ্ঞ (yaj~na) = of sacrifice
য়জ্ঞ (yaj~na) = of sacrifices
য়জ্ঞং (yaj~naM) = sacrifice
য়জ্ঞং (yaj~naM) = sacrifices
য়জ্ঞঃ (yaj~naH) = performance of yajna
য়জ্ঞঃ (yaj~naH) = performance of sacrifice
য়জ্ঞঃ (yaj~naH) = sacrifice
য়জ্ঞঃ (yaj~naH) = smrti sacrifice
য়জ্ঞভাবিতাঃ (yaj~nabhAvitAH) = being satisfied by the
performance of sacrifices
য়জ্ঞবিদঃ (yaj~navidaH) = conversant with the purpose of
performing sacrifices
য়জ্ঞশিষ্ট (yaj~nashiShTa) = of the result of such performance
of yajna
য়জ্ঞশিষ্টা (yaj~nashiShTA) = of food taken after performance of yajna
য়জ্ঞক্ষপিত (yaj~nakShapita) = being cleansed as the resul
of such performances
য়জ্ঞাঃ (yaj~nAH) = sacrifice
য়জ্ঞাঃ (yaj~nAH) = sacrifices
য়জ্ঞাত্ (yaj~nAt) = than the sacrifice
য়জ্ঞাত্ (yaj~nAt) = from the performance of sacrifice
য়জ্ঞানাং (yaj~nAnAM) = of sacrifices
য়জ্ঞানাং (yaj~nAnAM) = sacrifices
য়জ্ঞায় (yaj~nAya) = for the sake of Yajna (KRiShNa)
য়জ্ঞার্থাত্ (yaj~nArthAt) = done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu
য়জ্ঞে (yaj~ne) = in sacrifice
য়জ্ঞেন (yaj~nena) = by the sacrifice
য়জ্ঞেন (yaj~nena) = by sacrifice
য়জ্ঞেষু (yaj~neShu) = in the performances of yajna, sacrifice
য়জ্ঞৈঃ (yaj~naiH) = with sacrifices
য়া (yA) = what
য়া (yA) = which
য়া (yA) = that which
য়াং য়াং (yAM yAM) = whichever
য়াজি (yAji) = worshiper
য়াতয়ামং (yAtayAmaM) = food cooked three hours before being eaten
য়াতি (yAti) = achieves
য়াতি (yAti) = attains
য়াতি (yAti) = one achieves
য়াতি (yAti) = goes
য়াতি (yAti) = reaches
য়াতি (yAti) = he goes
য়াত্রা (yAtrA) = maintenance
য়াদসাং (yAdasAM) = of all aquatics
য়াদৃক্ (yAdR^ik) = as it is
য়ান্ (yAn) = those who
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = attain
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = approach
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = undergo
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = enter
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = go
য়ান্তি (yAnti) = do approach
য়াভিঃ (yAbhiH) = by which
য়ামিমাং (yAmimAM) = all these
য়াবত্ (yAvat) = as long as
য়াবত্ (yAvat) = whatever
য়াবান্ (yAvAn) = all that
য়াবান্ (yAvAn) = as much as yah
য়াস্যসি (yAsyasi) = you will go
য়াস্যসি (yAsyasi) = you shall go
য়ুক্ত (yukta) = regulated
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = in trance
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = is in the transcendental position
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = well situated in yoga
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = engaged in the divine consciousness
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = engaged
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = endowed
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = one who is engaged in devotional service
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = competent for self-realization
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = the actual yogi
য়ুক্তঃ (yuktaH) = dovetailed
য়ুক্তচেতসঃ (yuktachetasaH) = their minds engaged in Me.
য়ুক্ততমঃ (yuktatamaH) = the greatest yogi
য়ুক্ততমাঃ (yuktatamAH) = most perfect in yoga
য়ুক্তস্য (yuktasya) = engaged
য়ুক্তাঃ (yuktAH) = engaged
য়ুক্তাত্ম (yuktAtma) = having the mind firmly set on
য়ুক্তাত্মা (yuktAtmA) = engaged in devotional service
য়ুক্তাত্মা (yuktAtmA) = self-connected
য়ুক্তে (yukte) = being yoked
য়ুক্তেন (yuktena) = being engaged in meditation
য়ুক্তৈঃ (yuktaiH) = engaged
য়ুক্ত্বা (yuktvA) = being absorbed
য়ুগ (yuga) = millenniums
য়ুগপত্ (yugapat) = simultaneously
য়ুগে (yuge) = after millennium.
য়ুগে (yuge) = millennium
য়ুজ্যতে (yujyate) = is used
য়ুজ্যতে (yujyate) = is engaged
য়ুজ্যস্ব (yujyasva) = engage (fight)
য়ুজ্যস্ব (yujyasva) = be so engaged
য়ুঞ্জতঃ (yu~njataH) = constantly engaged
য়ুঞ্জন্ (yu~njan) = engaging in yoga practice
য়ুঞ্জন্ (yu~njan) = practicing
য়ুঞ্জীত (yu~njIta) = must concentrate in KRiShNa consciousness
য়ুঞ্জ্যাত্ (yu~njyAt) = should execute
য়ুদ্ধং (yuddhaM) = war
য়ুদ্ধবিশারদাঃ (yuddhavishAradAH) = experienced in military science.
য়ুদ্ধাত্ (yuddhAt) = than fighting
য়ুদ্ধায় (yuddhAya) = to fight
য়ুদ্ধায় (yuddhAya) = for the sake of fighting
য়ুদ্ধে (yuddhe) = in the fight
য়ুদ্ধে (yuddhe) = in battle
য়ুদ্ধে (yuddhe) = on this battlefield
য়ুধামন্যুঃ (yudhAmanyuH) = Yudhamanyu
য়ুধি (yudhi) = in the fight
য়ুধিষ্ঠিরঃ (yudhiShThiraH) = Yudhisthira
য়ুধ্য (yudhya) = fight
য়ুধ্যস্ব (yudhyasva) = just fight
য়ুধ্যস্ব (yudhyasva) = fight
য়ুয়ুত্সবঃ (yuyutsavaH) = desiring to fight
য়ুয়ুত্সুং (yuyutsuM) = all in a fighting spirit
য়ুয়ুধানঃ (yuyudhAnaH) = Yuyudhana
য়ে (ye) = all which
য়ে (ye) = all who
য়ে (ye) = all those who
য়ে (ye) = all those
য়ে (ye) = who
য়ে (ye) = those who
য়ে (ye) = those
য়েন (yena) = by which
য়েন (yena) = by whom
য়েনকেনচিত্ (yenakenachit) = with anything
য়েষাং (yeShAM) = whose
য়েষাং (yeShAM) = of whom
য়েষাং (yeShAM) = of them
য়েষাং (yeShAM) = for whom
য়োঽয়ং (yo.ayaM) = this system
য়োক্তব্যঃ (yoktavyaH) = must be practiced
য়োগ (yoga) = in devotion
য়োগ (yoga) = eightfold yoga
য়োগ (yoga) = of linking up
য়োগ (yoga) = the yoga
য়োগ (yoga) = the linking process
য়োগ (yoga) = by devotional service in karma-yoga
য়োগ (yoga) = requirements
য়োগং (yogaM) = action in devotion
য়োগং (yogaM) = in devotional service
য়োগং (yogaM) = in meditation
য়োগং (yogaM) = in yoga
য়োগং (yogaM) = the eightfold yoga system
য়োগং (yogaM) = the science of one's relationship to the Supreme
য়োগং (yogaM) = devotional service
য়োগং (yogaM) = mystic power
য়োগং (yogaM) = mysticism
য়োগং (yogaM) = yoga practice
য়োগং (yogaM) = linking with the Supreme
য়োগং (yogaM) = self-realization
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = KRiShNa consciousness
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = the science of one's relationship with the Supreme
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = the science of yoga
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = practice of yoga
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = mysticism
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = yoga system
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = yoga
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = linking with the Supreme
য়োগঃ (yogaH) = self-realization
য়োগধারণাং (yogadhAraNAM) = the yogic situation.
য়োগবলেন (yogabalena) = by the power of mystic yoga
য়োগভ্রষ্টঃ (yogabhraShTaH) = one who has fallen from
the path of self-realization
য়োগমায়া (yogamAyA) = by internal potency
য়োগমৈশ্বরং (yogamaishvaraM) = inconceivable mystic power.
য়োগমৈশ্বরং (yogamaishvaraM) = inconceivable mystic power
য়োগয়জ্ঞাঃ (yogayaj~nAH) = sacrifice in eightfold mysticism
য়োগয়ুক্তঃ (yogayuktaH) = engaged in KRiShNa consciousness
য়োগয়ুক্তঃ (yogayuktaH) = engaged in devotional service
য়োগয়ুক্তঃ (yogayuktaH) = one engaged in devotional service
য়োগয়ুক্তাত্মা (yogayuktAtmA) = one who is dovetailed in
KRiShNa consciousness
য়োগবিত্তমাঃ (yogavittamAH) = the most perfect in knowledge of yoga.
য়োগসংসিদ্ধিং (yogasa.nsiddhiM) = the highest perfection in mysticism
য়োগসঞ্জ্ঞিতং (yogasa~nj~nitaM) = called trance in yoga.
য়োগসেবয়া (yogasevayA) = by performance of yoga
য়োগস্থঃ (yogasthaH) = equipoised
য়োগস্য (yogasya) = about yoga
য়োগাত্ (yogAt) = from the mystic link
য়োগায় (yogAya) = for the sake of devotional service
য়োগারূঢঃ (yogArUDhaH) = elevated in yoga
য়োগিন্ (yogin) = O supreme mystic
য়োগিনং (yoginaM) = yogi
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = of the yogi
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = KRiShNa conscious persons
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = transcendentalists
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = different kinds of mystics
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = mystics
য়োগিনঃ (yoginaH) = for the devotee.
য়োগিনাং (yoginAM) = of the devotees.
য়োগিনাং (yoginAM) = of yogis
য়োগিনাং (yoginAM) = of learned transcendentalists
য়োগী (yogI) = a transcendentalist
য়োগী (yogI) = a mystic transcendentalist
য়োগী (yogI) = a mystic
য়োগী (yogI) = one who is in touch with the Supreme Self
য়োগী (yogI) = one engaged in devotion
য়োগী (yogI) = the transcendentalist
য়োগী (yogI) = the devotee of the Lord
য়োগী (yogI) = the devotee
য়োগী (yogI) = the mystic transcendentalist
য়োগী (yogI) = the mystic
য়োগী (yogI) = the yogi
য়োগী (yogI) = mystic
য়োগী (yogI) = such a transcendentalist
য়োগে (yoge) = in work without fruitive result
য়োগেন (yogena) = in devotional service
য়োগেন (yogena) = by the yoga system
য়োগেন (yogena) = by practice of such bhakti-yoga
য়োগেন (yogena) = by yoga practice
য়োগেশ্বর (yogeshvara) = O Lord of all mystic power
য়োগেশ্বরঃ (yogeshvaraH) = the master of mysticism
য়োগেশ্বরাত্ (yogeshvarAt) = from the master of all mysticism
য়োগৈঃ (yogaiH) = by devotional service
য়োগৌ (yogau) = work in devotional service
য়োত্স্যমানান্ (yotsyamAnAn) = those who will be fighting
য়োদ্ধব্যং (yoddhavyaM) = have to fight
য়োদ্ধুকামান্ (yoddhukAmAn) = desiring to fight
য়োধমুখ্যৈঃ (yodhamukhyaiH) = chiefs among the warriors
য়োধবীরান্ (yodhavIrAn) = great warriors
য়োধাঃ (yodhAH) = the soldiers.
য়োনয়ঃ (yonayaH) = sources of
য়োনি (yoni) = species of life
য়োনিং (yoniM) = species
য়োনিঃ (yoniH) = source of birth
য়োনিষু (yoniShu) = into the wombs.
য়োনীনি (yonIni) = whose source of birth
য়ৌবনং (yauvanaM) = youth
রজঃ (rajaH) = in passion
রজঃ (rajaH) = the mode of passion
রজসঃ (rajasaH) = of the mode of passion
রজসঃ (rajasaH) = from the mode of passion
রজসি (rajasi) = in passion
রজসি (rajasi) = of the mode of passion
রজোগুণ (rajoguNa) = the mode of passion
রণ (raNa) = strife
রণাত্ (raNAt) = from the battlefield
রণে (raNe) = in the fight
রণে (raNe) = on the battlefield
রতাঃ (ratAH) = engaged.
রথ (ratha) = of the chariot
রথং (rathaM) = the chariot
রথোত্তমং (rathottamaM) = the finest chariot.
রমতে (ramate) = one enjoys
রমতে (ramate) = takes delight
রমন্তি (ramanti) = enjoy transcendental bliss
রবিঃ (raviH) = the sun
রবিঃ (raviH) = sun
রসঃ (rasaH) = taste
রসঃ (rasaH) = sense of enjoyment
রসনং (rasanaM) = tongue
রসবর্জং (rasavarjaM) = giving up the taste
রসাত্মকঃ (rasAtmakaH) = supplying the juice.
রস্যাঃ (rasyAH) = juicy
রহসি (rahasi) = in a secluded place
রহস্যং (rahasyaM) = mystery
রক্ষাংসি (rakShA.nsi) = the demons
রক্ষ্য (rakShya) = protection
রাগ (rAga) = attachment
রাগ (rAga) = and attachment
রাগাত্মকং (rAgAtmakaM) = born of desire or lust
রাগী (rAgI) = very much attached
রাজগুহ্যং (rAjaguhyaM) = the king of confidential knowledge
রাজন্ (rAjan) = O King
রাজর্ষয়ঃ (rAjarShayaH) = the saintly kings
রাজর্ষয়ঃ (rAjarShayaH) = saintly kings
রাজবিদ্যা (rAjavidyA) = the king of education
রাজসং (rAjasaM) = in terms of passion.
রাজসং (rAjasaM) = in the mode of passion.
রাজসং (rAjasaM) = in the mode of passion
রাজসঃ (rAjasaH) = in the mode of passion
রাজসস্য (rAjasasya) = to one in the mode of passion
রাজসাঃ (rAjasAH) = those who are in the mode of passion
রাজসাঃ (rAjasAH) = those situated in the mode of passion
রাজসী (rAjasI) = in the mode of passion.
রাজসী (rAjasI) = in the mode of passion
রাজা (rAjA) = the king
রাজ্যং (rAjyaM) = kingdom
রাজ্যসুখলোভেন (rAjyasukhalobhena) drive by greed for
royal happiness
রাজ্যস্য (rAjyasya) = for the kingdom
রাজ্যেন (rAjyena) = is the kingdom
রাত্রি (rAtri) = of night
রাত্রিং (rAtriM) = night
রাত্রিঃ (rAtriH) = night
রাত্র্যাগমে (rAtryAgame) = at the fall of night
রামঃ (rAmaH) = Rama
রাক্ষসীং (rAkShasIM) = demonic
রিপুঃ (ripuH) = enemy
রুদ্ধ্বা (ruddhvA) = checking
রুদ্র (rudra) = manifestations of Lord Siva
রুদ্রাণাং (rudrANAM) = of all the Rudras
রুদ্রান্ (rudrAn) = the eleven forms of Rudra
রুধির (rudhira) = blood
রুক্ষ (rukSha) = dry
রূপং (rUpaM) = whose form
রূপং (rUpaM) = the form
রূপং (rUpaM) = form
রূপমৈশ্বরং (rUpamaishvaraM) = universal form.
রূপস্য (rUpasya) = form
রূপাণি (rUpANi) = forms
রূপেণ (rUpeNa) = form
রোমহর্ষঃ (romaharShaH) = standing of hair on end
রোমহর্ষণং (romaharShaNaM) = making the hair stand on end.
লঘ্বাশী (laghvAshI) = eating a small quantity
লব্ধং (labdhaM) = gained
লব্ধা (labdhA) = regained
লব্ধ্বা (labdhvA) = by attainment
লব্ধ্বা (labdhvA) = having achieved
লভতে (labhate) = achieves
লভতে (labhate) = obtains
লভতে (labhate) = gains
লভন্তে (labhante) = achieve
লভন্তে (labhante) = attain.
লভন্তে (labhante) = do achieve
লভস্ব (labhasva) = gain
লভে (labhe) = I obtain
লভেত্ (labhet) = gains.
লভ্যঃ (labhyaH) = can be achieved
লবণ (lavaNa) = salty
লাঘবং (lAghavaM) = decreased in value.
লাভ (lAbha) = with gain
লাভং (lAbhaM) = gain
লাভালাভৌ (lAbhAlAbhau) = both profit and loss
লিঙ্গৈঃ (liN^gaiH) = symptoms
লিপ্যতে (lipyate) = is attached
লিপ্যতে (lipyate) = is affected
লিপ্যতে (lipyate) = is entangled.
লিম্পন্তি (limpanti) = do affect
লুপ্ত (lupta) = stopped
লুব্ধঃ (lubdhaH) = greedy
লেলিহ্যসে (lelihyase) = You are licking
লোক (loka) = of the universe
লোক (loka) = of the worlds
লোক (loka) = of the planets
লোক (loka) = the planetary systems
লোকং (lokaM) = universe
লোকং (lokaM) = the world
লোকং (lokaM) = planet
লোকঃ (lokaH) = world
লোকঃ (lokaH) = people
লোকঃ (lokaH) = persons
লোকত্রয়ে (lokatraye) = in the three planetary systems
লোকসঙ্গ্রহং (lokasa~NgrahaM) = the people in general.
লোকসঙ্গ্রহং (lokasa~NgrahaM) = the people in general
লোকস্য (lokasya) = of all the world
লোকস্য (lokasya) = of the people
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = all the world
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = all the planets
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = all people
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = worlds
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = the planetary systems
লোকাঃ (lokAH) = planet
লোকাত্ (lokAt) = from people
লোকান্ (lokAn) = all the planets
লোকান্ (lokAn) = all people
লোকান্ (lokAn) = world
লোকান্ (lokAn) = the planets
লোকান্ (lokAn) = people
লোকান্ (lokAn) = planets
লোকে (loke) = in this world
লোকে (loke) = in the world
লোকে (loke) = within this world
লোকেষু (lokeShu) = planetary systems
লোভ (lobha) = by greed
লোভঃ (lobhaH) = greed
লোষ্ট (loShTa) = a lump of earth
লোষ্ট্র (loShTra) = pebbles
বঃ (vaH) = unto you
বঃ (vaH) = you
বঃ (vaH) = your
বক্তুং (vaktuM) = to say
বক্ত্র (vaktra) = mouths
বক্ত্র (vaktra) = faces
বক্ত্রাণি (vaktrANi) = the mouths
বক্ত্রাণি (vaktrANi) = mouths
বচঃ (vachaH) = instruction
বচঃ (vachaH) = words.
বচঃ (vachaH) = words
বচনং (vachanaM) = word
বচনং (vachanaM) = order
বচনং (vachanaM) = the speech
বজ্রং (vajraM) = the thunderbolt
বদ (vada) = please tell
বদতি (vadati) = speaks of
বদনৈঃ (vadanaiH) = by the mouths
বদন্তি (vadanti) = say
বদসি (vadasi) = You tell
বদিষ্যন্তি (vadiShyanti) = will say
বন্তঃ (vantaH) = subject to
বয়ং (vayaM) = we
বর (vara) = O best.
বরুণঃ (varuNaH) = water
বরুণঃ (varuNaH) = the demigod controlling the water
বর্জিতাঃ (varjitAH) = are devoid of
বর্ণ (varNa) = colors
বর্ণং (varNaM) = colors
বর্ণসঙ্কর (varNasaN^kara) = of unwanted children
বর্ণসঙ্করঃ (varNasaN^karaH) = unwanted progeny.
বর্ততে (vartate) = is there
বর্ততে (vartate) = remains.
বর্ততে (vartate) = remains
বর্তন্তে (vartante) = are acting
বর্তন্তে (vartante) = are being engaged
বর্তন্তে (vartante) = let them be so engaged
বর্তমানঃ (vartamAnaH) = being situated
বর্তমানানি (vartamAnAni) = present
বর্তে (varte) = I am engaged
বর্তেত (varteta) = remains
বর্তেয়ং (varteyaM) = thus engage
বর্ত্ম (vartma) = path
বর্ত্মনি (vartmani) = on the path.
বর্ষং (varShaM) = rain
বশং (vashaM) = control
বশাত্ (vashAt) = under obligation.
বশী (vashI) = one who is controlled
বশে (vashe) = in full subjugation
বশ্য (vashya) = controlled
বসবঃ (vasavaH) = the Vasus
বসুন্ (vasun) = the eight Vasus
বসৌনাং (vasaunAM) = of the Vasus
বহামি (vahAmi) = carry
বহ্নিঃ (vahniH) = fire
বক্ষ্যামি (vakShyAmi) = I am speaking
বক্ষ্যামি (vakShyAmi) = I shall describe
বক্ষ্যামি (vakShyAmi) = shall explain
বক্ষ্যামি (vakShyAmi) = say
বা (vA) = either
বা (vA) = or
বাক্ (vAk) = speech
বাক্ (vAk) = fine speech
বাক্যং (vAkyaM) = words
বাক্যেন (vAkyena) = words
বাঙ্ময়ং (vAN^mayaM) = of the voice
বাচং (vAchaM) = words
বাচ্যং (vAchyaM) = to be spoken
বাণিজ্যং (vANijyaM) = trade
বাদঃ (vAdaH) = the natural conclusion
বাদান্ (vAdAn) = fabricated words
বাদিনঃ (vAdinaH) = the advocates
বাপি (vApi) = at all
বাপি (vApi) = either
বায়ুঃ (vAyuH) = wind
বায়ুঃ (vAyuH) = air
বায়ুঃ (vAyuH) = the wind
বায়ুঃ (vAyuH) = the air
বায়োঃ (vAyoH) = of the wind
বার্ষ্ণেয় (vArShNeya) = O descendant of VRiShNi
বাসঃ (vAsaH) = residence
বাসবঃ (vAsavaH) = the heavenly king
বাসাংসি (vAsA.nsi) = garments
বাসুকিঃ (vAsukiH) = Vasuki.
বাসুদেবঃ (vAsudevaH) = KRiShNa in Dvaraka
বাসুদেবঃ (vAsudevaH) = the Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
বাসুদেবস্য (vAsudevasya) = of KRiShNa
বাসুদেবাঃ (vAsudevAH) = KRiShNa
বিকম্পিতুং (vikampituM) = to hesitate
বিকর্ণঃ (vikarNaH) = Vikarna
বিকর্মণঃ (vikarmaNaH) = of forbidden work
বিকারান্ (vikArAn) = transformations
বিকারি (vikAri) = changes
বিক্রান্তঃ (vikrAntaH) = mighty
বিগত (vigata) = having discarded
বিগত (vigata) = freed from
বিগতঃ (vigataH) = is removed
বিগতজ্বরঃ (vigatajvaraH) = without being lethargic.
বিগতভীঃ (vigatabhIH) = devoid of fear
বিগতস্পৃহঃ (vigataspR^ihaH) = without being interested
বিগতস্পৃহঃ (vigataspR^ihaH) = without material desires
বিগুণঃ (viguNaH) = imperfectly performed
বিগুণঃ (viguNaH) = even faulty
বিচক্ষণঃ (vichakShaNaH) = the experienced.
বিচালয়েত্ (vichAlayet) = should try to agitate.
বিচাল্যতে (vichAlyate) = is agitated
বিচাল্যতে (vichAlyate) = becomes shaken
বিচেতসঃ (vichetasaH) = bewildered
বিজয়ং (vijayaM) = victory
বিজয়ঃ (vijayaH) = victory
বিজানতঃ (vijAnataH) = who is in complete knowledge.
বিজানীতাঃ (vijAnItAH) = are in knowledge
বিজানীয়ং (vijAnIyaM) = shall I understand
বিজিতাত্মা (vijitAtmA) = self-controlled
বিজিতেন্দ্রিয়ঃ (vijitendriyaH) = sensually controlled
বিততঃ (vitataH) = are spread
বিত্তেশঃ (vitteshaH) = the lord of the treasury of the demigods
বিদঃ (vidaH) = who understand
বিদধামি (vidadhAmi) = give
বিদাহিনঃ (vidAhinaH) = burning
বিদিতাত্মনাং (viditAtmanAM) = of those who are self-realized.
বিদিত্বা (viditvA) = knowing it well
বিদিত্বা (viditvA) = knowing
বিদুঃ (viduH) = understood
বিদুঃ (viduH) = know
বিদুঃ (viduH) = can know
বিদুঃ (viduH) = they know
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = understand
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = know it well
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = know it
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = know
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = just try to understand
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = try to understand
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = try to know
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = must be known
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = you may know
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = you must know
বিদ্ধি (viddhi) = you should know
বিদ্মঃ (vidmaH) = do we know
বিদ্যতে (vidyate) = exist.
বিদ্যতে (vidyate) = exists
বিদ্যতে (vidyate) = takes place.
বিদ্যতে (vidyate) = there is.
বিদ্যতে (vidyate) = there is
বিদ্যা (vidyA) = with education
বিদ্যাত্ (vidyAt) = know
বিদ্যাত্ (vidyAt) = you must know
বিদ্যানাং (vidyAnAM) = of all education
বিদ্যামহং (vidyAmahaM) = shall I know
বিদ্বান্ (vidvAn) = a learned person
বিদ্বান্ (vidvAn) = the learned
বিধান (vidhAna) = the regulations
বিধানোক্তঃ (vidhAnoktaH) = according to scriptural regulation
বিধিদিষ্টঃ (vidhidiShTaH) = according to the direction of scripture
বিধিহীনং (vidhihInaM) = without scriptural direction
বিধীয়তে (vidhIyate) = does take place.
বিধেয়াত্মা (vidheyAtmA) = one who follows regulated freedom
বিনঙ্ক্ষ্যসি (vinaN^kShyasi) = you will be lost.
বিনদ্য (vinadya) = vibrating
বিনয় (vinaya) = and gentleness
বিনশ্যতি (vinashyati) = is annihilated.
বিনশ্যতি (vinashyati) = falls back
বিনশ্যত্সু (vinashyatsu) = in the destructible
বিনা (vinA) = without
বিনাশং (vinAshaM) = destruction
বিনাশঃ (vinAshaH) = destruction
বিনাশায় (vinAshAya) = for the annihilation
বিনিগ্রহঃ (vinigrahaH) = control
বিনিয়তং (viniyataM) = particularly disciplined
বিনিয়ম্য (viniyamya) = regulating
বিনির্মুক্তাঃ (vinirmuktAH) = liberated
বিনিবর্তন্তে (vinivartante) = are practiced to be refrained from
বিনিবৃত্ত (vinivR^itta) = disassociated
বিনিশ্চিতৈঃ (vinishchitaiH) = certain.
বিন্দতি (vindati) = achieves
বিন্দতি (vindati) = attains
বিন্দতি (vindati) = enjoys.
বিন্দতি (vindati) = enjoys
বিন্দতে (vindate) = enjoys
বিন্দামি (vindAmi) = I have
বিপরিবর্ততে (viparivartate) = is working.
বিপরীতং (viparItaM) = the opposite
বিপরীতান্ (viparItAn) = in the wrong direction
বিপরীতানি (viparItAni) = just the opposite
বিপশ্চিতঃ (vipashchitaH) = full of discriminating knowledge
বিপ্রতিপন্না (vipratipannA) = without being influenced by the fruitive results
বিভক্তং (vibhaktaM) = divided
বিভক্তেষু (vibhakteShu) = in the numberless divided
বিভাগয়োঃ (vibhAgayoH) = differences
বিভাগশঃ (vibhAgashaH) = in terms of division
বিভাবসৌ (vibhAvasau) = in the fire
বিভুং (vibhuM) = greatest
বিভুঃ (vibhuH) = the Supreme Lord
বিভূতয়ঃ (vibhUtayaH) = opulences
বিভূতি (vibhUti) = opulences
বিভূতিং (vibhUtiM) = opulence
বিভূতিং (vibhUtiM) = opulences
বিভূতিনাং (vibhUtinAM) = opulences
বিভূতিভিঃ (vibhUtibhiH) = opulences
বিভূতেঃ (vibhUteH) = of opulences
বিভ্রমঃ (vibhramaH) = bewilderment
বিভ্রষ্টঃ (vibhraShTaH) = deviated from
বিভ্রান্তাঃ (vibhrAntAH) = perplexed
বিমত্সরঃ (vimatsaraH) = free from envy
বিমুক্তঃ (vimuktaH) = being liberated
বিমুক্তঃ (vimuktaH) = being freed from
বিমুক্তঃ (vimuktaH) = liberated
বিমুক্তানাং (vimuktAnAM) = of those who are liberated
বিমুক্তৈঃ (vimuktaiH) = by one who has become free from
বিমুচ্য (vimuchya) = being delivered from
বিমুঞ্চতি (vimu~nchati) = one gives up
বিমুহ্যতি (vimuhyati) = one is bewildered
বিমূঢ (vimUDha) = foolish
বিমূঢঃ (vimUDhaH) = bewildered
বিমূঢভাবঃ (vimUDhabhAvaH) = bewilderment
বিমূঢাঃ (vimUDhAH) = foolish persons
বিমূঢান্ (vimUDhAn) = perfectly befooled
বিমৃশ্য (vimR^ishya) = deliberating
বিমোহয়তি (vimohayati) = bewilders
বিমোহিতাঃ (vimohitAH) = deluded.
বিমোক্ষণাত্ (vimokShaNAt) = giving up
বিমোক্ষায় (vimokShAya) = meant for liberation
বিমোক্ষ্যসে (vimokShyase) = you will be liberated.
বিয়োগং (viyogaM) = extermination
বিরহিতং (virahitaM) = without
বিরাটঃ (virATaH) = Virata (the prince who gave shelter to
the Pandavas while they were in disguise)
বিরাটঃ (virATaH) = Virata
বিলগ্নাঃ (vilagnAH) = becoming attached
বিবর্জিতং (vivarjitaM) = devoid of
বিবর্জিতং (vivarjitaM) = being without
বিবর্ধনাঃ (vivardhanAH) = increasing
বিবস্বতঃ (vivasvataH) = of the sun-god
বিবস্বতে (vivasvate) = unto the sun-god
বিবস্বান্ (vivasvAn) = Vivasvan (the sun-god's name)
বিবিক্ত (vivikta) = to solitary
বিবিক্তসেবী (viviktasevI) = living in a secluded place
বিবিধঃ (vividhaH) = various
বিবিধাঃ (vividhAH) = various
বিবিধৈঃ (vividhaiH) = various
বিবৃদ্ধং (vivR^iddhaM) = increased
বিবৃদ্ধে (vivR^iddhe) = when there is an excess
বিবৃদ্ধে (vivR^iddhe) = when developed
বিশতে (vishate) = he enters
বিশন্তি (vishanti) = are entering
বিশন্তি (vishanti) = enter
বিশন্তি (vishanti) = fall down
বিশাং (vishAM) = and the vaisyas
বিশাল (vishAla) = very great
বিশালং (vishAlaM) = vast
বিশিষ্টাঃ (vishiShTAH) = especially powerful
বিশিষ্যতে (vishiShyate) = is considered better
বিশিষ্যতে (vishiShyate) = is better.
বিশিষ্যতে (vishiShyate) = is by far the better.
বিশিষ্যতে (vishiShyate) = is special
বিশিষ্যতে (vishiShyate) = is far advanced.
বিশুদ্ধয়া (vishuddhayA) = fully purified
বিশুদ্ধয়ে (vishuddhaye) = for clarifying.
বিশুদ্ধাত্মা (vishuddhAtmA) = a purified soul
বিশেষসঙ্ঘান্ (visheShasaN^ghAn) = specifically assembled
বিশ্বং (vishvaM) = universe
বিশ্বং (vishvaM) = the universe
বিশ্বং (vishvaM) = the entire universe
বিশ্বতোমুখং (vishvatomukhaM) = and in the universal form.
বিশ্বতোমুখং (vishvatomukhaM) = all-pervading.
বিশ্বতোমুখঃ (vishvatomukhaH) = Brahma.
বিশ্বমূর্তে (vishvamUrte) = O universal form.
বিশ্বরূপ (vishvarUpa) = in the form of the universe.
বিশ্বস্য (vishvasya) = universe
বিশ্বে (vishve) = the Visvedevas
বিশ্বেশ্বর (vishveshvara) = O Lord of the universe
বিষমিব (viShamiva) = like poison
বিষমে (viShame) = in this hour of crisis
বিষয় (viShaya) = of the objects of the senses
বিষয় (viShaya) = sense objects
বিষয়াঃ (viShayAH) = on the subject matter
বিষয়াঃ (viShayAH) = objects for sense enjoyment
বিষয়ান্ (viShayAn) = objects of sense gratification
বিষয়ান্ (viShayAn) = the sense objects
বিষয়ান্ (viShayAn) = sense objects
বিষাদং (viShAdaM) = moroseness
বিষাদি (viShAdi) = morose
বিষীদন্ (viShIdan) = while lamenting
বিষীদন্তং (viShIdantaM) = unto the lamenting one
বিষীদন্তং (viShIdantaM) = lamenting
বিষ্টভ্য (viShTabhya) = pervading
বিষ্ঠিতং (viShThitaM) = situated.
বিষ্ণুঃ (viShNuH) = the Supreme Lord
বিষ্ণো (viShNo) = O all-pervading Lord.
বিষ্ণো (viShNo) = O Lord Visnu.
বিসর্গঃ (visargaH) = creation
বিসৃজন্ (visR^ijan) = giving up
বিসৃজামি (visR^ijAmi) = I create
বিসৃজামি (visR^ijAmi) = create
বিসৃজ্য (visR^ijya) = putting aside
বিস্তরঃ (vistaraH) = the expanse
বিস্তরশঃ (vistarashaH) = at great length
বিস্তরশঃ (vistarashaH) = in detail
বিস্তরস্য (vistarasya) = to the extent
বিস্তরেণ (vistareNa) = in detail
বিস্তারং (vistAraM) = the expansion
বিস্ময়ঃ (vismayaH) = wonder
বিস্ময়াবিষ্টঃ (vismayAviShTaH) = being overwhelmed with wonder
বিস্মিতাঃ (vismitAH) = in wonder
বিহায় (vihAya) = giving up
বিহার (vihAra) = in relaxation
বিহারস্য (vihArasya) = recreation
বিহিতং (vihitaM) = directed
বিহিতাঃ (vihitAH) = used
বিহিতান্ (vihitAn) = arranged
বিজ্ঞাতুং (vij~nAtuM) = to know
বিজ্ঞান (vij~nAna) = and realized knowledge
বিজ্ঞান (vij~nAna) = and scientific knowledge of the pure soul
বিজ্ঞান (vij~nAna) = realized knowledge
বিজ্ঞানং (vij~nAnaM) = wisdom
বিজ্ঞানং (vij~nAnaM) = numinous knowledge
বিজ্ঞায় (vij~nAya) = after understanding
বীত (vIta) = free from
বীত (vIta) = freed from
বীতরাগাঃ (vItarAgAH) = in the renounced order of life
বীর্যবান্ (vIryavAn) = very powerful
বীর্যাং (vIryAM) = glories
বীক্ষন্তে (vIkShante) = are beholding
বৃকোদরঃ (vR^ikodaraH) = the voracious eater (Bhima).
বৃজনং (vR^ijanaM) = the ocean of miseries
বৃত্তিস্থাঃ (vR^ittisthAH) = whose occupation
বৃষ্ণীনাং (vR^iShNInAM) = of the descendants of VRiShNi
বেগং (vegaM) = urges
বেগাঃ (vegAH) = speed
বেত্ত (vetta) = the knower
বেত্তি (vetti) = understands
বেত্তি (vetti) = one knows
বেত্তি (vetti) = knows
বেত্তি (vetti) = does know
বেত্থ (vettha) = know
বেদ (veda) = know
বেদ (veda) = knows
বেদ (veda) = do know
বেদয়জ্ঞ (vedayaj~na) = by sacrifice
বেদবাদরতাঃ (vedavAdaratAH) = supposed followers of the Vedas
বেদবিত্ (vedavit) = the knower of the Vedas.
বেদবিত্ (vedavit) = the knower of the Vedas
বেদবিদঃ (vedavidaH) = persons conversant with the Vedas
বেদাঃ (vedAH) = Vedic literatures
বেদাঃ (vedAH) = the Vedic literature
বেদানাং (vedAnAM) = of all the Vedas
বেদান্তকৃত্ (vedAntakR^it) = the compiler of the Vedanta
বেদিতব্যং (veditavyaM) = to be understood
বেদিতুং (vedituM) = to understand
বেদে (vede) = in the Vedic literature
বেদেষু (vedeShu) = in the study of the Vedas
বেদেষু (vedeShu) = Vedic literatures
বেদেষু (vedeShu) = the Vedas
বেদৈঃ (vedaiH) = by the Vedas
বেদৈঃ (vedaiH) = by study of the Vedas
বেদ্যং (vedyaM) = what is to be known
বেদ্যং (vedyaM) = the knowable
বেদ্যঃ (vedyaH) = knowable
বেপথুঃ (vepathuH) = trembling of the body
বেপমানঃ (vepamAnaH) = trembling
বৈনতেয়ঃ (vainateyaH) = Garuda
বৈরাগ্যং (vairAgyaM) = detachment
বৈরাগ্যং (vairAgyaM) = renunciation
বৈরাগ্যেণ (vairAgyeNa) = by detachment
বৈরিণং (vairiNaM) = greatest enemy.
বৈশ্য (vaishya) = of a vaisya
বৈশ্যঃ (vaishyaH) = mercantile people
বৈশ্বানরঃ (vaishvAnaraH) = My plenary portion as the digesting fire
ব্যক্ত (vyakta) = manifested
ব্যক্তয়ঃ (vyaktayaH) = living entities
ব্যক্তিং (vyaktiM) = personality
ব্যক্তিং (vyaktiM) = revelation
ব্যতিতরিষ্যতি (vyatitariShyati) = surpasses
ব্যতীতানি (vyatItAni) = have passed
ব্যত্ত (vyatta) = open
ব্যথন্তি (vyathanti) = are disturbed
ব্যথয়ন্তি (vyathayanti) = are distressing
ব্যথা (vyathA) = trouble
ব্যথিষ্ঠাঃ (vyathiShThAH) = be disturbed
ব্যদারয়ত্ (vyadArayat) = shattered
ব্যপাশ্রয়ঃ (vyapAshrayaH) = taking shelter of.
ব্যপাশ্রিত্য (vyapAshritya) = particularly taking shelter
ব্যপেতভীঃ (vyapetabhIH) = free from all fear
ব্যবসায়ঃ (vyavasAyaH) = enterprise or adventure
ব্যবসায়ঃ (vyavasAyaH) = determination
ব্যবসায়াত্মিকা (vyavasAyAtmikA) = resolute in KRiShNa consciousness
ব্যবসায়াত্মিকা (vyavasAyAtmikA) = fixed in determination
ব্যবসিতঃ (vyavasitaH) = situated in determination
ব্যবস্থিতান্ (vyavasthitAn) = situated
ব্যবস্থিতিঃ (vyavasthitiH) = the situation
ব্যবস্থিতৌ (vyavasthitau) = in determining
ব্যবস্থিতৌ (vyavasthitau) = put under regulations
ব্যবাসিতাঃ (vyavAsitAH) = have decided
ব্যাধি (vyAdhi) = and disease
ব্যাপ্তং (vyAptaM) = pervaded
ব্যাপ্য (vyApya) = pervading
ব্যামিশ্রেণ (vyAmishreNa) = by equivocal
ব্যাসঃ (vyAsaH) = Vyasa, the compiler of all Vedic literature
ব্যাসঃ (vyAsaH) = Vyasa
ব্যাসপ্রসাদাত্ (vyAsaprasAdAt) = by the mercy of Vyasadeva
ব্যাহরন্ (vyAharan) = vibrating
ব্যুদস্য (vyudasya) = laying aside
ব্যূঢং (vyUDhaM) = arranged in a military phalanx
ব্যূঢাং (vyUDhAM) = arranged
ব্রজ (vraja) = go
ব্রজেত (vrajeta) = walks
ব্রতাঃ (vratAH) = avowed.
শংসসি (sha.nsasi) = You are praising
শক্নোতি (shaknoti) = is able
শক্নোমি (shaknomi) = am I able
শক্নোষি (shaknoShi) = you are able
শক্যং (shakyaM) = is able
শক্যং (shakyaM) = is possible
শক্যঃ (shakyaH) = it is possible
শক্যঃ (shakyaH) = can
শক্যঃ (shakyaH) = possible
শক্যঃ (shakyaH) = practical
শক্যসে (shakyase) = are able
শঙ্করঃ (shaN^karaH) = Lord Siva
শঙ্খং (shaN^khaM) = conchshell
শঙ্খাঃ (shaN^khAH) = conchshells
শঙ্খান্ (shaN^khAn) = conchshells
শঙ্খৌ (shaN^khau) = conchshells
শঠঃ (shaThaH) = deceitful
শতশঃ (shatashaH) = hundreds
শতৈঃ (shataiH) = by hundreds
শত্রুং (shatruM) = the enemy
শত্রুঃ (shatruH) = enemy
শত্রুত্বে (shatrutve) = because of enmity
শত্রুন্ (shatrun) = enemies
শত্রুবত্ (shatruvat) = as an enemy.
শত্রৌ (shatrau) = to an enemy
শনৈঃ (shanaiH) = gradually
শনৈঃ (shanaiH) = step by step
শন্তিং (shantiM) = perfect peace
শব্দঃ (shabdaH) = combined sound
শব্দঃ (shabdaH) = sound vibration
শব্দব্রহ্ম (shabdabrahma) = ritualistic principles of scriptures
শব্দাদিন্ (shabdAdin) = such as sound
শব্দাদিন্ (shabdAdin) = sound vibration, etc.
শমং (shamaM) = mental tranquillity
শমঃ (shamaH) = cessation of all material activities
শমঃ (shamaH) = control of the mind
শয়্যা (shayyA) = in lying down
শরণং (sharaNaM) = refuge
শরণং (sharaNaM) = full surrender
শরণং (sharaNaM) = for surrender
শরণম্ গচ্ছ (sharaNam gachCha) = surrender
শরীর (sharIra) = the body
শরীর (sharIra) = bodily
শরীর (sharIra) = by the body
শরীরং (sharIraM) = the body
শরীরং (sharIraM) = pertaining to the body
শরীরং (sharIraM) = body
শরীরস্থং (sharIrasthaM) = situated in the body
শরীরস্থং (sharIrasthaM) = situated within the body
শরীরস্থঃ (sharIrasthaH) = dwelling in the body
শরীরাণি (sharIrANi) = bodies
শরীরিণঃ (sharIriNaH) = of the embodied soul
শরীরে (sharIre) = in the universal form
শরীরে (sharIre) = on the body
শরীরে (sharIre) = the body.
শর্ম (sharma) = grace
শশাঙ্কঃ (shashAN^kaH) = the moon
শশিসূর্যয়োঃ (shashisUryayoH) = of the moon and the sun
শশী (shashI) = the moon.
শশী (shashI) = the moon
শশ্বচ্ছান্তিং (shashvachChAntiM) = lasting peace
শস্ত্র (shastra) = weapons
শস্ত্রপাণয়ঃ (shastrapANayaH) = those with weapons in hand
শস্ত্রভৃতাং (shastrabhR^itAM) = of the carriers of weapons
শস্ত্রসম্পাতে (shastrasampAte) = in releasing his arrows
শস্ত্রাণি (shastrANi) = weapons
শাখং (shAkhaM) = branches
শাখাঃ (shAkhAH) = branches
শাধি (shAdhi) = just instruct
শান্তঃ (shAntaH) = peaceful
শান্তরজসং (shAntarajasaM) = his passion pacified
শান্তিং (shAntiM) = peace
শান্তিং (shAntiM) = perfect peace
শান্তিং (shAntiM) = relief from material pangs
শান্তিঃ (shAntiH) = tranquillity
শান্তিঃ (shAntiH) = peace
শারীরং (shArIraM) = in keeping body and soul together
শাশ্বতং (shAshvataM) = eternal.
শাশ্বতং (shAshvataM) = original
শাশ্বতং (shAshvataM) = the eternal
শাশ্বতঃ (shAshvataH) = permanent
শাশ্বতধর্মগোপ্তা (shAshvatadharmagoptA) = maintainer of the
eternal religion
শাশ্বতস্য (shAshvatasya) = of the eternal
শাশ্বতাঃ (shAshvatAH) = eternal.
শাশ্বতীঃ (shAshvatIH) = many
শাশ্বতে (shAshvate) = of the Vedas
শাস্ত্র (shAstra) = of scripture
শাস্ত্রং (shAstraM) = the scriptures
শাস্ত্রং (shAstraM) = revealed scripture
শাস্ত্রবিধিং (shAstravidhiM) = the regulations of the scriptures
শাস্ত্রবিধিং (shAstravidhiM) = the regulations of scripture
শিখণ্ডী (shikhaNDI) = Sikhandi
শিখরিণাং (shikhariNAM) = of all mountains
শিরঃ (shiraH) = head
শিরঃ (shiraH) = heads
শিরসা (shirasA) = with the head
শিষ্যঃ (shiShyaH) = disciple
শিষ্যেণ (shiShyeNa) = disciple
শীত (shIta) = in cold
শীত (shIta) = winter
শুক্ল (shukla) = light
শুক্লঃ (shuklaH) = the white fortnight
শুচঃ (shuchaH) = worry.
শুচঃ (shuchaH) = worry
শুচিঃ (shuchiH) = pure
শুচীনাং (shuchInAM) = of the pious
শুচৌ (shuchau) = in a sanctified
শুদ্ধয়ে (shuddhaye) = for the purpose of purification.
শুনি (shuni) = in the dog
শুভ (shubha) = of the auspicious
শুভ (shubha) = good
শুভ (shubha) = from auspicious
শুভান্ (shubhAn) = the auspicious
শূদ্রঃ (shUdraH) = lower-class men
শূদ্রস্য (shUdrasya) = of the shudra
শূদ্রাণাং (shUdrANAM) = of the shudras
শূরাঃ (shUrAH) = heroes
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = understand.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = just hear.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = just hear
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = try to hear.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = listen.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = hear from Me.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = hear.
শৃণু (shR^iNu) = hear
শৃণুয়াত্ (shR^iNuyAt) = does hear
শৃণোতি (shR^iNoti) = hears of
শৃণ্বতঃ (shR^iNvataH) = hearing
শৃণ্বন্ (shR^iNvan) = hearing
শৈব্যঃ (shaibyaH) = Saibya
শোক (shoka) = by lamentation
শোক (shoka) = misery
শোকং (shokaM) = lamentation
শোচতি (shochati) = laments
শোচিতুং (shochituM) = to lament
শোষয়তি (shoShayati) = dries
শৌচং (shauchaM) = cleanliness
শৌচং (shauchaM) = purity
শৌর্যং (shauryaM) = heroism
শ্যালাঃ (shyAlAH) = brothers-in-law
শ্রদ্দধানাঃ (shraddadhAnAH) = with faith
শ্রদ্ধঃ (shraddhaH) = faith
শ্রদ্ধয়া (shraddhayA) = inspiration
শ্রদ্ধয়া (shraddhayA) = with faith
শ্রদ্ধয়া (shraddhayA) = full faith
শ্রদ্ধয়ান্বিতাঃ (shraddhayAnvitAH) = with faith
শ্রদ্ধা (shraddhA) = the faith
শ্রদ্ধা (shraddhA) = faith
শ্রদ্ধাং (shraddhAM) = faith
শ্রদ্ধাবন্তঃ (shraddhAvantaH) = with faith and devotion
শ্রদ্ধাবান্ (shraddhAvAn) = a faithful man
শ্রদ্ধাবান্ (shraddhAvAn) = in full faith
শ্রদ্ধাবান্ (shraddhAvAn) = faithful
শ্রিতাঃ (shritAH) = taking shelter of.
শ্রীঃ (shrIH) = opulence or beauty
শ্রীঃ (shrIH) = opulence
শ্রীভগবানুবাচ (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Personality
of Godhead said
শ্রীভগবানুবাচ (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Supreme Personality
of Godhead said
শ্রীভগবানুবাচ (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Supreme Lord said
শ্রীভগবানুবাচ (shrIbhagavAnuvAcha) = the Lord said
শ্রীমত্ (shrImat) = beautiful
শ্রীমতং (shrImataM) = of the prosperous
শ্রুতং (shrutaM) = heard
শ্রুতবান্ (shrutavAn) = have heard
শ্রুতস্য (shrutasya) = all that is already heard
শ্রুতি (shruti) = of Vedic revelation
শ্রুতিপরায়ণাঃ (shrutiparAyaNAH) = inclined to the process of hearing.
শ্রুতিমত্ (shrutimat) = having ears
শ্রুতৌ (shrutau) = have been heard
শ্রুত্বা (shrutvA) = by hearing
শ্রুত্বা (shrutvA) = having heard
শ্রুত্বা (shrutvA) = hearing
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = all-good
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = it is better
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = is more beneficial
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = good
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = better engagement
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = better
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = benediction
শ্রেয়ঃ (shreyaH) = real benefit
শ্রেয়ান্ (shreyAn) = greater
শ্রেয়ান্ (shreyAn) = better
শ্রেয়ান্ (shreyAn) = far better
শ্রেষ্ঠঃ (shreShThaH) = a respectable leader
শ্রোতব্যস্য (shrotavyasya) = toward all that is to be heard
শ্রোত্রং (shrotraM) = ears
শ্রোত্রাদীনি (shrotrAdIni) = such as the hearing process
শ্বপাকে (shvapAke) = in the dog-eater (the outcaste)
শ্বশুরান্ (shvashurAn) = fathers-in-law
শ্বশূরাঃ (shvashUrAH) = fathers-in-law
শ্বসন্ (shvasan) = breathing
শ্বেতৈঃ (shvetaiH) = with white
ষণ্মাসাঃ (ShaNmAsAH) = the six months
ষষ্ঠাণি (ShaShThANi) = the six
স (sa) = with both
স (sa) = with
স (sa) = that
সঙ্গবর্জিতঃ (sa~NgavarjitaH) = freed from the contamination
of fruitive activities and mental speculation
সঙ্গ্রহঃ (sa~NgrahaH) = the accumulation.
সঙ্গ্রহেণ (sa~NgraheNa) = in summary
সঙ্গ্রামং (sa~NgrAmaM) = fighting
সংন্যস্ত (sa.nnyasta) = one who has renounced
সংন্যস্য (sa.nnyasya) = giving up completely
সংন্যস্য (sa.nnyasya) = giving up
সংন্যাস (sa.nnyAsa) = of renunciation
সংন্যাসং (sa.nnyAsaM) = the renounced order of life
সংন্যাসং (sa.nnyAsaM) = renunciation
সংন্যাসঃ (sa.nnyAsaH) = the renounced order of life
সংন্যাসঃ (sa.nnyAsaH) = renunciation of work
সংন্যাসঃ (sa.nnyAsaH) = renunciation
সংন্যাসনাত্ (sa.nnyAsanAt) = by renunciation
সংন্যাসস্য (sa.nnyAsasya) = of renunciation
সংন্যাসী (sa.nnyAsI) = in the renounced order
সংন্যাসী (sa.nnyAsI) = renouncer
সংন্যাসীনাং (sa.nnyAsInAM) = for the renounced order
সংন্যাসেন (sa.nnyAsena) = by the renounced order of life
সংয়ত (sa.nyata) = controlled
সংয়ম (sa.nyama) = of restraint
সংয়মতাং (sa.nyamatAM) = of all regulators
সংয়মী (sa.nyamI) = the self-controlled
সংয়ম্য (sa.nyamya) = keeping under control
সংয়ম্য (sa.nyamya) = controlling
সংয়ম্য (sa.nyamya) = completely subduing
সংয়াতি (sa.nyAti) = goes away
সংয়াতি (sa.nyAti) = verily accepts
সংয়ুক্তাঃ (sa.nyuktAH) = engaged
সংয়োগং (sa.nyogaM) = connection
সংয়োগাত্ (sa.nyogAt) = by the union between
সংয়োগাত্ (sa.nyogAt) = from the combination
সংবাদং (sa.nvAdaM) = conversation
সংবাদং (sa.nvAdaM) = discussion
সংবাদং (sa.nvAdaM) = message
সংবিগ্ন (sa.nvigna) = distressed
সংবৃত্তঃ (sa.nvR^ittaH) = settled
সংশয় (sa.nshaya) = of doubts
সংশয় (sa.nshaya) = doubtful
সংশয়ং (sa.nshayaM) = doubt
সংশয়ং (sa.nshayaM) = doubts
সংশয়ঃ (sa.nshayaH) = all doubts.
সংশয়ঃ (sa.nshayaH) = doubt.
সংশয়স্য (sa.nshayasya) = of the doubt
সংশিতব্রতাঃ (sa.nshitavratAH) = taken to strict vows.
সংশুদ্ধ (sa.nshuddha) = washed off
সংশুদ্ধিঃ (sa.nshuddhiH) = purification
সংশ্রিতাঃ (sa.nshritAH) = having taken shelter of
সংসার (sa.nsAra) = in material existence
সংসারেষু (sa.nsAreShu) = into the ocean of material existence
সংসিদ্ধঃ (sa.nsiddhaH) = having achieved perfection
সংসিদ্ধঃ (sa.nsiddhaH) = he who is mature
সংসিদ্ধিং (sa.nsiddhiM) = in perfection
সংসিদ্ধিং (sa.nsiddhiM) = perfection
সংসিদ্ধৌ (sa.nsiddhau) = for perfection
সংস্তভ্য (sa.nstabhya) = by steadying
সংস্থাপনার্থায় (sa.nsthApanArthAya) = to reestablish
সংস্পর্শজাঃ (sa.nsparshajAH) = by contact with the material senses
সংস্মৃত্য (sa.nsmR^itya) = remembering
সংহরতে (sa.nharate) = winds up
সঞ্জ্ঞকে (sa~nj~nake) = which is called.
সঞ্জ্ঞার্থং (sa~nj~nArthaM) = for information
সঞ্জ্ঞিতং (sa~nj~nitaM) = in the matter of
সঞ্জ্ঞিতঃ (sa~nj~nitaH) = is called.
সঞ্জ্ঞৈঃ (sa~nj~naiH) = named
সঃ (saH) = anyone
সঃ (saH) = it
সঃ (saH) = He
সঃ (saH) = that knowledge
সঃ (saH) = that person
সঃ (saH) = that
সঃ (saH) = thus
সঃ (saH) = the same
সঃ (saH) = these
সঃ (saH) = such
সঃ (saH) = he is.
সঃ (saH) = he is
সঃ (saH) = he.
সঃ (saH) = he
সক্তং (saktaM) = attached
সক্তাঃ (saktAH) = attached
সক্তাঃ (saktAH) = being attached
সখা (sakhA) = friend
সখীন্ (sakhIn) = friends
সখৈব (sakhaiva) = like a friend
সখ্যুঃ (sakhyuH) = with a friend
সগদ্গদং (sagadgadaM) = with a faltering voice
সঙ্করঃ (saN^karaH) = such unwanted children
সঙ্করস্য (saN^karasya) = of unwanted population
সঙ্কল্প (saN^kalpa) = determination
সঙ্কল্প (saN^kalpa) = mental speculations
সঙ্কল্পঃ (saN^kalpaH) = desire for self-satisfaction
সঙ্খ্যে (saN^khye) = in the battlefield
সঙ্গ (saN^ga) = association
সঙ্গ (saN^ga) = of association
সঙ্গং (saN^gaM) = attachment
সঙ্গং (saN^gaM) = association
সঙ্গঃ (saN^gaH) = attachment
সঙ্গরহিতং (saN^garahitaM) = without attachment
সঙ্গবিবর্জিতঃ (saN^gavivarjitaH) = free from all association
সঙ্গাত্ (saN^gAt) = from attachment
সঙ্গেন (saN^gena) = by association
সঙ্ঘাঃ (saN^ghAH) = the assemblies
সঙ্ঘাতঃ (saN^ghAtaH) = the aggregate
সঙ্ঘৈঃ (saN^ghaiH) = the groups
সচেতাঃ (sachetAH) = in my consciousness
সচ্ছব্দঃ (sachChabdaH) = the sound sat
সজ্জতে (sajjate) = becomes attached.
সজ্জন্তে (sajjante) = they become engaged
সঞ্চয়ান্ (sa~nchayAn) = accumulation.
সঞ্ছিন্ন (sa~nChinna) = cut
সঞ্জনয়ন্ (sa~njanayan) = increasing
সঞ্জয় উবাচ (sa~njaya uvAcha) = Sanjaya said
সঞ্জয় (sa~njaya) = O Sanjaya.
সঞ্জয়তি (sa~njayati) = binds
সঞ্জায়তে (sa~njAyate) = comes into being
সঞ্জায়তে (sa~njAyate) = develops
সত্ (sat) = eternal
সত্ (sat) = cause
সত্ (sat) = the word sat
সত্ (sat) = the Supreme
সত্ (sat) = spirit
সতঃ (sataH) = of the eternal
সতত (satata) = always
সততং (satataM) = always
সততং (satataM) = constantly
সততং (satataM) = twenty-four hours a day
সততয়ুক্তানাং (satatayuktAnAM) = always engaged
সতি (sati) = being
সত্কার (satkAra) = respect
সত্ত্ব (sattva) = in goodness
সত্ত্ব (sattva) = existence
সত্ত্বং (sattvaM) = in goodness
সত্ত্বং (sattvaM) = existence
সত্ত্বং (sattvaM) = the mode of goodness
সত্ত্বং (sattvaM) = the strength
সত্ত্ববতং (sattvavataM) = of the strong
সত্ত্বসংশুদ্ধিঃ (sattvasa.nshuddhiH) = purification of one's existence
সত্ত্বস্থাঃ (sattvasthAH) = those situated in the mode of goodness
সত্ত্বাত্ (sattvAt) = from the mode of goodness
সত্ত্বানুরূপা (sattvAnurUpA) = according to the existence
সত্ত্বে (sattve) = the mode of goodness
সত্যং (satyaM) = truth
সত্যং (satyaM) = truthful
সত্যং (satyaM) = truthfulness
সত্যং (satyaM) = truly
সদ্ভবে (sadbhave) = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme
সদসত্ (sadasat) = in good and bad
সদসত্ (sadasat) = to cause and effect
সদা (sadA) = always
সদা (sadA) = constantly
সদৃশং (sadR^ishaM) = accordingly
সদৃশং (sadR^ishaM) = in comparison
সদৃশঃ (sadR^ishaH) = like
সদৃশী (sadR^ishI) = like that
সদোষং (sadoShaM) = with fault
সন্ (san) = being so
সনাতনং (sanAtanaM) = eternal atmosphere.
সনাতনং (sanAtanaM) = original, eternal
সনাতনঃ (sanAtanaH) = eternal
সনাতনঃ (sanAtanaH) = eternally the same.
সনাতনাঃ (sanAtanAH) = eternal
সন্তঃ (santaH) = the devotees
সন্তরিষ্যসি (santariShyasi) = you will cross completely.
সন্তুষ্টঃ (santuShTaH) = perfectly satiated
সন্তুষ্টঃ (santuShTaH) = satisfied
সন্দৃশ্যন্তে (sandR^ishyante) = are seen
সন্দেহঃ (sandehaH) = all doubts
সন্নিভানি (sannibhAni) = as if
সন্নিয়ম্য (sanniyamya) = controlling
সন্নিবিষ্টঃ (sanniviShTaH) = situated
সপত্নান্ (sapatnAn) = enemies.
সপ্ত (sapta) = seven
সবান্ধবান্ (sabAndhavAn) = along with friends
সম (sama) = unaltered
সম (sama) = equal
সম (sama) = equally
সম (sama) = equipoised
সমং (samaM) = in equanimity
সমং (samaM) = equally
সমং (samaM) = straight
সমঃ (samaH) = equal
সমঃ (samaH) = equally disposed
সমঃ (samaH) = equipoised
সমঃ (samaH) = peacefulness
সমঃ (samaH) = steady
সমগ্রং (samagraM) = all
সমগ্রং (samagraM) = in total
সমগ্রং (samagraM) = completely
সমগ্রান্ (samagrAn) = all
সমচিত্তত্বং (samachittatvaM) = equilibrium
সমতা (samatA) = equilibrium
সমতিত্য (samatitya) = transcending
সমতীতানি (samatItAni) = completely past
সমত্বং (samatvaM) = equanimity
সমদর্শনঃ (samadarshanaH) = seeing equally.
সমদর্শিনঃ (samadarshinaH) = who see with equal vision.
সমধিগচ্ছতি (samadhigachChati) = attains.
সমন্ততঃ (samantataH) = from all sides.
সমন্তাত্ (samantAt) = everywhere
সমন্তাত্ (samantAt) = from all directions
সমন্বিতঃ (samanvitaH) = qualified
সমবুদ্ধয়ঃ (samabuddhayaH) = equally disposed
সমবুদ্ধিঃ (samabuddhiH) = having equal intelligence
সমবস্থিতং (samavasthitaM) = equally situated
সমবেতাঃ (samavetAH) = assembled
সমবেতান্ (samavetAn) = assembled
সমাঃ (samAH) = equal
সমাঃ (samAH) = years
সমাগতাঃ (samAgatAH) = assembled
সমাচর (samAchara) = do perfectly.
সমাচর (samAchara) = perform
সমাচরন্ (samAcharan) = practicing.
সমাধাতুং (samAdhAtuM) = to fix
সমাধায় (samAdhAya) = fixing
সমাধিনা (samAdhinA) = by complete absorption.
সমাধিস্থস্য (samAdhisthasya) = of one situated in trance
সমাধৌ (samAdhau) = in transcendental consciousness,
or KRiShNa consciousness
সমাধৌ (samAdhau) = in the controlled mind
সমাপ্নোষি (samApnoShi) = You cover
সমায়ুক্তঃ (samAyuktaH) = keeping in balance
সমারম্ভাঃ (samArambhAH) = attempts
সমাবিষ্টঃ (samAviShTaH) = absorbed
সমাবৃতঃ (samAvR^itaH) = covered
সমাবৃতঃ (samAvR^itaH) = surrounded
সমাসতঃ (samAsataH) = in summary
সমাসেন (samAsena) = in summary
সমাসেন (samAsena) = summarily
সমাহর্তুং (samAhartuM) = in destroying
সমাহিতঃ (samAhitaH) = approached completely
সমিতিঞ্জয়ঃ (samiti~njayaH) = always victorious in battle
সমিদ্ধঃ (samiddhaH) = blazing
সমীক্ষ্য (samIkShya) = after seeing
সমুত্থেন (samutthena) = arisen from
সমুদ্ধর্তা (samuddhartA) = the deliverer
সমুদ্ভবং (samudbhavaM) = directly manifested
সমুদ্ভবং (samudbhavaM) = produced of
সমুদ্ভবঃ (samudbhavaH) = born of.
সমুদ্ভবঃ (samudbhavaH) = born of
সমুদ্ভবান্ (samudbhavAn) = produced of
সমুদ্যমে (samudyame) = in the attempt.
সমুদ্রং (samudraM) = the ocean
সমুপস্থিতং (samupasthitaM) = arrived
সমুপস্থিতং (samupasthitaM) = present
সমুপাশ্রিতঃ (samupAshritaH) = having taken shelter of
সমৃদ্ধ (samR^iddha) = with full
সমৃদ্ধং (samR^iddhaM) = flourishing
সমৃদ্ধবেগঃ (samR^iddhavegaH) = with full speed.
সমে (same) = in equanimity
সমৌ (samau) = in suspension
সম্পত্ (sampat) = assets
সম্পদং (sampadaM) = assets
সম্পদং (sampadaM) = the qualities
সম্পদ্যতে (sampadyate) = he attains
সম্পন্নে (sampanne) = fully equipped
সম্পশ্যন্ (sampashyan) = considering
সম্প্রকীর্তিতঃ (samprakIrtitaH) = is declared.
সম্প্রতিষ্ঠা (sampratiShThA) = the foundation
সম্প্রবৃত্তানি (sampravR^ittAni) = although developed
সম্প্রেক্ষ্য (samprekShya) = looking
সম্প্লুতোদকে (samplutodake) = in a great reservoir of water
সম্বন্ধিনঃ (sambandhinaH) = relatives
সম্ভবং (sambhavaM) = born of.
সম্ভবঃ (sambhavaH) = the possibility
সম্ভবঃ (sambhavaH) = production
সম্ভবন্তি (sambhavanti) = they appear
সম্ভবাঃ (sambhavAH) = produced of
সম্ভবান্ (sambhavAn) = produced of.
সম্ভবামি (sambhavAmi) = I do appear
সম্ভবামি (sambhavAmi) = I do incarnate
সম্ভাবিতস্য (sambhAvitasya) = for a respectable man
সম্ভূতং (sambhUtaM) = arisen kim
সম্মূঢ (sammUDha) = bewildered
সম্মূঢাঃ (sammUDhAH) = befooled by material identification
সম্মোহং (sammohaM) = into delusion
সম্মোহঃ (sammohaH) = the illusion
সম্মোহঃ (sammohaH) = perfect illusion
সম্মোহাত্ (sammohAt) = from illusion
সম্যক্ (samyak) = complete
সম্যক্ (samyak) = completely
সরসাং (sarasAM) = of all reservoirs of water
সর্গঃ (sargaH) = birth and death
সর্গাণাং (sargANAM) = of all creations
সর্গে (sarge) = while taking birth
সর্গেঽপি (sarge.api) = even in the creation
সর্পাণাং (sarpANAM) = of serpents
সর্ব (sarva) = all kinds of
সর্ব (sarva) = all respectively
সর্ব (sarva) = all
সর্ব (sarva) = in all
সর্ব (sarva) = of all
সর্ব (sarva) = because You are everything
সর্ব (sarva) = for all kinds of
সর্বং (sarvaM) = all of the body
সর্বং (sarvaM) = all that be
সর্বং (sarvaM) = all such sinful reactions
সর্বং (sarvaM) = all
সর্বং (sarvaM) = whole
সর্বং (sarvaM) = everything
সর্বঃ (sarvaH) = all
সর্বঃ (sarvaH) = everything.
সর্বকর্ম (sarvakarma) = of all activities
সর্বকর্মাণি (sarvakarmANi) = all kinds of activities
সর্বকর্মাণি (sarvakarmANi) = all reactions to material activities
সর্বগতং (sarvagataM) = all-pervading
সর্বগতঃ (sarvagataH) = all-pervading
সর্বগুহ্যতমং (sarvaguhyatamaM) = the most confidential of all
সর্বতঃ (sarvataH) = in all respects
সর্বতঃ (sarvataH) = everywhere
সর্বতঃ (sarvataH) = on all sides
সর্বতঃ (sarvataH) = from all sides
সর্বত্র (sarvatra) = everywhere
সর্বত্রগং (sarvatragaM) = all-pervading
সর্বত্রগঃ (sarvatragaH) = blowing everywhere
সর্বথা (sarvathA) = in all ways
সর্বথা (sarvathA) = in all respects
সর্বদেহিনাং (sarvadehinAM) = of all embodied beings
সর্বদ্বারাণি (sarvadvArANi) = all the doors of the body
সর্বদ্বারেষু (sarvadvAreShu) = in all the gates
সর্বধর্মান্ (sarvadharmAn) = all varieties of religion
সর্বপাপৈঃ (sarvapApaiH) = from all sinful reactions
সর্বভাবেন (sarvabhAvena) = in all respects
সর্বভূত (sarvabhUta) = of all living entities
সর্বভূত (sarvabhUta) = to all living entities
সর্বভূত (sarvabhUta) = for all living entities
সর্বভূতস্থং (sarvabhUtasthaM) = situated in all beings
সর্বভূতস্থিতং (sarvabhUtasthitaM) = situated in everyone's heart
সর্বভূতহিতে (sarvabhUtahite) = for the welfare of all living entities
সর্বভূতানাং (sarvabhUtAnAM) = of all creations
সর্বভূতানাং (sarvabhUtAnAM) = of all living entities
সর্বভূতানাং (sarvabhUtAnAM) = toward all living entities
সর্বভূতানি (sarvabhUtAni) = all created entities
সর্বভূতানী (sarvabhUtAnI) = all living entities
সর্বভূতেষু (sarvabhUteShu) = among all living entities
সর্বভূতেষু (sarvabhUteShu) = among all living beings
সর্বভূতেষু (sarvabhUteShu) = in all living entities
সর্বভূতেষু (sarvabhUteShu) = to all living entities
সর্বভৃত্ (sarvabhR^it) = the maintainer of everyone
সর্বয়োনিষু (sarvayoniShu) = in all species of life
সর্বলোক (sarvaloka) = of all planets and the demigods thereof
সর্ববিত্ (sarvavit) = the knower of everything
সর্ববৃক্ষাণাং (sarvavR^ikShANAM) = of all trees
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = altogether
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = all around
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = all kinds of
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = all
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = in all respects.
সর্বশঃ (sarvashaH) = in all respects
সর্বসঙ্কল্প (sarvasaN^kalpa) = of all material desires
সর্বস্য (sarvasya) = of all living beings
সর্বস্য (sarvasya) = of all
সর্বস্য (sarvasya) = of everyone
সর্বস্য (sarvasya) = of everything
সর্বস্য (sarvasya) = to everyone
সর্বহরঃ (sarvaharaH) = all-devouring
সর্বজ্ঞান (sarvaj~nAna) = in all sorts of knowledge
সর্বাঃ (sarvAH) = all
সর্বাণি ভূতানি (sarvANi bhUtAni) = all created beings
সর্বাণি (sarvANi) = all sorts of
সর্বাণি (sarvANi) = all
সর্বাণি (sarvANi) = of all
সর্বান্ (sarvAn) = all kinds of
সর্বান্ (sarvAn) = all
সর্বান্ (sarvAn) = of all varieties
সর্বারম্ভ (sarvArambha) = of all endeavors
সর্বারম্ভঃ (sarvArambhaH) = all ventures
সর্বার্থান্ (sarvArthAn) = all things
সর্বে বয়ং (sarve vayaM) = all of us
সর্বে (sarve) = all of them
সর্বে (sarve) = all sorts of
সর্বে (sarve) = all.
সর্বে (sarve) = all
সর্বেভ্যঃ (sarvebhyaH) = of all
সর্বেষাং (sarveShAM) = all types of
সর্বেষাং (sarveShAM) = all
সর্বেষু কালেষু (sarveShu kAleShu) = always
সর্বেষু (sarveShu) = at all
সর্বেষু (sarveShu) = all
সর্বেষু (sarveShu) = in all
সর্বেষু (sarveShu) = everywhere
সর্বেষু (sarveShu) = to all
সর্বৈঃ (sarvaiH) = all
সবিকারং (savikAraM) = with interactions
সব্যসাচিন্ (savyasAchin) = O Savyasaci.
সশরং (sasharaM) = along with arrows
সহ (saha) = along with
সহ (saha) = with
সহ (saha) = together
সহজং (sahajaM) = born simultaneously
সহদেবঃ (sahadevaH) = Sahadeva
সহসা (sahasA) = all of a sudden
সহস্র (sahasra) = one thousand
সহস্রকৃত্বঃ (sahasrakR^itvaH) = a thousand times
সহস্রবাহো (sahasrabAho) = O thousand-handed one
সহস্রশঃ (sahasrashaH) = thousands
সহস্রস্য (sahasrasya) = of many thousands
সহস্রান্তাং (sahasrAntAM) = similarly, ending after one thousand
সহস্রেষু (sahasreShu) = out of many thousands
সহিতং (sahitaM) = with
সক্ষী (sakShI) = witness
সা (sA) = that is
সা (sA) = that
সা (sA) = this
সাগরঃ (sAgaraH) = the ocean.
সাগরাত্ (sAgarAt) = from the ocean
সাঙ্খ্য (sAN^khya) = analytical study of the material world
সাঙ্খ্যং (sAN^khyaM) = analytical study
সাঙ্খ্যানাং (sAN^khyAnAM) = of the empiric philosophers
সাঙ্খ্যে (sAN^khye) = in the Vedanta
সাঙ্খ্যে (sAN^khye) = in the fight
সাঙ্খ্যে (sAN^khye) = by analytical study
সাঙ্খ্যেন (sAN^khyena) = of philosophical discussion
সাঙ্খ্যৈঃ (sAN^khyaiH) = by means of Sankhya philosophy
সাত্ত্বিক (sAttvika) = to one in goodness
সাত্ত্বিকং (sAttvikaM) = in the mode of goodness.
সাত্ত্বিকং (sAttvikaM) = in the mode of goodness
সাত্ত্বিকঃ (sAttvikaH) = in the mode of goodness.
সাত্ত্বিকঃ (sAttvikaH) = in the mode of goodness
সাত্ত্বিকাঃ (sAttvikAH) = in goodness
সাত্ত্বিকাঃ (sAttvikAH) = those who are in the
mode of goodness
সাত্ত্বিকী (sAttvikI) = in the mode of goodness.
সাত্ত্বিকী (sAttvikI) = in the mode of goodness
সাত্যকিঃ (sAtyakiH) = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana,
the charioteer of Lord KRiShNa)
সাধর্ম্যং (sAdharmyaM) = same nature
সাধিভূত (sAdhibhUta) = and the governing principle of
the material manifestation
সাধিয়জ্ঞং (sAdhiyaj~naM) = and governing all sacrifices
সাধুঃ (sAdhuH) = a saint
সাধুভাবে (sAdhubhAve) = in the sense of the nature of the devotee
সাধুষু (sAdhuShu) = unto the pious
সাধূনাং (sAdhUnAM) = of the devotees
সাধ্যাঃ (sAdhyAH) = the Sadhyas
সাম (sAma) = the Sama Veda
সামর্থ্যং (sAmarthyaM) = ability
সামবেদঃ (sAmavedaH) = the Sama Veda
সামাসিকস্য (sAmAsikasya) = of compounds
সাম্নং (sAmnaM) = of the Sama Veda songs
সাম্যে (sAmye) = in equanimity
সাম্যেন (sAmyena) = generally
সাহঙ্কারেণ (sAhaN^kAreNa) = with ego
সাক্ষাত্ (sAkShAt) = directly
সিংহনাদং (si.nhanAdaM) = roaring sound, like that of a lion
সিদ্ধ্যসিদ্ধ্যোঃ (siddhyasiddhyoH) = in success and failure
সিদ্ধ (siddha) = and the perfected demigods
সিদ্ধঃ (siddhaH) = perfect
সিদ্ধয়ে (siddhaye) = for the perfection
সিদ্ধয়ে (siddhaye) = for perfection
সিদ্ধসঙ্ঘাঃ (siddhasaN^ghAH) = the perfect human beings.
সিদ্ধসঙ্ঘাঃ (siddhasaN^ghAH) = perfect beings
সিদ্ধানাং (siddhAnAM) = of all those who are perfected
সিদ্ধানাং (siddhAnAM) = of those who have
achieved perfection
সিদ্ধি (siddhi) = in perfection
সিদ্ধিং (siddhiM) = perfection
সিদ্ধিং (siddhiM) = success
সিদ্ধিঃ (siddhiH) = success
সিদ্ধৌ (siddhau) = in success
সীদন্তি (sIdanti) = are quivering
সুকৃতং (sukR^itaM) = pious activities
সুকৃতদুষ্কৃতে (sukR^itaduShkR^ite) = good and bad results
সুকৃতস্য (sukR^itasya) = pious
সুকৃতিনঃ (sukR^itinaH) = those who are pious
সুখ (sukha) = with happiness
সুখ (sukha) = of happiness
সুখ (sukha) = happiness
সুখং (sukhaM) = and happiness
সুখং (sukhaM) = in happiness
সুখং (sukhaM) = happiness.
সুখং (sukhaM) = happiness
সুখং (sukhaM) = happily
সুখঃ (sukhaH) = and happiness
সুখদুঃখ (sukhaduHkha) = happiness and distress
সুখস্য (sukhasya) = of happiness
সুখানি (sukhAni) = all happiness
সুখানি (sukhAni) = happiness thereof
সুখিনঃ (sukhinaH) = very happy
সুখিনঃ (sukhinaH) = happy
সুখী (sukhI) = happy
সুখে (sukhe) = in happiness
সুখেন (sukhena) = in transcendental happiness
সুখেষু (sukheShu) = in happiness
সুঘোষমণিপুষ্পকৌ (sughoShamaNipuShpakau) = the conches
named Sughosa and Manipuspaka
সুদুরাচারঃ (sudurAchAraH) = one committing the most
abominable actions
সুদুর্দর্শং (sudurdarshaM) = very difficult to see
সুদুর্লভঃ (sudurlabhaH) = very rare to see.
সুদুষ্করং (suduShkaraM) = difficult.
সুনিশ্চিতং (sunishchitaM) = definitely.
সুরগণাঃ (suragaNAH) = the demigods
সুরসঙ্ঘাঃ (surasaN^ghAH) = groups of demigods
সুরাণাং (surANAM) = of the demigods
সুরেন্দ্র (surendra) = of Indra
সুলভঃ (sulabhaH) = very easy to achieve
সুবিরূঢ (suvirUDha) = strongly
সুসুখং (susukhaM) = very happy
সুহৃত্ (suhR^it) = to well-wishers by nature
সুহৃত্ (suhR^it) = most intimate friend
সুহৃদং (suhR^idaM) = the benefactor
সুহৃদঃ (suhR^idaH) = well-wishers
সূতপুত্রঃ (sUtaputraH) = Karna
সূত্রে (sUtre) = on a thread
সূয়তে (sUyate) = manifests
সূর্য (sUrya) = and sun
সূর্য (sUrya) = of suns
সূর্যঃ (sUryaH) = the sun
সূক্ষ্মত্বাত্ (sUkShmatvAt) = on account of being subtle
সৃজতি (sR^ijati) = creates
সৃজামি (sR^ijAmi) = manifest
সৃতী (sR^itI) = different paths
সৃষ্ট্বা (sR^iShTvA) = creating
সৃষ্ট্বা (sR^iShTvA) = created
সেনয়োঃ (senayoH) = of the armies
সেনানীনাং (senAnInAM) = of all commanders
সেবতে (sevate) = renders service
সেবয়া (sevayA) = by the rendering of service
সেবিত্বং (sevitvaM) = aspiring
সৈন্যস্য (sainyasya) = of the soldiers
সোঢুং (soDhuM) = to tolerate
সোঢুং (soDhuM) = tolerate.
সোমঃ (somaH) = the moon
সোমপাঃ (somapAH) = drinkers of soma juice
সৌভদ্রঃ (saubhadraH) = Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra
সৌভদ্রঃ (saubhadraH) = the son of Subhadra
সৌমদত্তিঃ (saumadattiH) = the son of Somadatta
সৌম্যং (saumyaM) = very beautiful
সৌম্যত্বং (saumyatvaM) = being without duplicity towards others
সৌম্যবপুঃ (saumyavapuH) = the beautiful form
সৌক্ষ্ম্যাত্ (saukShmyAt) = due to being subtle
স্কন্দঃ (skandaH) = Kartikeya
স্তব্ধঃ (stabdhaH) = impudent
স্তব্ধঃ (stabdhaH) = obstinate
স্তুতিঃ (stutiH) = and repute
স্তুতিভিঃ (stutibhiH) = with prayers
স্তুবন্তি (stuvanti) = are singing hymns
স্তেনঃ (stenaH) = thief
স্ত্রংসতে (stra.nsate) = is slipping
স্ত্রিয়ঃ (striyaH) = women
স্ত্রীষু (strIShu) = by the womanhood
স্থঃ (sthaH) = situated
স্থাণুঃ (sthANuH) = unchangeable
স্থানং (sthAnaM) = abode
স্থানং (sthAnaM) = ground
স্থানং (sthAnaM) = the abode
স্থানং (sthAnaM) = place
স্থানি (sthAni) = situated
স্থানে (sthAne) = rightly
স্থাপয় (sthApaya) = please keep
স্থাপয়িত্বা (sthApayitvA) = placing
স্থাবর (sthAvara) = not moving
স্থাবরাণাং (sthAvarANAM) = of immovable things
স্থাস্যতি (sthAsyati) = remains
স্থিতং (sthitaM) = situated in the body
স্থিতং (sthitaM) = situated
স্থিতঃ (sthitaH) = being situated
স্থিতঃ (sthitaH) = situated.
স্থিতঃ (sthitaH) = situated
স্থিতধীঃ (sthitadhIH) = whose mind is steady
স্থিতধীঃ (sthitadhIH) = one fixed in KRiShNa consciousness
স্থিতপ্রজ্ঞঃ (sthitapraj~naH) = transcendentally situated
স্থিতপ্রজ্ঞস্য (sthitapraj~nasya) = of one who is situated
in fixed KRiShNa consciousness
স্থিতাঃ (sthitAH) = am situated
স্থিতাঃ (sthitAH) = are situated.
স্থিতান্ (sthitAn) = standing
স্থিতিং (sthitiM) = situation
স্থিতিঃ (sthitiH) = the situation
স্থিতিঃ (sthitiH) = situation
স্থিতৌ (sthitau) = situated
স্থিত্বা (sthitvA) = being situated
স্থির (sthira) = fixed
স্থিরং (sthiraM) = steadily
স্থিরং (sthiraM) = firm
স্থিরঃ (sthiraH) = still
স্থিরবুদ্ধিঃ (sthirabuddhiH) = self-intelligent
স্থিরাং (sthirAM) = stable.
স্থিরাঃ (sthirAH) = enduring
স্থৈর্যং (sthairyaM) = steadfastness
স্নিগ্ধাঃ (snigdhAH) = fatty
স্পর্শনং (sparshanaM) = touch
স্পর্শান্ (sparshAn) = sense objects, such as sound
স্পৃশন্ (spR^ishan) = touching
স্পৃহা (spR^ihA) = aspiration
স্পৃহা (spR^ihA) = desire
স্মরতি (smarati) = remembers
স্মরন্ (smaran) = thinking of
স্মরন্ (smaran) = remembering
স্মৃতং (smR^itaM) = is understood to be.
স্মৃতং (smR^itaM) = is considered.
স্মৃতঃ (smR^itaH) = is considered
স্মৃতা (smR^itA) = is considered
স্মৃতি (smR^iti) = of memory
স্মৃতিঃ (smR^itiH) = memory
স্মৃতিঃ (smR^itiH) = remembrance
স্মৃতিভ্রংশাত্ (smR^itibhra.nshAt) = after bewilderment
of memory
স্যন্দনে (syandane) = chariot
স্যাং (syAM) = would be
স্যাং (syAM) = shall be
স্যাত্ (syAt) = is
স্যাত্ (syAt) = will there be
স্যাত্ (syAt) = exists
স্যাত্ (syAt) = one becomes
স্যাত্ (syAt) = may be
স্যাত্ (syAt) = might be
স্যাত্ (syAt) = remains
স্যাম (syAma) = will we become
স্যুঃ (syuH) = are
স্রোতসাং (srotasAM) = of flowing rivers
স্বং (svaM) = own
স্বকং (svakaM) = His own
স্বকর্ম (svakarma) = in his own duty
স্বকর্মণা (svakarmaNA) = by his own duties
স্বচক্ষুষা (svachakShuShA) = your own eyes
স্বজনং (svajanaM) = own kinsmen
স্বজনং (svajanaM) = kinsmen
স্বতেজসা (svatejasA) = by Your radiance
স্বধর্মং (svadharmaM) = one's own religious principles
স্বধর্মং (svadharmaM) = your religious duty
স্বধর্মঃ (svadharmaH) = one's own occupation
স্বধর্মঃ (svadharmaH) = one's prescribed duties
স্বধর্মে (svadharme) = in one's prescribed duties
স্বধা (svadhA) = oblation
স্বনুষ্ঠিতাত্ (svanuShThitAt) = perfectly done
স্বপন্ (svapan) = dreaming
স্বপ্নং (svapnaM) = dreaming
স্বপ্নশীলস্য (svapnashIlasya) = of one who sleeps
স্বপ্নাববোধস্য (svapnAvabodhasya) = sleep and wakefulness
স্বভাব (svabhAva) = their own nature
স্বভাবঃ (svabhAvaH) = eternal nature
স্বভাবঃ (svabhAvaH) = characteristics
স্বভাবঃ (svabhAvaH) = the modes of material nature
স্বভাবজং (svabhAvajaM) = born of his own nature.
স্বভাবজং (svabhAvajaM) = born of his own nature
স্বভাবজা (svabhAvajA) = according to his mode of material nature
স্বভাবজেন (svabhAvajena) = born of your own nature
স্বভাবনিয়তং (svabhAvaniyataM) = prescribed according
to one's nature
স্বয়ং (svayaM) = personally.
স্বয়ং (svayaM) = personally
স্বয়ং (svayaM) = himself
স্বয়া (svayA) = by their own.
স্বর্গ (svarga) = of the heavenly planets
স্বর্গং (svargaM) = the heavenly kingdom
স্বর্গতিং (svargatiM) = passage to heaven
স্বর্গপরাঃ (svargaparAH) = aiming to achieve heavenly planets
স্বর্গলোকং (svargalokaM) = heaven
স্বল্পং (svalpaM) = a little
স্বস্তি (svasti) = all peace
স্বস্থঃ (svasthaH) = being situated in himself
স্বস্যঃ (svasyaH) = by his own
স্বাং (svAM) = of My personal Self
স্বাং (svAM) = of Myself
স্বাধ্যায় (svAdhyAya) = of Vedic study
স্বাধ্যায় (svAdhyAya) = sacrifice in the study of the Vedas
স্বাধ্যায়ঃ (svAdhyAyaH) = study of Vedic literature
স্বে স্বে (sve sve) = each his own
স্বেন (svena) = by your own
হ (ha) = certainly.
হতং (hataM) = killed
হতঃ (hataH) = being killed
হতঃ (hataH) = has been killed
হতান্ (hatAn) = already killed
হত্বা (hatvA) = killing
হত্বা (hatvA) = by killing
হনিষ্যে (haniShye) = I shall kill
হন্ত (hanta) = yes
হন্তারং (hantAraM) = the killer
হন্তি (hanti) = kills
হন্তুং (hantuM) = to kill
হন্যতে (hanyate) = is killed.
হন্যতে (hanyate) = is killed
হন্যমানে (hanyamAne) = being killed
হন্যুঃ (hanyuH) = may kill
হয়ৈঃ (hayaiH) = horses
হরতি (harati) = takes away
হরন্তি (haranti) = throw
হরিঃ (hariH) = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRiShNa
হরেঃ (hareH) = of Lord KRiShNa
হর্ষ (harSha) = from happiness
হর্ষং (harShaM) = cheerfulness
হর্ষশোকান্বিতঃ (harShashokAnvitaH) = subject to joy and sorrow
হবিঃ (haviH) = butter
হস্তাত্ (hastAt) = from the hand
হস্তিনি (hastini) = in the elephant
হানিঃ (hAniH) = destruction
হি (hi) = indeed
হি (hi) = certainly
হি (hi) = surely
হিংসাং (hi.nsAM) = and distress to others
হিংসাত্মকঃ (hi.nsAtmakaH) = always envious
হিতং (hitaM) = beneficial
হিতং (hitaM) = benefit.
হিতকাম্যয়া (hitakAmyayA) = for your benefit.
হিতে (hite) = in welfare work
হিত্বা (hitvA) = losing
হিনস্তি (hinasti) = degrade
হিমালয়ঃ (himAlayaH) = the Himalayan mountains.
হুতং (hutaM) = offering.
হুতং (hutaM) = offered in sacrifice
হুতং (hutaM) = offered
হুতাশবক্ত্রং (hutAshavaktraM) = fire coming out of Your mouth
হৃত (hR^ita) = deprived of
হৃত্স্থং (hR^itsthaM) = situated in the heart
হৃদয় (hR^idaya) = of the heart
হৃদয়ানি (hR^idayAni) = hearts
হৃদি (hR^idi) = in the heart
হৃদ্দেশে (hR^iddeshe) = in the location of the heart
হৃদ্যাঃ (hR^idyAH) = pleasing to the heart
হৃষিতঃ (hR^iShitaH) = gladdened
হৃষীকেশ (hR^iShIkesha) = O master of all senses
হৃষীকেশ (hR^iShIkesha) = O master of the senses
হৃষীকেশং (hR^iShIkeshaM) = unto KRiShNa, the master
of the senses
হৃষীকেশং (hR^iShIkeshaM) = unto Lord KRiShNa
হৃষীকেশঃ (hR^iShIkeshaH) = Hrsikesa (KRiShNa, the Lord
who directs the senses of the devotees)
হৃষীকেশঃ (hR^iShIkeshaH) = the master of the senses, KRiShNa
হৃষীকেশঃ (hR^iShIkeshaH) = Lord KRiShNa
হৃষ্টরোমা (hR^iShTaromA) = with his bodily hairs standing
on end due to his great ecstasy
হৃষ্যতি (hR^iShyati) = takes pleasure
হৃষ্যামি (hR^iShyAmi) = I am enjoying
হৃষ্যামি (hR^iShyAmi) = I am taking pleasure
হে কৃষ্ণ (he kR^iShNa) = O KRiShNa
হে য়াদব (he yAdava) = O Yadava
হে সখে (he sakhe) = O my dear friend
হেতবঃ (hetavaH) = causes.
হেতুঃ (hetuH) = cause
হেতুঃ (hetuH) = the instrument
হেতুনা (hetunA) = for the reason
হেতুমদ্ভিঃ (hetumadbhiH) = with cause and effect
হেতোঃ (hetoH) = in exchange
হ্রিয়তে (hriyate) = is attracted
হ্রীঃ (hrIH) = modesty
ক্ষণং (kShaNaM) = a moment
ক্ষত্রিয় (kShatriya) = the ksatriyas
ক্ষত্রিয়স্য (kShatriyasya) = of the ksatriya
ক্ষত্রিয়াঃ (kShatriyAH) = the members of the royal order
ক্ষন্তিঃ (kShantiH) = tolerance
ক্ষমা (kShamA) = patience.
ক্ষমা (kShamA) = forgiveness
ক্ষমী (kShamI) = forgiving
ক্ষয়ং (kShayaM) = destruction
ক্ষয়কৃত্ (kShayakR^it) = the destroyer
ক্ষয়ায় (kShayAya) = for destruction
ক্ষরং (kSharaM) = to the fallible
ক্ষরঃ (kSharaH) = constantly changing
ক্ষরঃ (kSharaH) = fallible
ক্ষাত্রং (kShAtraM) = of a ksatriya
ক্ষান্তিঃ (kShAntiH) = tolerance
ক্ষাময়ে (kShAmaye) = ask forgiveness
ক্ষিপামি (kShipAmi) = I put
ক্ষিপ্রং (kShipraM) = very quickly
ক্ষিপ্রং (kShipraM) = very soon
ক্ষীণকল্মষাঃ (kShINakalmaShAH) = who are devoid of all sins
ক্ষীণে (kShINe) = being exhausted
ক্ষুদ্রং (kShudraM) = petty
ক্ষেত্র (kShetra) = of the body
ক্ষেত্র (kShetra) = the field of activities (the body)
ক্ষেত্রং (kShetraM) = this body
ক্ষেত্রং (kShetraM) = the field of activities (the body)
ক্ষেত্রং (kShetraM) = the field of activities
ক্ষেত্রং (kShetraM) = the field
ক্ষেত্রং (kShetraM) = field of activities
ক্ষেত্রজ্ঞ (kShetraj~na) = and the knower of the body
ক্ষেত্রজ্ঞং (kShetraj~naM) = the knower of the field
ক্ষেত্রজ্ঞঃ (kShetraj~naH) = the knower of the field
ক্ষেত্রজ্ঞয়োঃ (kShetraj~nayoH) = and the knower of the field
ক্ষেত্রজ্ঞয়োঃ (kShetraj~nayoH) = of the proprietor of the body
ক্ষেত্রী (kShetrI) = the soul
ক্ষেত্রেষু (kShetreShu) = in bodily fields
ক্ষেমং (kShemaM) = protection
ক্ষেমতরং (kShemataraM) = better
জ্ঞাতব্যং (j~nAtavyaM) = knowable
জ্ঞাতুং (j~nAtuM) = to know
জ্ঞাতেন (j~nAtena) = by knowing
জ্ঞাত্বা (j~nAtvA) = knowing well
জ্ঞাত্বা (j~nAtvA) = knowing
জ্ঞাত্বা (j~nAtvA) = thus knowing
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = in knowledge
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = with knowledge
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = of knowledge
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = of perfect knowledge
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = by acquired knowledge
জ্ঞান (j~nAna) = by knowledge
জ্ঞানং (j~nAnaM) = into knowledge
জ্ঞানং (j~nAnaM) = knowledge of
জ্ঞানং (j~nAnaM) = knowledge
জ্ঞানং (j~nAnaM) = pure consciousness
জ্ঞানং (j~nAnaM) = phenomenal knowledge
জ্ঞানঃ (j~nAnaH) = whose knowledge
জ্ঞানগম্যং (j~nAnagamyaM) = to be approached by knowledge
জ্ঞানচক্ষুষঃ (j~nAnachakShuShaH) = those who have
the eyes of knowledge.
জ্ঞানচক্ষুষা (j~nAnachakShuShA) = by the vision of knowledge
জ্ঞানদীপিতে (j~nAnadIpite) = because of the urge for self-realization.
জ্ঞানপ্লবেন (j~nAnaplavena) = by the boat of transcendental knowledge
জ্ঞানয়জ্ঞঃ (j~nAnayaj~naH) = sacrifice in knowledge
জ্ঞানয়জ্ঞাঃ (j~nAnayaj~nAH) = sacrifice in advancement of
transcendental knowledge
জ্ঞানয়জ্ঞেন (j~nAnayaj~nena) = by cultivation of knowledge
জ্ঞানয়োগেন (j~nAnayogena) = by the linking process of knowledge
জ্ঞানবতাং (j~nAnavatAM) = of the wise
জ্ঞানবান্ (j~nAnavAn) = one who is in full knowledge
জ্ঞানবান্ (j~nAnavAn) = learned
জ্ঞানস্য (j~nAnasya) = of knowledge
জ্ঞানাঃ (j~nAnAH) = knowledge
জ্ঞানাগ্নিঃ (j~nAnAgniH) = the fire of knowledge
জ্ঞানাত্ (j~nAnAt) = than knowledge
জ্ঞানানাং (j~nAnAnAM) = of all knowledge
জ্ঞানাবস্থিত (j~nAnAvasthita) = situated in transcendence
জ্ঞানিনঃ (j~nAninaH) = of the knower
জ্ঞানিনঃ (j~nAninaH) = to the person in knowledge
জ্ঞানিনঃ (j~nAninaH) = the self-realized
জ্ঞানিভ্যঃ (j~nAnibhyaH) = than the wise
জ্ঞানী (j~nAnI) = one in full knowledge
জ্ঞানী (j~nAnI) = one who is in knowledge
জ্ঞানী (j~nAnI) = one who knows things as they are
জ্ঞানে (j~nAne) = in knowledge
জ্ঞানেন (j~nAnena) = with knowledge
জ্ঞানেন (j~nAnena) = by knowledge
জ্ঞাস্যসি (j~nAsyasi) = you can know
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = to be understood
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = to be known
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = the object of knowledge
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = the objective of knowledge
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = the knowable
জ্ঞেয়ং (j~neyaM) = be known
জ্ঞেয়ঃ (j~neyaH) = should be known
জ্ঞেয়োসি (j~neyosi) = You can be known
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